Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for April 2011

Karr please read

hi all and Karri just to let you know no matter how i was feeling the other day....

100 days

at 3.15am this morning it was 100 days since my last cigarette who would have t...

Lost it

What to say? I lost it – just hours off having done a full week. A million thing...
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Start of day 3 AGAIN!

Hi people.. this is my millionth try at giving up smoking. well maybe not a mill...

I nearly forgot

Hi people Haven't been on for ages and the reason is I forgot. I forgot that I u...

How I felt as a smoker

I attended the Allen Carr clinic a while back (unsuccessfully!) One thing I did...

oh yeah

just had to share that today marks 100 days smoke free for me!!:D this is the fi...

Welcome the day 3

Well, Today I got to stay busy, since Its 72hr mark. Im doing great so far. I do...

Nearing the end of day 2

I have just joined this forum so I will give a bit of a recap of day 1 Day 1 : ...


Hello everybody!, so im here because i want to start living my life without depe...

2nd day its alost done

Been good so far. I did not have any cravings at all, up till now. But I been ch...

Day 6 - not been here before!

So far so good - is about the best i can come up with today. OH smoked, but i d...

Doctors wrong! me right!

For months I have periodicly been going to the doctors and complaining that my ...


Hello again :-) I am feeling so happy :-) I met up with one of my mates who smo...

One week down!

Well, I stopped smoking a week ago today! I'm feeling very proud of myself, espe...

Happy 5 Months Johnj6922

Since you're obviously too idle to be up and about on a Saturday morning to crow...

Day 5 - a less stupid day

Day 5 MUCH nicer than day 4:) More weird brain activity though - i keep thinking...

On my mind....all day long...

couldnt work out how to delete it!

Made it!

Just a quick one to say I have reached the 3 month mark and it's been an interes...

1000 hours

I know I'm just starting the journey. I don't want to jinx it, but I'm feeling ...

8 months !!!!!

Hi all. just thought i'd let you all know that tomorrow is 8 months since i had...

Big changes coming up and I want to smoke!

Hi everyone I'm on day 12 of Champix and I'm find my quit ok so far because my ...

85 days!

Well, myself & the OH have reached 85 days...just over 12 weeks! I am actually a...


Hello all Me again on the hunt for some help and advice! I am the same as a lo...

Hooray it's Pookies BIG Day!!

No She's NOT getting married..........Still a girlfriend is our Pooks ;-) BUT s...

Bit fed up.

First off, I'm not going to cave, so don't worry. But I have to vent, I'm not ve...

A proper month

ITS official today is my first month of not smoking and im luvvin it . feeling a...

Day 3

Everything good this morning...did not even need a losange. Usally the mornings ...

The Morning After The Day Before, Smoke free 12 days and grateful !

Hi Everyone, What can I say, A HUGE BIG THANKS to you all, you made me see sens...

how bad was I

i am going on holiday soon it has brought a lot of feelings to the surface my d...

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