Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for November 2009

Place your bets

Off to the Stop Smoking clinic at 4.30 - 2 weeks ago the breath test thingy was ...

where do I belong??

Hello all Hope all is well. If I am on day 22, where I am supposed to be posti...

A funny old week...some musings

Well it certainly has been an odd week. Perhaps its part of the dreaded 3s (as ...
Atomicguy profile image
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Gained over 2 stone!!

How depressing eh!! Went to see doctor this morning and had to step on the scal...

2nd week

cant believe im into my 2nd week,so pleased week one is over with got a really s...

Age anyone??

I was wondering about people’s ages on this board? Besides the fact I'm just nos...

fast aproaching 100 hours :-)

nearly at the 100 hours mark, feeling much better and more positive today, it he...

Strangely Jealous.................

Hi All I was telling the GF about this site, the Octoquits, and the support we ...

Octo Quitters

It was a cold day in Ocober and we decided to quit for ever No longer wanting t...

hi all *cough cough to 1 member* day 3 gone

i feel good:) why you might ask...well 1) got new phone today so i added few co...

Hi Octoquits

To all my friends in Octoquits, how are you all doing ????? Some of you have g...

Day 9 - had my first irrational shouty rant and feel like a cow.

I thought I'd been doing so well at not being too grumpy this time round. I'd m...

75 Days today!

It's been 75 days since I last had a Benson and Hedges Silver, and feeling good!...

Day 3!!!!

I'm on day 3! I totally know that I CANNOT drink and try to quit smoking, unless...

Day 26 and........

....I'm all chavved up and off to play badminton! It's the first time I've had a...


I dont like posting negative posts and have tried really hard to be positive on ...


I've decided to give quitting smoking another attempt. I was going to do this a ...

Day 4 - Bonkers on Day 3

So, day 4 for me. Discounting Sunday when the drive home, cold due to having an...

4 more hours and day 1 done!

Hi all After about 6 quit attempts in the last month, I'm now back on day 1. Go...

I can't believe it - I' in Week 2!!

HI Everyone I'm soooooo happy today I'm in week 2!! I've made it and I'm still...

Day 3 of Champix

Well Day 3 of Champix for me and well not alot has changed so far, however I am ...

What have people done with the money saved

Just wondering what people have decided to do with the money saved from not smok...

Not sure where I belong

I quit on 21st October, So I suppose I've been quit 2 weeks but i'm in my third ...

im sat here watching loose women

Well day time tv im feeling a bit better just had my dinner and sat here watchin...

Breaking News

Morning you lovely people I just wanted to announce that after a very painful o...

A heartfelt thanks.............

Hi All Ok its time to look back. First of all i consider myself extremely luc...

28 days...........

HOORAY !!! Still not sure if thats 4 weeks or month or whatever lol Congrats t...

Officially Week 2

Hooray - it is now officially the start of my Week 2! I can't remember the last...

so close to day 4 had a wobble this morning

am now up to 72 hours smoke free, I decided that counting the hours was better f...

I've finally quit the weed!

Hey guys, Sorry its been a while since my last post. I'm currently working in ...

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