Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for October 2011

First Day(hard)

1st day today, really going for it but only 5 hours in and it is very hard. How'...

Me! posting in Month 1 WOW

Cant believe it ! When i first joined this forum i NEVER thought I would make 1...

Day21 - Really want to smoke !!??

Okay guys, need help to understand what's going on today :mad: Am craving like ...
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Day 31 - I feel great !

Good mornign all, I am feeling fantastic in every way, the only thought that ke...

Week 4, We'hey!

Imagine a place, a place where no Oliver has gone before (not this one anyway). ...

Quit Day

Morning Well, I would have had a cigarette by now (as I've been up at least 10 ...

Aaarghhhh - Back after 7 days free

So - I went out for a couple of beers yesterday and this was my achilles heel. A...

day 41 good riddance

Have had a really weird past couple mainly..felt like a craving retu...

Day 8

Hi, on day 8 and getting better I think I have this dirty habit licked everytime...

getting to the end of day 2!! woo hoo

Hi all Im at the end of day 2 Feeling very positive and really good im reading A...

Day 21 Day 1 for Gail

As day 21 draws to an end my thoughts are with my wife, who is on Day 1. If I c...

Day 28

I think that today is my 28th day not smoking and although I have not been posti...

Back on familiar ground

My third day, withdrawals not bad, no strong craves yet,went to shop and didnt b...

Coughing Up

Sorry not nice subject....... I've been coughing, like the 'smokers bark' thing...

Day 1 and 4 Hrs in

Hi all, decided to quit today, which I did from 11am this morning, my hubby quit...

Just introducing me.

Hi all I have been smoke free for 20 days. Monday 19th September marked my last...

Got to stay on track

ok...trying to regain control of my quit tomorrow. Here's my reasons to stop. 1...

day 3 my story wobbly start

Day 3 already can believe how quick its gone,well today started very bad from th...


Feel really sad today. Tommorrow I quit and I've lost my reasoning and confidenc...


I need some advice! Through out my quit both my wife and her mom have smoked. ...

Day sixteen

Now on day sixteen and doing ok . Some of the people i know have expressed an in...

Smoke Free and feel great!

I'm not counting days but i know its been over a month. Everything is great exce...

I'm facing the ultimate 'trigger'

At my lowest points in this quit I used to think of situations that might crop u...

11 months today!!!

Only one more month to go until I hit the penthouse, yay! Alex.

Day 19 and a reminder!

Well, Day 19 how did I get here? First morning where I didn't miss smoking-BIG...

Close Smokers

Does anyone have a partner still smoking? Just wondered as I feel this is an add...

Double withdrawal? Or just ill?

Urgh! I feel like someone is inflating my head while stomping on it, and I keep ...

Day 2 feeling better already

Wow iv made it through a whole 24 hours. i put it off for too long its never nea...

Double Figures

10 days 11 hours and feeling great the Champix its doing a great job. I went ou...

day 2 started...

Well day 2 started so far so good,felt a little weird not having a fag this morn...

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