4 more hours and day 1 done!: Hi all After... - No Smoking Day

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4 more hours and day 1 done!

nsd_user663_5881 profile image
8 Replies

Hi all

After about 6 quit attempts in the last month, I'm now back on day 1. Going cold turkey and boy can I feel it! :rolleyes:

Managed to do the Sainasburies shop without going to the fag counter though! :)

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nsd_user663_5881 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_6208 profile image

Well done you, get day 1 out of the way, forget about it and move onto day 2

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Doglover :)

Welcome back so the 1st day almost done that's great hang on there



nsd_user663_4961 profile image

hey doglover,

well done. stay persistent and hang in there! You might want to remove all the things around you that will make you want to smoke, ash trays lighters etc.

Also keep yourself busy, watching a clock tick makes everything so much worse! Remember to drink plenty of water and it helps doing light exercise (ie walking)

Good luck!!


nsd_user663_5881 profile image

24 hours done and I am gagging for a fag, but I am not going to give in! I so hope this gets easier!!!

nsd_user663_2485 profile image

Don't Give Up


Well, I'm here at my computer petting my corgi and mutt/Jack Russell and it has been two years since I quit smoking, plus a few weeks.

Just remember that it gets easier every single day. Just a little bit easier every day. Some days that "little bit" may seem as far away as Mars, but it is like how the day shortens or lengthens by the season. The length of daylight in a day changes only a minute or so, but when you count up the minutes over a month and the months pile up, soon it's high summer and daytime never seems to end.

Before you know it, you will be on top of the world and a non-smoker. Just keep it up.

Your dogs will thank you. For that matter, you will thank you.

Rob W

Quit: 17 October 2007

Method: Cold Turkey

Slips: None....!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Doglover :D

Well done getting through day 1 keep going remember baby steps just one day at a time but you'll find they add up very quickly to weeks and then months


Marg xx

Hi Rob

Very well done on your 2 + years smoke free that's fantastic


nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Well done doglover on your day 1...just take it hour by hour today. I found just sitting tight at my computer and reading, reading and reading some more really helped. Not just smoking related things either...anything to take your mind of the week.

Good luck for today

Jackie J xxx

nsd_user663_6067 profile image

well done doglover :)

Just take it an hour at a time and the time will soon pass - YOU CAN DO IT!

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