Age anyone??: I was wondering about people’s... - No Smoking Day

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Age anyone??

nsd_user663_5401 profile image
47 Replies

I was wondering about people’s ages on this board? Besides the fact I'm just nosey I was thinking does our quitting coincide with a certain age bracket? (Is there a time in our lives we decide we are not immortal after all)

What I mean is I have never wanted to give up before but then I suddenly thought I better as at 42 I have noticed I have more facial lines than someone my age who has never smoked.

Anyway I am 42 but look 21 (in a dark room with a bag over my head!!:eek:)

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nsd_user663_5401 profile image
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47 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

I'm 66 1/2 but don't feel that old :D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I'm 66 1/2 but don't feel that old :D

..and you look 25 my love :D

nsd_user663_5812 profile image

47 going on 12

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

..and you look 25 my love :D

HA HA Thanks Christine you just made my day


Marg xx

Cyprien profile image

I hit the big five-oh this year, but don't feel it and some might say certainly don't act it.

It's quite sweet really. Jack was telling us in another thread that his GF was a bit jealous about the Octoquits. It would be nice if she imagined us all as leggy, blonde super-models in our 20s. But the reality is that I think we're all middle-aged women, goes with the territory of hitting an age and realising that you are no longer invincible as far as cigarettes are concerned.


nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Well I always said I was going to stop before I was 40...missed that!

Then it was before I was 50.....missed that!

So I'm now 57 (although my 37 and 36 year old daughters are more mature than me! :rolleyes: )

I had a lady decorator doing some decorating for me recently and I told her I was about to quit smoking and she told me I haven't got a smoker's skin :confused: Admittedly she's never seen me when I roll out of bed and before I put me slap on so that might've helped!

Mind you the past week I've seen my mother looking back at me in the mirror...I certainly don't look as healthy as I did, not sure if my tan has disappeared suddenly or I've just had a nicotine stained face all this time? Where I'm sleeping so well my eyes are like slits until about midday and my hair needs a good cut (but don't think that has anything to do with quiting).

Oh yes, all these bloody benefits are just marvellous!!!

I am on a bit of a downer at the moment....thought I'd got away too easily...that'll teach me for bragging it's been plain sailing!!!

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

I'm 40 and it certainly had something to do with my quitting decision, weird, somehow it feels it's the right time to stop. as said in other threads, like Christine, I feel like I'm 16 at the mo and going through puberty physically and mentally! :eek: oh joy :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

47 today. I meant to give up before 40 and then each year following but at last, a smoke free birthday, the second in probably 30 years. The only other smoke free birthday was on my 27th, when I found I was pregnant with our first.

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

heck, I thought you are all leggy 20-something blondes... so I was going to be a 30 year old adonis..... oh well, as we're being honest, I'm probably the most senior at 55, and yes, age is a factor in my decision.

jackieinv profile image

Happy smoke-free birthday Pol.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

heck, I thought you are all leggy 20-something blondes... so I was going to be a 30 year old adonis..... oh well, as we're being honest, I'm probably the most senior at 55, and yes, age is a factor in my decision.

We all thought you and Jack were young 20 something’s too, damn. I'm leaving and going to the alcohol addition board as they are all young:D. However my theory is right, I think age has a lot to do with us quitting. Frankly my dears we are running scared, but we are now wise enough to see this through:)

Pol my love, Happy Birthday sweetheart have a great day.

nsd_user663_5812 profile image

Happy birthday pol and may you have many more smoke free ones :):):)

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Happy, happy birthday Pol! :D

nsd_user663_6172 profile image

I'm 42 years young :)

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

wow!!!! Am I the youngest??? :confused:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

So far Corrine, in this thread, you've been the youngest.

Just think, you also have the most to gain in extra time to live by not smoking :)

Thanks folks for the lovely Birthday wishes. I have a lovely box of Thorntons that will be opened tonight (maybe sooner) your all welcome to share.

My sons are both amazed and really quite bowled over by my 3 weeks just over of not smoking. The younger one did comment however "guess this means you'll be around longer then to keep nagging at us"? Too right :D

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

thanks Pol, hadn't thought of it that way :)

you've got to love kids!! mine are just so laid back with my grumpiness, they are awesome and so mature about the whole thing... and I think the quitting process is putting them off from ever smoking in the first place :D

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

heck, I thought you are all leggy 20-something blondes... so I was going to be a 30 year old adonis..... oh well, as we're being honest, I'm probably the most senior at 55, and yes, age is a factor in my decision.

49 here, Gave up the day i ran upstairs and nearly fainted with the effort ....not now though :)

nsd_user663_1719 profile image

I'm 31 (I know you were all imagining me to be about 80, with long white hair. throwing cats at everyone who crosses my path and waving my walking stick to scare small children.......)

nsd_user663_6090 profile image

Happy happy birthday Pol !!

I am 50 and 3/4 always said I want to be fit and fag free by 50 so I suppose better late than never.

Have dropped to middle patch and finding it harder than I thought to adjust to lower level of Nic , trying to resist the NRT gum though, feel I shall have to grind out next few days !!


nsd_user663_4859 profile image

Age was a factor for me too, which some have said they would quit before 40 and I too missed that then 41 well now at 42 I am trying harder than ever. Seem to being doing ok so far going CT, just have to stay away from beer for a good while and I think I will be ok.


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

35 here - age not really a factor, except if I left it much longer the risks from my stupidity just keep getting higher.

Cyprien profile image

Pol. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear pol, Happy birthday to you.

Now, where's my cake, wine, champagne, sweeties etc to celebrate? Well done. Great news to celebrate a smoke-free birthday.

Onwards for the Octoquits!


nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I was wondering about people’s ages on this board? Besides the fact I'm just nosey I was thinking does our quitting coincide with a certain age bracket?

Here's a good thread for you then.....

How old are we all?

nsd_user663_5557 profile image

43. No particular time frame for quitting. Thought about it for ages (years). Went for it.

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

42 here and I wanted to quit 10 years ago just cause and well it took 10 years to come around LOL. Age was a factor as I want to see my son become a man and see what he become as he gets older. Tried a quit about 5 years ago and made it 3 months but I went to Graceland and drank tequila and thats all she wrote.:D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Here's a good thread for you then.....

How old are we all?

Thanks Bella

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

42 here and I wanted to quit 10 years ago just cause and well it took 10 years to come around LOL. Age was a factor as I want to see my son become a man and see what he become as he gets older. Tried a quit about 5 years ago and made it 3 months but I went to Graceland and drank tequila and thats all she wrote.:D

Nicely put!!

It really does seem to be the 40s & 50s who are the majority here (even though I wish I had done this in my 20s), even though those in their 30s are lucky as they will have less wrinkles. It's to late for some of us.:mad:

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Thanks hun, only the King could have brought me off my quit LOL.:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_5372 profile image

I'm 42 and it was 1 month smoke free yesterday.

We are all just starting out LOL :)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

47 years young here, still 17 and tall leggy blonde in my head though!!..:p

Happy birthday yesterday Pol.:D

I reckon this is the age we start to see/feel the effects of smoking and realise we are gambling with our health...:(

nsd_user663_2376 profile image


Going on 21 :)

nsd_user663_6249 profile image

43 and, umm, do I need to be a tall, leggy blonde to be on here?!


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

43 and, umm, do I need to be a tall, leggy blonde to be on here?!


You can be anything you like hun, all are welcome....:)

L x

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Sorry Dave you are not the oldest, beat you Im 56. Health is my main reason for giving up want to see my grandchildren grow up.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi All

I think I should hang my head in shame [but I'm not going to] I was 65 1/2 when I quit almost a year ago now of course 66 1/2

So much later in age quitting than most of you



nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi All

I think I should hang my head in shame [but I'm not going to] I was 65 1/2 when I quit almost a year ago now of course 66 1/2

So much later in age quitting than most of you



Not at all have probably worn better than the rest of us!!! ;)

L x

nsd_user663_5879 profile image

Wow am i the baby of the group :O

Sorry Corinne :P

Happy smoking free birthday pol hope you got plenty of lovely pressies

Im 27 smoked for 12 years didnt want to go over thirty as a smoker no idea why i suddenly decided to stop ive tried before three times and failed after first couple days had sort of resigned meself to be a smoker for life then life changed and im delighted i have 27 smoke free days to be proud of me for

Hope all you lovely people are well today xx

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

you are the baby indeed Elaine ;)

you should be proud to have been wiser earlier than most of us. we stopped on the same day and I look forward to our 1st full month as non smokers next week :D

nsd_user663_5879 profile image

I know Friday the 13th here we come hehe

Never looked forward to that date before lol

I wouldnt say im wise missus but hey we all have our moments ... This forum is fab tho i dunno if i would have lasted without it...

So now we are quitting day triplets Christine, you and i hehe !!!

Keep it up missus :):):)

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

oh yes baby :p

nsd_user663_4685 profile image

I'm 23 one of the reasons why I wanted to quit smoking because I was still pretty young and it would of been easier now then what it would of been in say another ten years.. I still get asked for ID for drink though sometimes when I buy it, so I must still look pretty young. ;) and that can only be a good thing!

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Great decision you've made Ozzy in quitting now rather than later :)

I wish I'd had the maturity and strength to have gone for it waaaay back then.

Thanks Elaine for the Smokefree b'day wishes - lot's of treats, including a lovely skirt which I will not comfort eat myself out of.

Friday 13th for your 1 month celebration milestone? Bring it on :D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

52 for me 53

nsd_user663_4685 profile image

Great decision you've made Ozzy in quitting now rather than later :)

I wish I'd had the maturity and strength to have gone for it waaaay back then.

Thank you. :D The main thing is you realised now rather then even later in your life. I'm not sure how old you are but quitting smoking at any age is a massive bonus no matter how old you are. :D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Ozzy, I'm 47, and your right, now is better than later.

Even though I'm not sure I'm feeling any health benefits just yet, I still know it's the right thing to do.

nsd_user663_6208 profile image

I'm 35, started around the age of 17/18 in my early AirForce days. As with a lot of people it started out as a social thing when I was having a few beers with the lads before I knew it I'm 35 and looking back at 18ish years of smoking.

I've had enough now and feel quite confident and protective of my quit, I'll not allow myself to smoke again.

Not what you're looking for?