Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for May 2010

Jamange congratulations! 5 month complete

Well done to you for staying off the cigs for 5 months, it's a brillient feeling...
Dannyboy55 profile image

Why do old habits die hard???

Well today i should be on day 14 of the quit.......but no i'm back to day 1........

Back on the quit.

Hi everyone i'm back, i was on my way to the shop to buy some cigs today and i d...
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Teeth and gum problems

I dont know about anyone else on here but when I was a smoker (nearly 6 months s...

Still a non smoker..........................just!!!!

7 1/2 months in and feeling good untill yesterday when i had a massive row with ...

3 months - well I never!

Hi guys 3 months today - 90 days -2672 not smoked and £701 saved!!!!!!!!!!!! G...

Having a pity party

Well 6 weeks in and am feeling pretty low at the mo :( Had a bad day yesterday ...

not doing well...

Hello, I introduced myself on the reasons to quit board yesterday and was feel...


Morning All Anybody else suffering from hayfever style symptoms this year? Nev...

That was interesting…..

……Just got back from hols in France. I hadn’t given it the slightest thought in...

Newbie here :)

Hello all, My first time here, and my first ever day of not smoking - I actuall...

Any advice ladies?

Hi All, Well my quit is going OK, 11 weeks today, cant believe I hit 3 months t...

18 months today

For the ones that remember me. i am 18 months quit today and feeling great best ...

Day one

Hello everyone, im back again. i had my last cig at 11pm last night, woke up th...

Messed my quit up again

Hi folks, I might as well come right out with it. Had 'blip' no 2 last night. ...

still going

goon evening all, Still going strong have to stand out side when they are all sm...

feeling exhausted

Hi ALL, Beautiful day outside and I am hanging about like a loppy dog -desperat...

Gained 11kg+ in 11 weeks

Hi I visited this forum when I decided to try and quit, I never made a post but...

some folks want you to fail

It's amazing the amount of folks I speak to who are willing me to fail at this q...

thank you

thank you all for your kind support,to-day was hell on earth but still quit eve...

day 6 (BAD NEWS)

i've started smoking again, i woke up and got up early and just decided i wanted...

8 weeks of champix now the pain

I researched the side effects of champix before going to the docs for it, it too...

Day 19

Hey guys, Been a few days since I came on here. Still doing very well, day 19 ...

My confusion with non smokers who smoke!

OK, I'm a bit miffed............ Decided to spend some of the $$'s Ive saved no...

starting again

Well back to day one again,have done 3 month on champix but started smoking agai...

Back again

Well its back to day one for me tomorrow, i have been smoking for about a week a...

day 5

hi everyone, i've had another angry morning today but again as soon as the patch...

Not good!!

Not much to say other than proper fed up today....feel rubbish had three whole p...

Married and still not smoking

Hi I hope you are all doing well. Sorry I have not been on here for a while. I...

A good one

Seems as if there is a bit of a pattern here, good day followed by bad etc. Had ...

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