Hello all, A little into day 2 with help. - No Smoking Day

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Hello all, A little into day 2 with help.

nsd_user663_29656 profile image
7 Replies

Well where to begin. I am 48 and have been a smoker for since I was 15. I am not brave enough for Cold turkey and so have started taking Mini 4mg Nicotine tablets.

I quit at 9 pm on 13 June because I am fed up of smoking. I used to hand roll as it was cheaper. I used to get bad stomach acid from smoking and found that ranitidine was becoming a daily part of my life.

I'd reach for the baccy first thing on waking. with every cuppa and after every meal and then in the interim times too.

I was a slave to my habit. Well I have gone and done it now. I thought cutting down might help, but it did not. I was still a slave and the roll up my master.

Anyhow. I have been on those 4mg Mini lozenges and firstly I notice my sleep has been disturbed, a small sacrifice as I am told that this settles down. I get a few sweats when a crave wave hits. strange how it comes in a wave and then passes. I thought I would perpetually want a smoke until the need was satisfied.

I used to take a smoke with a cuppa and with the lozenges dissolving in the mouth you can't have tea or coffee, so I do get a crave wave with a cuppa but take a lozenge when I have finished the drink to cut the head off the snake.

Anyhow..Aside from the gas and the hiccups those lozenges give me (Asparatame I guess)....I am actually getting somewhere. No ranitidine for the Acid, I do feel as though I am bulking a bit, but I guess thats better oxygen circulation and the toxins from tobacco chemical by products are sweating away.

This is all I have to report so far and I suspect that the first 48 to 72 hours are the worst.

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nsd_user663_29656 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Hi Neville good on you for quitting. Welcome to the forum any advice or help you need there is always someone to help.

The first few days are the worst but honestly it does get better take one hour, one day at a time.

GOOD LUCK Maria.;)

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Good on ya Nev.

The crave with a cuppa is the 'association' thing that's mentioned every now an then, it takes time for your brain to be re-trained as smoking has been such a habitual part of your life for so long, it does ease I assure you.

Keep going...

nsd_user663_21437 profile image

Good luck to you Neville, you can do it :)

I've just completed 2 weeks and I also used the mini lozenges. I found them a Godsend in the first week and have now weaned myself completely off them (except when I have a beer at the weekend, I would still take a couple then). I love my coffee, and didn't let the lozenges affect me having a cup. I just stuck a lozenge in the side of my mouth and drank away. I think the only thing that happens is that the lozenge isn't as well absorbed but that's the only thing, so I would continue having your coffee and have a lozenge at the same time :)

nsd_user663_29656 profile image

Thanks folks for both the welcome and the encouragement. I have resorted to taking a biscuit with my cup of tea and may well have to think about some sort of exercise to burn off the extra calories.

It is a genuine help to be able to meet other quitters on line because all of you have been through the difficult withdrawal stages and therefore know exactly that it's no walk in the park.

I remain optimistic though because I have now ridden a few of those crave waves nearly midday and soon it will be my 5th lozenge my first was just after midnight.

The odd thing I find with the lozenges is that I can go a while between them an hour or two at times even and then at another time, on a particularly severe crave attack I have to take one after another, no more than two to deliver 8mg of nicotine. to batter the crave into submission. I suppose it's a question of dealing with the craving as and when it arises because even when I did smoke , I did not smoke continuously and therefore expect there to be some quiet long periods where I don't need the nicotine.

The increased oxygen is feeling quiet good too. that will take some getting used to. It's like I have a cleaner body on the inside, which of course I do now as the Carbon Monoxide and other toxic chemicals begin to breakdown and leave my system.

I look forward to posting in the day 3 thread very soon:)

Oh and well done to you guy's too because you have all been or are going through this :)

nsd_user663_29494 profile image

Keep going Neville, getting to 72 hours will be a big milestone. Getting more oxygen was a weird one for me, like i was overdosing but i've gotten used to it now. Good luck


nsd_user663_27261 profile image

'Getting more oxygen was a weird one for me'

Me too - can't ever remember feeling so lightheaded and walking into so many items of furniture, drunk or sober....

nsd_user663_9987 profile image

Best Wishes Neville.Its wonderful to be a non smoker.The first few days,weeks,and sometime beyond can/will throw hurdles at you.Remain strong -Its the best thing you can do for yourself.Keep in touch with the forum especially during the first few weeks.Try to ENJOY the quit...most of the time it wont be on your mind.Most importantly NEVER be tempted to actually take a puff.Enjoy counting off the days you are a non smoker.I felt smoking helped me with anxious moments......It actually creates them.

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