Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for June 2011

whoa what a dream

just dreamed that i was still quit and proud and my son and OH wanted things at ...

Day 6 has arrived...Its 0015AM.

With 5 days of non smoking behind me,I am pleased to be heading into DAY 6 knowi...

And on the 7th Day

Hey Everyone. Still OK, all things considered. I've been really lucky to stumbl...
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8 Months

For the last 8 months 15 hours 16 minutes I have been smoke-free, Thats a whopp...
Levs profile image
1000 Days Smoke Free


Hi all, Im now coming up to the 11 week mark. I am truly amazed as iv not been ...

no more moaning!!todays the day!!!

hiya all, well done enough moaning bout my lack of willpower,with the...

Time Flies-Its Day 5!!!!!!!!!

Going to bed soon..Its one hour past midnight.Despite a few bad moments yesterda...

I couldn't last any longer :(

Wasn't sure whether to write this in Week one or in this section...i have stoppe...

6 Weeks - an uncertain period

Hi all Firstly, apologies for not responding to many threads recently, time has...

day 8 and a half

well, Im now in the 2 week party of the forum!!-yippee going pret...

day 10 and double figures

Day 10 it is, and it doesnt seem a hard choice does it , to smoke or not to smok...

Day 13

Hello Day 13 :) Another weekend under my belt, off we go again :)

190 Days

Whats going on, im into my 7th month but all this week i wake up CONVINCED i smo...

2 Hours Into Day 4.

Feeling OK......Certainly dont want a cig.Its 2AM and going to bed very soon,wil...

4 weeks

Woop! Woop! I made it. Thank you all for your wonderful motivating stories. Keep...

Hello. It's day five...again

Hi Everyone My name's Jordan, I'm 26 and this is the first time I have joined a...

Day 12 - At Last!!

Well got another Saturday over me thank God. Had a few beers and a few lozenges...

day nine

bring it on... think some better times are due for me the days have been being s...

I'm Back...douglas.j

Well I was an idiot.One puff led to another and another and to cut a long story ...

13 days of torture

:eek:still not smoking 13 days have been torture some days i just have to turn m...

Day 22 and struggling :(

Hi everyone I am finally on day 22 smoke free using champix but have found the l...

5 weeks

Hi everyone. It's 5 weeks today since I last had a cig :) I only really think ...

Day 11 - I Hate Saturdays!

What is it with me and Saturdays? This is my day 11 and, the same as last Satur...

day 8

I am not smoking I am not smoking I am not smoking I no longer smoke This feels...

Very bad skin -Help!

Hello All, I have been here before - hope you're all doing well. I stopped smok...

Mens Health Check

Hello all Just been to a healthy heart check, I passed it all and even though I...

Hi im Rob and this is my 7th day smoke free !!!

Hi to all I have been reading through the posts on this forum and decided to si...

one week again

i have reached a week again its not been too bad yet i just cant wait till i get...

9 months

well i have got to over 9 months now didnt think i would , just took a day at a...

Day 10

Day 10 today and I didn't have any lozenges yesterday, didn't even think about o...

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