Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for June 2011

Wash out

Hi peoples what a wasted day! have achieved precisely zilch, and stuffed myself ...

Well I have got through lunch...

Usually go home and smoke atleast 3 in 20mins, sometimes 4, but today I had some...

Still alive on day 5!

That is all.... its a survivor rather than a living to the full one. but i'm her...
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2 weeks

i have reached 2 weeks today. its been alot easier than my other quits. this tim...

Today is the day

:D Smoked my last cigarette last night around ten ish, had smoked 26 yesterday...

I feel like I want to cry...

Day 2 today and I feel terrible. Ended up having a big row with OH last night th...

tobacco in the catfood tin!

Hello, just to let u know that after the forums helpful advise, I threw the toba...


Hey :) I'm a cold turkey quitter, so i don't think its a chemical thing. Since ...

Day 9

Wotcha Everyone! The end of day 9 and I'm having to pinch myself at how well th...

Onwards to the PENTHOUSE.

Week 2 has arrived in the douglas.j household.Being day 8 of my quit,I ask mysel...

Withdrawal symptoms slightly easing

The Ferocity of the withdrawal symptoms are now not as severe as they were in th...

Going cold turkey....

Have decided to go cold turkey... Had my last cigarette at lunch time today... ...

A Newbie to this forum...

:D Hello everyone, just thought i'd post as am new here. Really need to stop sm...

knock knock knocking on 4's door!

Oh yessum! Day 4! Now its getting a little easier, yesterday was a bit moody t...

Into Third Week

Hi Everyone :) I'm moving up a level, having completed 2 weeks yesterday so I'm...

week 13 help me plz

Help me people, please. I'm on week 13 and a haven't been on here for a while as...

Day 7-I'm In Heaven!!!!

Well not really-But Happy to have reached the end of the first week.It's certain...

3 Days today

Just finishing my 3rd day somke free, using Champix. Going well, some minor cra...

3 weeks done and dusted

Meant to post this last night !.....oh well 22 days it is then :p Trev

Bad News

I started smoking last night. I had a major crave that wouldn't go I find the c...

its such a shame

just wanted to share mom is 62 years old and has been smoking sin...


Well after my slip up at the weekend (I am meant to be on week 9) I confessed al...

D'you know, it still surprises me...

I always thought smoking calmed me down. I also thought my kids, when they were ...

Day 1 so far so good :)

Hey guys! Its day 1 for me and so far it's going well which is a surprise i hav...

Zozie's Back!

Hi All, Hope your quits are going well on day 3!!! Woohoo! I'm back to quit aga...

A 2nd Wednesday Smokeless

HI ALL All is good. Well I haven't smoked or even been severely tempted. Hasn't...

The excuses that I make...

Hi, My name is MissC and I apparently love to make excuses. I have had umpteen...

Another milestone

Well today is 4 months since I last lit up one of those horrible little white sm...

Hello all, A little into day 2 with help.

Well where to begin. I am 48 and have been a smoker for since I was 15. I am n...

2 Weeks Today

Well everyone, 2 weeks today I gave up smoking and this is my last post in this ...

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