Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for April 2011

Not sure if i've done the right thing?

Hi all, It's 5 weeks this week since i stopped smoking with the help of champix...

Could i be over the worst

Morning all feeling bright and breezy at the moment. 6weeks and 2days. And im o...

Hacking cough. Is it due?

I am now on day 10. Doing well and still feeling 100% positive. I know this is ...
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Day 4

Ya, I have reached day 4! I am getting through this with out any major cravings....

3rd Day - Getting a Little Better

Hi Everyone, Finally made it to day 3, after a shocking yesterday !!. Although ...

not smoking is now the norm

Hey Guys... I was lying in bed this morning enjoying not having to get up becau...

another Day 1

Here I am again, aiming for this to be my last day 1 Just discovered my daughte...

hey guys

so sorry I have not been online in a week or so - well I failed once again - how...

Made it

to day 5. My cousin came over to my house, and he was smoking the whole time he ...

finally..took a while but got here!

yay! i made it to day 2 and it wasnt easy. lol i think i had to get my mind to c...

Half an Egg

Hi to all, I have just eaten half a chocolate easter egg and it was simply deli...


Anyone else struggling? I have never felt so bleak! My chest is still tight, I...

Day 31

Hey all, first post here. Glad to find the site to know there are lots of us goi...

At a loose End

Hey everyone, Feels like I only post on here when I have a problem, feel a bit ...

Here comes the sun

Im finding it weird and hard living without smoking ,not hard just not easy like...

Smoking helps you poo

One of the side effects of stopping smoking is that you lose you "regularity". I...

smelly !!!

Into week 5 !!!! Still can't believe it! Had a work man in the house today and a...

I've made it!!

I have just started week 3 and all seems to be going well so far. I even forgot...
Hidden profile image

not smoked a thousand cigs this month.

:cool:According to my quit meter I havnt smoked a thousand cigarettes this month...

The start of Week 7 tomorrow

Hope everyone is well. Will be starting week 7 tomoro. I am feeling ok today b...


Apologies if this subject covered before but as a newbie to this forum I wondere...

Day 8. Sense of smell returned. Am ashamed!

This is my first post. I am on day 8 and so far haven't had any real problems as...

Day 4

WOW. I can't believe how fast its going, and How great I'm doing with it! I'm k...

day 12 struggling

hi to everyone, hope i am doing this right as i am not well up on posting but i ...


Hi all, i have been visiting for a while now. I quit on Feruary 14th of this ye...

Starting Week2

The first week hasn't been all plain sailing, empty headedness, constant thought...

Today is my day!

So! todays the day i quit smoking! I woke up really dreading the fact that i was...

6000 times I've failed

On Monday the 11th April I've failed to smoke 6000 cigarettes since October 2010...

8 weeks............

Still here! A stone heavier but here :eek: Much better today, not struggling as...

2 Years!

Hi All Can't believe it....I am 2 years into the quit tomorrow, still feeling g...

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