Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for November 2009

Day 13

Hi everyone wow were has the time gone soon be 2 weeks i cant believe were the t...

Day 8

Into the second week we go then. Made it through the temptations of the weekend ...

Tongue on fire!

Anyone else had this? I woke in the night for the usual bathroom dash....went ba...
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In my 5th week..going to Mexico

My goal is to expose myself to everything I can think of......where I would usua...

Entering Day 6 chestpains

Hello to all , First post for me , and as i type this .. I am entering day 6 wi...

im hurting.........

I didnt think CT would be this hard after Champix. But your not beating me girl...

My day 2

Hi all, I'm on day two and am suprised at how easy it has been. I tried to sto...

day 8 over soon!

im back (again from a weekend away in leicester) & i still havn't smoked, now fr...

My reasons

Can't afford it. Will be able to pay off debts quicker. Hopefully will have mo...

First post - day 31!

Hi all, Well I've been lurking these forums since I quit (cold turkey) on 8 Oct...

Day 12

Well how is everyone? Soon be 2 weeks and well chuff

Hello month twoers...

..bit late checking in. I forgot that I've actually now entered month two. Feels...
Cyprien profile image

31 days = 1 month

Wow I canit believe I have actually managed to get to count in months. Without ...

Nine months for Lorraine67

Well done Lorraine, nine months smoke free today. Congratulations from David. Ho...

Howdy 18th week (17 now done)

This'll probably be my last weekly update on here for a while. Now done 17 week...

Has anyone failed CT and used gum?

Hi all After several recent attempts at quitting cold turkey, I've caved on day...

First attempt

I have been reading this site on and off for a while and have read several of th...

Day 28 - think the habit's just about kicked!

...Now to work on the addiction! :D A strange thing happened yesterday. I was a...

champix advice needed

Hi folks, hope everyone is well and still off the evil little white sticks. I ha...

Day 10 Today

WOW we are geting there i wasnet on yesterday as i was very busy but that is a g...

Going CT.............

Hi All As of today im giving up the Champx and going CT. Lets see how it goes....

It was a month for me yesterday

I was a month smoke free yesterday YIPPEE. It is starting to get a bit easier b...

hi all

hi all hope you are doing well I am still on champix my hands are shaking quit a...

spots on arm that patch is on??????

i have just noticed that i have got 3 or 4 spots on my face and 2 on my arm, wel...

my reasons

Hi evry1 I quit 17 days ago my reasons fed up with my daughter nagging me shes 1...

YAY - One month and I bring . . . .

Wine, chocolates, freshly ground coffee and coffeecake (for Sue) and, as I’m sur...

hooooooooray!!!!! 100 HOURS REACHED!

Am so proud of myself for reaching the 100 hour mark. couldnt have done it witho...

Confesion time

I had a couple of cigarettes whilst drinking wednesday night..Woke up thursday a...

Hooray - I am in week 2 and want to share this

Here I am I have made it here, a few scars to show for it especially the mental ...

The Fallen..............

HI all Just to get us all in focus. How many people have lapsed since we all ...

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