Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for December 2011

Made it!

Have made it through what seems like the longest week of my life. I have NEVER ...

2 Years For Danny Boy

I have just realised that my quit Buddy Danny Boy has not posted this great achi...

Three Months -Dilemna

I think I have a problem guys. By the end of today I will have completed three ...
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A year and a bit

I can't believe I have managed over a year without nicotine. Had a rough couple...

Getting fit

Hi all I have always kept myself physically fit, and here's the paradox, even w...


Ruined. Have just ruined a nearly 3 month quit. 1 day off. All got too much. ...

Day 2: Keep on Keepin' on

First of all, I'd like to say a big 'thank you' to all the wonderful support and...

Day 17

Day 17 is nearly over for me now. Just wanted to post as I havent posted in a wh...

My second day on champix

Hi there everyone, a newbie here! I received my prescription yesterday and colle...

First train journey

Hi all, I am a little nervous cos tomorrow I am going away for Christmas and th...

Quitting For Good

I have brought forward my quit date to tomorrow night :eek: I'm sure there's a ...

Day 10 and iv beat my world record!!

Hello again to all of u on here! I just wanted to share my good news with u all ...

Day 1: A Rather Strange Odyssey

OK. So, I woke-up this morning at 6 a.m. Pretty much straight away, I wanted a c...

The Plan

Some people will know I'm having a pretty crapola time at work but my husband an...

32 days :)

Hello to all in month 2 glad to be here. Jacqui

Day 11 - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

We all periodically have 'One of Those Days'. Yesterday - Day 11 for me, was my ...

I cant do it

I really cant just move up to the next month on 7th January. Ive smoked, it may ...


Its so scary the thought of quitting !! Iv not picked a date yet but its soon, ...

day 83

day 83 . nothing to say today apart from have a nice smoke free day.

Oh yes he did!

Call me lardy, the OH soon to be homeless OH that is lol He has also given up a...

After a year

Hello everyone. I am sorry to be here after a struggle for a year I started to s...

I'm still here

I have not been posting recently but there is nothing sinister or bad about that...

Day 75...creaking...

Went for a christmas curry (I'm in Birmingham - this is normal:p) with OH & her ...

Deep Breath and Calmed down

Right. First of all a big thank you to everyone who replied and to those that ...

Vile smell/taste

Im on day... 17?? i think now? For the bast 15days iv had a vile smell and load...

Day 11 :)

Hey guys, on day 11 and apart from the first 3/4 days it's been so much easier t...

Missing smething :(

Since I quit smoking I feel like I am missing something ! I cant place it, but ...

day 82

day 82 . not sleeping well too cold. been up since 6 am . early for me . must be...

4th Month :D

Hello friends! I am now in my 4th month of being smoke free! Sorry I haven't ch...

1month today yes yes yes 30 days done.

:eek::D:eek: Hello all, pleased to announce as from tomorrow I will be in the 2m...

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