Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for March 2013

Day 19

Day 19 and alls good. Haven't put a cartridge in my inhalator today so using it ...
clarey33 profile image

Hello Week 2!!!

Woohoo here I am on Day 8 How are you all? Alls good here! I found today fine,...

Hello Week 2!!

Woohoo here I am on Day 8 :D How are you all? Alls good here! I found today fin...
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Day 6 in the No smoking house

Done fantastic today, been to a friend's who smokes indoors and I coped well. I ...

Day One

1st day for me of the wicked weed, Ive smoked for 30 years plus, approx 20 cigs ...


Hi there. I am on Day 10 of my quit now, and I was just wondering if there are ...

made it in to my 2nd day!

Well i have made my 2nd day!! :D And it was my 1st day being at work all day and...

21 days whoopee

3 weeks now without a cig wow I am so pleased with myself. Getting easier now no...

One man's story

Found the attached elsewhere on the interweb. Relates to the 'baby steps' often...

Day 61!! Officially qualified for Month 3

I cant believe its been 2 months since I lit up my last fag. I have tried quitti...

Plod Plod week 5

What more can I say. Now in week 5. Yesterday was a bad day. I didn't take my pa...

Day 7

yesterday was a toughy, but thats because i super challenged my self to no NRT I...


Smoke free day 3 Hi I am new! always thought of giving up,but ne...

Day 6!!

Today is day 6!!!! Bring it on.....:D

5 weeks in !

Well here i am, smoke free for 5 weeks or to be precise 35 days :rolleyes:, hope...

Day 4

Day 4 - easier than Day 3 :) Still have bad lungs and wondering how long it wi...

Kat-am I in the right place?

Ok so I am a little confused as to what room/day/week I'm meant to be in! Origin...

A Bad Idea

Okay, so I've caved. I've gone online and ordered myself an e-cig. The plan bein...

Day 5 - and still here!

Day 5 today and feeling OK. Had my first post quit run today, actually first run...

Weekend = Conquered :)

Just me again folks blowing my own trumpet :D It was the easiest but I conquere...

1st day off the smoking 5th time of asking!

Hi all Been thinking about it for months to give up again so today just b4 12 t...

Slow torture!!

Well i can honestly say that these past two days have been absolute torture!! Th...

day 6 and 21 hours

i forgot to put on a patch today, and mannn im feeling the pain. ive just gone ...


That's how I feel today.. :(. I seem to have a good day bad day.... Grrrrr why t...

Heart Palpatations?

I've noticed over the last couple of weeks that, a few times a day, I will feel ...

Day 20

Here I am on day 20 of my quit and the misery of the last few days has left me t...

Day 5 in the No smoking house

Still going strong! Got some crap on my chest but starting to feel good now pang...

Good Morning World :)

I was so sure that I woud give in yesterday. I'd already decided that it was onl...

Omg 2000 posts

how scary is that i know obviously most of them have been pics of cute ickle a...

Day 7

Was around smokers yesterday but still here Day 7 and smoke free! FIRST time qui...

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