Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for March 2013

smoking control

what I try to do is to limit my smoking by smoking as much as I "need" but not a...

Day 3 For Me

Im progressing ok a parents night tonight at school so must try to remain calm a...

21 days!

It's 3 weeks since I had the last ciggie on Wednesday 27th February at 7.30am! ...
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I failed a breath test

Hi! I'm new here and I need some help. I stopped smoking 6 weeks ago. 2 weeks ag...

Four years!!!

Deke - Free and Healing for Four Years, 1 Hour and 23 Minutes, while extending m...
Deke profile image
9 Years Smoke Free

Singing the blues

Hello All, Been reading posts for a week now. Been a smoker for 40 years - now ...

Hello, I'm new here.

I am trying to quit smoking after 60 years because of COPD (Pulmonary disease). ...

Day 6

Well indeed-into day 6, nothing too major but having some little niggles. Onward...

Day 3 of no smoking!!! :)

Hey I'm new here. I'm using champix and am so far dong ok just a few cravings ...

oops I slipped up

im having to start again. I was on day 8. I have a panic disorder and havent ...

At this moment in time ...

I feel f*****g exhausted! But reminded myself, earlier on, of that nice feeling...

Double figures - Day 10 woohoo!

Good morning day 10 yippee!

2 weeks completed

Two weeks gone without smoking. But i am facing back pain problem for the past t...

A few tips never to be filtered

Find something to do that you wouldn't smoke during (Obviously can't do it all t...

1st week feelings

I have quit before but never noticed everything that happened before. Maybe sinc...

To my Three Musketeers

Next time I have a "blip", please can you remind me how baby soft my skin has be...

I've made the Penthouse - Yesssssss

Well nearly. I'm posting now just in case i don't get a chance later. I'm final...

day 7 and i want to scream

Hi everyone im new here and could use a bit of support please! At 11pm i will of...

Roll Call Month 3

I would like to see s show of hands for those still standing and remaining smoke...

oo ar oo ar

Been to the farm today with work. Took 73 kids aged 3-5, usually on a school tri...
hellerscatch profile image

Busy day

My daughter is arriving this evening for a few days, so have been busy preparing...

Made it to day 3 !

Another day at work done another day no smoking! Feel like crap the day tho shak...

Day 2

On to day two of my stop. Lunchtime now so the morning completed managing ok at...

At this moment in time ...

I feel optimistic, because I know I will fight for as long as it takes. I feel h...

How hard can it be?

For anyone that's in the remotest bit interested, I'm about to find out. I last...

Day 5!!!!!!

Been lurking on here a while but decided why not join in!! Anyhow So far its 4 d...

13 Days

13 smoke free days have been completed. I'm harvesting the benefits of non-smoke...

Day 11!

Definitely my most successful quit to date. My mind is struggling to comprehend...

Day 7 already?!

Well it`s day 7!! I can`t believe that week has gone so quickly. It`s not been t...

8 weeks tomorrow ... problems re menstrual cycle ...

Hello! Sorry for TMI - but have any other lady quitters noticed a change in the...

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