Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for April 2009

3rd Week & Counting

After my Gripe yesterday , i had a good think about the pros' and cons ...well t...

going into day 4 tomorrow

So im going into day 4 without any tobacco in my system although ive been using ...

Here is my story so far

I am a 38 year old woman who has been smoking for 23 years.It started with just ...
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Can't believe I've done 4 weeks !!!

Hi everyone, I'm soo chuffed.........I can't believe I have managed 4 whole week...

Today ......

My name is Greg, and I am a nicotine addict. I have been stopped smoking for 1 m...

3rd Week Tomorrow

Its gonna be my 3rd week tomorrow and i dont feel any Diff , maybe more grumpier...

DAY 1 - Again!

Hi all Now I've never posted anything on this forum (or any other come to think...

So much easier to enjoy myself.

My children are cub scouts and today was the St Georges day parade, (he's the pa...
NicFirth profile image
10 Years Smoke Free

I passed!

Today I took my trampolining practical coaching exam after nearly three months o...

Tough day

Cor I have been a right bitch today. Snappy, picky you name it. I have laughed ...

35 days for me

Hello all and very well done to all of you for getting this far.I have now been...

hi all

nice to be back again just made my quit date any info on ntr I think I will try ...

New Milestones Reached

Hi Eveyone :D Free and healing for 160 days in that time I have Not smoked 4...

Aces day 2

well day 2 again....(wonders how many times im going to say that lol) But im fee...

tra la la la la dayyyyyy 6!!

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is doing ok? Well another day another smo...

OK day 3 is here

Hi all Well I have to admit day 2 was hard going. Not to sure if it was because...

New Day, New Commitment.

Day 5 today and I've woken up and had my usual cuppa. The thoughts of smoking a...

no more smokin

john r polito and joel spitzer and the people on this site and me are what help ...

disaster dudes.....

..............for a nicotine addict will only ever be one puff away. And becau...

1 month coming up

Hi Guys, after 26 years i never ever thought i would be saying this, today ... w...

Day 11.6

For the last two days I've had no craves, I've not even had a single thought abo...

into day 4 and going well

as the title says have moments where I think I should be smoking but I do not wa...

It's so sad... but have to go on!

Ok, the anger is gone! It's done! But so is my 9 month relationship! I guess you...

DFS (Feb 09) Roll Call!

Hi All So now the majority of us are entering Month 3 I thought it might be nic...

Day 5 yeeeehaaaaaar!!

Today i'm still feeling very positive! I've really shocked myself as i didn't th...

Day 12/13

Hi all, day 12/13, OH says 13 as he did not smoke from 9.30 pm on night of 13 Ap...

Aces back

my day 1 again....i desided to come back today. I was going to smoke for a short...

Brain dead

I just want to apologise for any spelling mistakes or rubbish I post as at the m...


I feel so much better for coming on this forum. It has made me more determined t...

Don't count your failures count the fags not smoked!

Day 4 again. I say again because I've had a few day fours. It's great to count...

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