Getting fit: Hi all I have always kept... - No Smoking Day

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Getting fit

nsd_user663_4558 profile image
21 Replies

Hi all

I have always kept myself physically fit, and here's the paradox, even when smoking 20 a day for 40 years :eek:. I tried cold turkey in the past and found I was training too much and realised I was replacing nicotine with adrenalin :mad:. So don't do this!

There are a lot of tips and support aimed at the emotional themes associated with quitting but not seen many for fitness.

So here goes.

We all have increased oxygen levels and energy (depends of which stage you are at) so why not use some exercise to get fit. The physical improvements will ultimately support the emotional changes our bodies are going through.

I think the easiest way to start is by walking at a faster pace than you normally do. Set a time and a distance for yourself and get out in the fresh air. Powerwalking is great and much less stressful on the knees. (I do this two days per week). You will find you can complete your distance much faster after about a week - so increase it.

I use light weights (on a curling bar) with plenty of reps to keep the heart rate going (3 times per week). This is mixed with bike work using an exercise machine (warm-up before the weights). Lateral thigh trainers are also good - I use the wife's - and I love my rowing machine. (twice per week)

Sessions are 15 - 30 mins per day with one day of rest during the week. I am using champix and on 9th day. This is my normal training routine so not seeking increased adrenalin but feeling much fitter with not smoking.

Anybody else got any tips to get back to fitness? ;)

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nsd_user663_4558 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_4558 profile image

I'm knackered just reading it :eek: I have NEVER exercised in my life but it is something I want to change. I would really have to start off slow though.

I have got a stepper with a counter to start with. Will be interesting to see how my score improves over the first month.

Thanks for the tips x

Stepper is good. :) Get a stop watch from argos (about £7) and keep a diary of your workouts. date, duriation, setting etc. You can even put in front of the tv and exercise. (tip = its best to have a bit of carpet under the stepper as it can produce some black residue from its internals, plays havoc with light coloured carpets!)

Have fun.

nsd_user663_34855 profile image

I soooo wish I had the motivation to excercise. I really have no excuse as we have gym equipment at home, but it just sits there looking pretty. I walk past it and think I MUST make some effort to get this half stone off. I've never been one for excercise and I don't think I'm likely to start at this age. I do envy people that can excercise though, if only I had the same motivation to excercise as I have to quit smoking I'd look like a twiglet within a month :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

You lot are scaring me, have none of you read the e******e thread? there will be loads of forum members feinting at just the thought let alone getting up there and doing it.

Wait till after Chriggy and then get motivated, I know I need to but need and will are to different things, just

that word e******e scares the s**t out of me.

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

I wish it scared the s**t out of me. Kinda bunged up at the mo!!!!!:eek:

nsd_user663_34855 profile image


Glad someone else brought that one up !

Worst part of my quit TBH......however normal service has now been resumed thank goodness :o

nsd_user663_37391 profile image

hahaha, plenty of veg for you Dicko over Christmas, that'll sort you out :D

nsd_user663_39132 profile image

There's an E******e Thread?

Perhaps I should read it, because I've been jogging & walking... and walking some more.

Is that a bad thing, right now?

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

Perhaps I should read it, because I've been jogging & walking... and walking some more.

Is that a bad thing, right now?

It is most definately not a bad thing. The only problem I have found with any form of exercise is - wanting a cig afterwards.

Used rowing machine yesterday and crossed the Atlantic in 20 mins. Had to divert my thoughts from the brain-weed 10mins after! But it's getting easier each time. :D

nsd_user663_39132 profile image

Didn't hink It Was Bad

... it was the passing reference to an exercise thread that threw me a bit. I'e always liked the IDEA of being a runner. I look at runners sailing effortlessly past me on the streets & think: "Wow - I'd so love to be able to do that!"

I've made up my mind to do just that. My problem of course is that I want to be an accomplished runner RIGHT NOW! Uh.... no. I'm following a well crafted program that promises to take me from the couch to running 5k in 9 weeks. Three days a week of running, a lot of walk/running the first several weeks. You push further every week, then further on, every session. It works - I'm simply being impatient. I'm all about instant gratification...LOL

9 weeks takes me through early February & once I know I can run that distance, I can decide what to do with it. Do I extend my time or distance? Do I enter local fun races with the city's road racing association? The possibilities are limitless & the health benefits unquestionable.

It's also helping my Quit so far. I run midafternoon when I find I have the toughest time with cravings. Getting ready, running, then cleaning up after gets me safely through that rough spell. Days I'm not running, I'm out 'power walking' during that same time frame. The fresh air, the knowledge I'm doing something positive for a change - not sure what is working but something is working. I think part of it is seeing that running gets a little easier every session - THAT I can attribute to my Quit so I get that gratification I'm looking for.

Now, I'm fighting the idiotic urge to run every day - I'm 51 & my body needs time to ease into more rigorous exercise. If my brain still wasn't on holiday, I'd do more baking but I've already messed up several simple recipes - I need to much adult supervision to tackle anything complex just yet!

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

The trick is to control the adrenalin (wax on, wax off) and the massive urge to exercise. Try limiting your jogging to 15 to 20 mins till you get over the weed. I have friends who are ex-smokers and they do no more than 20 mins 3times per week and they are content and fit.

I also find its best to run on grass verges rather than the hard road surfaces because its better on the knees.

Kill two birds with one stone, take a mixing bowl and a spoon on the next run. :D

nsd_user663_34425 profile image

CanadaSue. You CAN do it.

A year ago, I was able to just about able to run 5k, as long as I didn't have to walk anywhere for 2 days after! I also felt like my lungs were on fire, and had a stupidly high heart rate after just 10 mins.

I wanted to build up my fitness to run a half marathon in August this year and did actually manage it in 2 hours (and a few seconds) despite smoking.

However, I quit smoking at the start of September, and did another half marathon at the start of October. This time. 1:50! 10 minutes improvement in a month!

I also did the same with my 10k time, knocking 5 mins off my personal best!

I was so shocked that I decided to challenge myself "to the max" next.

So I've just signed up for my first marathon in May.. Hoping to get a time under 4 hours (although the first target is just to survive)!

Just be patient at building up the distance though. Don't overdo it on tight muscles, or they will break before you get chance to build them up.. Remember your rest days!

nsd_user663_40158 profile image

Excercise is fantastic for helping with low moods.I do have the problem that I used to light up afterwards but am sure that I am going to feel so much fitter jogging and not having to stop every few mins to get my breathe.Am very aware of getting fat lol and have often smoked in the past to avoid eating.I would hate to gain weight now I have stopped,it may sound very vain but I'm scared if I put too much weight on I would be tempted to start smoking again to stop myself eating.So giving up smoking is also about not eating too much for me personally aswell.Excercise is the way.Good luck everyone

nsd_user663_42786 profile image

CanadaSue. You CAN do it.

A year ago, I was able to just about able to run 5k, as long as I didn't have to walk anywhere for 2 days after! I also felt like my lungs were on fire, and had a stupidly high heart rate after just 10 mins.

I wanted to build up my fitness to run a half marathon in August this year and did actually manage it in 2 hours (and a few seconds) despite smoking.

However, I quit smoking at the start of September, and did another half marathon at the start of October. This time. 1:50! 10 minutes improvement in a month!

I also did the same with my 10k time, knocking 5 mins off my personal best!

I was so shocked that I decided to challenge myself "to the max" next.

So I've just signed up for my first marathon in May.. Hoping to get a time under 4 hours (although the first target is just to survive)!

Just be patient at building up the distance though. Don't overdo it on tight muscles, or they will break before you get chance to build them up.. Remember your rest days!

That is very inspiring. I tried to run through our park after a few weeks of quitting and it made such a huge difference!

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

Hi all

Exercise on hold for the past two weeks. Got this bloody-nose feel crap sore throat can't sleep bad chest mega tired virus for the past month.

Most of family suffering, especially the young grandkids who are both really poorly. Is there a sodden epidemic going on at the moment as relations in Scotland and down south are also feeling the virus strain.

It takes some shaking off - then it comes back again, and again. :(

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

I want to start some form of excersise too. I do walk the dogs for about 45 mins every day but I don't count that so much as there's a lot of stopping and starting when dog walking, while they sniff/wee/poo!! So although I'm still being active its not gonna get my heart rate going lol

I was wanting to try zumba classes. Any ladies on here tried them? I could get myself a dvd programme of it too to see if I like it before I commit to classes.

Also what types of excersises can I do around the house. I have got some little 2kg weights I bought when I was on a serious diet and fitness programme a couple of years back, so could do bicep curls and stuff? But I hate the gym so really don't want to join one!! Lol

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

I hate running eveything flys out of my pockets and my shoe laces come undone.


nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Smoking destroys vitamins, particularly vitamin C and the B's. If you smoke, it can be critical to supplement yourself. You'll get your vitamin C as a good tasting carbonated mineral water beverage, PLUS a good supply of hard to get minerals all in solution as their highly-absorbable ascorbates.

I was thinking about buying some vitamins only yesterday. I'm after an all round tablet i could take,any idea ? I have no knowledge of this field.

Vitamin C would really benefit me i reckon because i cannot drink anything citrus due to stomach ulcers.

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

The trick is to control the adrenalin (wax on, wax off) and the massive urge to exercise. Try limiting your jogging to 15 to 20 mins till you get over the weed. I have friends who are ex-smokers and they do no more than 20 mins 3times per week and they are content and fit.

I also find its best to run on grass verges rather than the hard road surfaces because its better on the knees.

Kill two birds with one stone, take a mixing bowl and a spoon on the next run. :D

The last time i used a gym i couldn't use treadmills. My legs and feet couldn't handle the impact.

All i did was to use the X trainer,bike and some floor thing which done stomach crunches. I started to get really fit(for me that is) and i never used weights.

I hated them and it's pointless doing them if you don't enjoy it.

All i wanted from my workouts is to look slimmer and feel more confident about myself.

I will join another gym in the future i reckon.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Less is more iv discovered , i went a bit mad with the cycling and ached all the time iv now stuck to my original plan of 15mins per day at first and i feel refreshed and a wee bit sore, pleasant tho. building up for touring in the summer have no intention of burning out befoerhand, its not easy being disciplined tho.


nsd_user663_46636 profile image

Weight gain.

In 10 days I have lost 4lbs! I can't believe it.

The fast metabolism that has kept me slim so far cannot just be down to smoking in my case. :D

I can't keep losing though as I am a size 8 anyway! Seriously, I know I sound smug as anything but being skinny as a rake is usual for me. Thought I might put some meat on my bones when I quit but my body has other ideas. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_46636 profile image

B***** sorry that was meant to be a separate thread. Sorry!

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