Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for December 2010

sneaky nicodemon

hey everybody that sneaky nicodemon is playing serious mindgames with me now - ...

still going good :)

I have been quit for 1 Month, 2 Weeks, 3 Days, 13 hours, 55 minutes and 35 secon...

Day Nine and feeling Fine

Just got back from a half hour run. Feel refreshed and good. Teeth seem to loo...
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10 weeks

Not one slight puff or whiff of a ciggie now for 10 weeks that will be 70 days -...

Day 11 and things are changing fast

Hello All, I am on day 11 and i am feeling good, i dont really have any seriou...

Can't seem to stop eating!!!!!

Day 23 and I seem to have found an appetite which is something i've never had be...


Erm, day 25?!! WTF, how did that happen?!! On Friday night at about 11.30pm (i w...

Day 8 my first post all going well

Wow what a great site for support. I have read a few of the posts on here and am...

55 days

Dear All. Just to let everyone know I am still not smoking and as it goes it is ...

Moving in for a week or so

Woo Hooooo. Now on day 22 so into my 4th week as a non smoker. Survived the we...

today i want to smoke

minor crisis today, three months in to the day and all i want to do is smoke. no...

Day 5 on champix !!!

Hi every one, first of all bit about my self im 23 this month smoke app 20 a day...

Failed last attempt - now on day 7 of quit

Well I was snowed in a caravan park last week and so couldn't get cigs. Now I a...

Day 11 and all's well ....

Into my 11th day … and feeling a bit smug that I have gained enough strength to ...

get ready I am almost here

Get ready I am almost here :D
Hidden profile image

Paying the price

I don't post on here very often these days - but with my 27th complete month of ...

I am so irritable

Halfway through day 5 and I am being so nasty horrible and I know I am am.I cant...

I see a different person in the mirror

Wow.. thank God i found this forum.. I have a sounding board to offload on.. Da...

Feeling Great!

One of the most fantastic side-effects of quitting I have experienced about myse...

One day at a time

Iv managed through at Saturday night and I am at the end of day 4.Been a bit up ...

What's your problem?

- Giving up is as easy as not smoking next one, so what keeps you going? - You w...

Flying visit

Hi all, Hope everyone is well. Just making a flying visit into month one as I m...

Low fat patches tomorrow

Hi everyone, Just popped in to say that I'm dropping from 'semi-skimmed' (14mg)...

Over 3 years

Hi All Not after any pats on the back and I am not going to post an end of year...
Tomatpots profile image
10 Years Smoke Free

My Reasons and Thensome

Hey guys, I've been smoking for less than a year, and beat myself up about it ev...

soooo excited

It's nearly 10 months since I gave up the demon weed.. and what a rollercoaster ...

Is it just me~But........................

Hi Guys and Gals, Sorry not been about much but i find that if i come on here t...

Surviving the pub

Hello everyone, I have been reading this forum and thought joining in could be...

Day 5

Struggling struggling!!! woke up[ this morning I,v never stopped thinking about ...

Nearing End of Week 2

I had my last ciggie on Sunday 21st November so I'm just about to go into my 2nd...

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