The excuses that I make...: Hi, My name is... - No Smoking Day

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The excuses that I make...

nsd_user663_29671 profile image
12 Replies


My name is MissC and I apparently love to make excuses. I have had umpteen quit attempts so far this year - each time I seem to get through the first 4 or 5 days then the little voice in my head starts:

"Well you didn't really have a proper LAST cigarette did you, so you haven't really had a chance to say goodbye. Just have one more..."

"You can't cope with this (argument/difficult day at work/family stress/money worries/boredom) without a cigarette so you might as well stop trying"

"You see, you don't feel yourself when you are not smoking - wouldn't you rather be like you again?"

"I know you would like to have the extra £50 a week to spend on other things, but you will only spend it on boring stuff so you might as well spend it on cigarettes"

"Tsk, your boyfriend doesn't like you when you are all uptight and grumpy from not smoking. Do you really want to take the risk of losing him when smoking is so easy?"

"Just think how boring a whole weekend without smoking will be. How will you manage to get up in the morning? Why bother putting yourself through the early morning panic feeling when you wake up?"

I am so fed up of feeling constantly disappointed in myself. I start off so determined then it all seems to fade away. I wan't the little excuses voice to leave me alone.

Does anyone else feel this way? I'm hoping that by admitting my failures I might be able to find a way to give up this evil habit once and for all...


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nsd_user663_29671 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_29494 profile image


"You see, you don't feel yourself when you are not smoking - wouldn't you rather be like you again?"

Haha been there. I had THAT convo out loud. Glad you're starting to see the light, good luck with your quit! :)


nsd_user663_20978 profile image

absolutely all of these excuses and more have passed through my thoughts over the past 5 and half months more so near the beginning of my quit

its just your nicodemon talking u out of quitting

if u keep going and get past these thoughts which u will they will get less convincing and eventually see the evil little nicodemon for wat he is, a little liar

i laugh at my nicodemon now when he raises his ugly head with a suggestion that i no longer believe

stick with it and u will get stronger than your thoughts

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Miss C - I reckon everyone in here has made excuses about not giving up at some point, but whether you've just quit or planning a quit you've made the right decision already, you just need to work through those difficult times.

It's not easy doing it with no aid and there's a bunch of things to help quitters these days, work out what suits you best (I believe some of these are free from NHS clinics ?).

Good luck

nsd_user663_23001 profile image

All the very best with your quit Miss C

Just remember two things,

1. The little voice inside your head is yours and you can choose to ignore it. So if you ignore it, it will eventually leave you alone.

2. Start treating yourself, I haven't smoked for X days, I have therefore saved X £'s, I suppose then you will start seeing a benefit of your quit, which could make you more determined to ingore that inner voice and save for something bigger.

We have all been there, keep in touch with this forum, read the posts and you may well pick up some tips that will help.

Once again "well done"

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hi and welcome to the site.

Every one of those internal arguments, and more, I have had. I have carried on smoking in the past because of them. In particular I worried that I would somehow 'lose my identity' if I wasn't a smoker.

I have now realised that nobody else is going to fix this for me, and if I don't want to die fighting for breath and spend my life hiding in corners stinking the place up, then there's one answer to all the arguments: choose not to smoke. Keep making that choice over and over again. Fight your inner junkie, and do it. One day at a time, and you can and will get there.

And for the record, I am still me as a non smoker. Just a me who doesn't cough and hack and wheeze and feel like crap. A better me!

You can do this!


nsd_user663_4859 profile image

OMG! yes that sounds just like me in my head! And I usually follow threw and fail. This time I a giving it 200% to quit! Good luck to you!!!!


nsd_user663_29671 profile image

Thanks everyone :-)

Well I have decided that today will be day 1, so I am sitting at my desk armed with a big bottle of water and my inhalator. I spent a lot of time last night thinking about what you all said, reading lots of articles on peoples signatures, and asking myself if what Karri had said was true in my case - did I still enjoy smoking? Having smoked a few cigarettes whilst pondering I came to the conclusion that I don't actually enjoy it anymore - it is an inconvenient, expensive habit that I want out of my life once and for all. So here goes...

nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Great attitude Miss C, I wish you well.

Keep us updated

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Good decision!

Read the tales from the quit - they are really inspiring:

Stay strong. Take it one crave at a time, and just tell yourself you choose not to smoke. It's worth the fight.


nsd_user663_29745 profile image

My exuse is that I am on my own lol...and what is there to do when the girls are in bed?..

Oh and the weight gain issue :rolleyes:

Thing is i reaaly need a cigarette,but when i light up i dont really enjoy it,like you i smoke 15-20 when at work and 30 easily on my days off,even smoked with cold/sore throat and tonsilluar abcess :eek:

no good

magda x

nsd_user663_29671 profile image

Well, here we are, nearing the end of day 1. It has actually been ok - have sipped and puffed (on my inhalator) my way through my cravings, managed not to stuff my face with junk and just got back from a big session at the gym. It was funny actually, I had my shower afterwards and was putting on my body lotion and its so nice sitting here on the sofa and still being able to smell it :-) They do say simple things please simple minds! Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement, really helps.

nsd_user663_29494 profile image

Well, here we are, nearing the end of day 1. It has actually been ok - have sipped and puffed (on my inhalator) my way through my cravings, managed not to stuff my face with junk and just got back from a big session at the gym. It was funny actually, I had my shower afterwards and was putting on my body lotion and its so nice sitting here on the sofa and still being able to smell it :-) They do say simple things please simple minds! Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement, really helps.

Well done MissC, day one can be the hardest and if you stay quit, you'll never have to do it again. I wouldn't worry too much about overeating for the 1st few days, why deprive urself more and really how much damage can you do in a week? especially if you hit the gym? Good Luck and keep going...

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