no more smokin: john r polito and joel... - No Smoking Day

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no more smokin

nsd_user663_4437 profile image
9 Replies

john r polito and joel spitzer and the people on this site and me are what help me to kick nicotine up the arsen-well done every one-

no more smoking and that's that:D rocks!

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nsd_user663_4437 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_4437 profile image

postcard from day 16

3 weeks not smoken but still putting nicotine in2 my system-so i havent stopped my nicotine addiction-these last few days i have had notions for a smoke twice-if i rated them out of 10 i suppose ther intensity would be somewhere between 3 and 4-which aint much-the longest one lasted all evening the other night but it wasnt to the point that i was tempted to smoke-because i have learned about the nicotine receptor chemical addiction part of my brain this has helped me to accept these minor cravings-i know they will pass-if i give in and smoke then i know within a day or two i will be back in day 1 and feelin bad-i want to get rid of this addiction and now is the time to do it-do i want to spend my life smoking and stopping and smoking and stopping-look at the experiences from this forum-everyone wants to stop smoking-i want to stop smoking-so the answer is to see this quit thro til its done-if i subtract the addicted part of my brain then i know that my own desire is to be smoke free-to be nicotine free-thats wer i want to be no matter how much a part of me wants to smoke -

think back to smoking-40 cigs per day-forty cigarettes every day for the rest of my life-thinking about smoking my next one even while i was smoking one!hating every one except for the fisrt 3 or 4 in the moring-and the only reason i enjoyed those ones was because while i was sleeping was th only time i let my nicotine level fall to a point wer my addicted brain needed a smoke-i know i didnt even enjoy those in the morning because they came along with regular smokes all day long-having to leave work for a smoke-filling my house up with smoke-spending time smoking and not with my sons-not going to friends house who didnt like smoke-why should they like smoke?they didnt even smoke-the selfish brain of a nicotine addict-what kind of an example am i if i spend mylife going round in circles with smoking-either smoke and accept it or stop and get on with it-stopping is the only real option-

look at 3 weeks stopped-better circulation, and i know wat that means-better breathing-better quality of life-and thats now when i know i'm still healthy despite my best efforts to do myself so much harm-why wait til more time passes to stop-does it make sense to keep on poisoning myself until someone says that i must stop or ruin my own health-do i remember saying-smoke-its okay-smoke til u dont like it and then stop-i liked smokin-but that was 5years plus ago-i dont now-i know wat it does-i listen to xxxxxxx's cough and it aint pot luck to have a cough like that-continue to consume all those cigs and ther's a cough like that just waiting for me-

okay so ther are other issues to be dealt with now-my head's a bit fried-that will pass i know it will pass-it just takes time and not a lot of time in the long run-irrespective of any issue now is the time to fix this nicotine fix once and for all-7mg of patch and today's 16th day of not smoking-i dont care how many days its been-that aint the point-do this for urself-look urself in the mirror and say hey okey i'm a bit mental right now but in order to get sane-in order to get normal this has to be done-take ur oil-do u want to be healthier during middle age and feel good or do i want to spend my middle age deliberately doing something that i know will make my health deteriorate and sap the life out of me until it kills me-it will either kill me in one quick flash or leave me to die slowly and have plenty of time for regrets about not tackling the issue head on and defeating it-

so wise up man and get on with it-any of you who's heads i might have fried or annoyed my opologies dudes-we all have our way of doing things and this postcard is one way for me to see the journey that i'm taking-16 days-no more smoking-stick to ur plan-dont rush or think u can break into a sprint now that the finishing line for this part of the race is in sight-know wat u intend to do and irrespective of anything accept that ur seeing it thro-fail or fall and its back to the start-always know that if the addicted part gets back in control then the part of you that doesnt want to smoke will start this race all over again-and u know it-

accept that u'll never smoke again-accept that u do not want to be a nicotine addict any more-accept these truths now and stick to the plan-the notions to pull you back in are lies-lies ur brain will try over and over to get its fix of nicotine-and get real-two minor notions that didnt even make 4 on a scale out of 1 to 10-say no-enough's enough-i'm ready for this challenge-keep positive and its won-

nsd_user663_4464 profile image

That's great news. Your going strong.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi John

So 3 weeks quit now that's great well done you


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4459 profile image

That's the way John.

Three weeks you doing great.

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

dont 4get ever

smoke again and here's how it goes-regret, regret, regret,

and then start all over again trying to stop-ur head not right and off them for half a day-maybe even less-start off wi going to smokers and getting cigs ther-it always starts off like that-its never a full packet to beging with-stick on a patch and not need to smoke all day-but still smoking one after the other-

start smoking again and its back round in circles-could i handle that bollox again-i could but i dont want to-no matter wat i know that if i start smoking again then i'll smoke for a while and then without doubt i will want to stop again-and thats wen it gets crap-regret, regret-look urself now in the eye and ask urself do u want to go back ther?that question dont even need to be answered-this quits a success so far-time to change the patch and its down to 5mg-the equivalent of about 4 cigs in 24 hours and today ther wer no craves at all-not that they'v been much anyway-they arnt-give in to a nothing of an itch to smoke and be back into all that again-no way-

remember wat it was like to smoke-crap-and the more i hated it the more i smoked-

remember wat its like to try stopping-this quit might be going great but wat about the other 300 that ended in failure-thats too many headfryin attempts for one success-now is the success-so now is the one-nicotione addict again-not even in ur dreams dude-

no more smokin and no more havin to stop:p

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

a bad day is no excuse

saturday 2nd may! now how bad a day was that-it would a been so easy to say fu'ck this and smoke-that is until i had a few puffs and things wouldsa been far worse-always remember no matter how bad it gets that smokin aint the answer to nothin-i'd only a wanted to stop again-and sometimes gettn stopped again takes ages and lots of attempts and i dont want that any more-

on 5mg of patch-down to 4mg tomoro-no more smokin! ever!no matter how sh'it life can get it will ALWAYS be worse if i start smokin again-take ur oil-ur nearly ther-:cool:

do i want to be here :D or back in day one-no way:p

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

being sick of smoking is enough

now i'm on day 23-in noman's land between week 3 and month 1-on 4mg of patch-the patch that's on has been on since 5.35pm-and since then the notion for a cig has been zero-i notice that my brain has a minor buzz lookn for nicotine-i know exactly wat it is-its not even an uncomfortable buzz-definitly not a bad buzz-is it enough 2 make me smoke again-i can safely and comfortably say no-but........i know exactly wat makes me smoke-pot-in the last 5 weeks i'v smoked pot twice-if it was here now i might throw all my good work out the window and smoke-that would be disaster-nicotine doesnt get me high-aye i'v found out about the nicotine receptor thing in my brain but that aint wat i want-if i smoke it ever again it'll have to be without nicotine and without that non nicotine stuff-in order to get over this final bit of stoppn nicotine i have to get the pot thing sorted in my head-and i know it-

i'm while tempted to stop the nicotine altogether today but i just dont know-things are goin well-things are goin great-i aint smoked-that's wat counts-i'm too eager to stop that i might rush and make a mes of it on the final part-i said the other day that i should not rush-that that would be a bad idea-stick with that plan-4mg today and no need to even want to smpoke-2.5 mg tomoro and maybe for 3 days after that-after smokin for 21 years wats another 4 days plus the remainder of this one-nothing-dont rush-a few more days-my system will have went from 45 cigs in one day to now at present 4mg-which is the back well broke of any craving inside my brain-with that cushion and the understanding of the addicted brain and those dreaded nicotine receptors i should be okay-i know that i'm always gona be addicted to nicotine-one blast and my brain'll light up and start all over again-thats all it will take-one long deep puff of smoke down into my lungs and all those nicotine receptors would light up like a carnival all lookn 4 ther fix-think about that one puff-contemplate that dopamine thing-think of that comfort-face it and knock it down dude-accept it no more smokin!ever!NO MORE SMOKING EVER!yes, i can handle that thought-

earlier th idea came into my brain-smoke now-have a last hurrah-and then stop-wat a loada cr'ap!-my brain's playin tricks-my brain's tryin to get me to hit those nicotine receptors-it knows if it cant tempt me now then its power will get less-now's the dangerous time-stay stopped smokin and thats it-won-

this is the time to sort the nicotine-dont mix it up wi other stuff-dont let other ideas get into ur brain cause then ur addicted brain'll take control and i know it-stay away from it and just dont smoke-smoke's the easy bit and nearly over-

final week of nicotine-bring it on!

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

no more nicotine and that's that

26 days smoke free and went nicotine free at 6pm-thats it-i'm never puttin nicotine in2 my system again-i'm a nicotine addict and will have to face each day sayin-no smokin today-that dont seem so bad-

why am i not gona smoke?smokin's fine if u want 2 smoke-its wen ur sick of smokin that the problems start-at different times in those 5 years i'v been smoke free for a year-for 2 months-for 3 weeks-for 1 week-for so many attempted fewday atempts-but that was me stoppin smokin-now its more than that-its my nicotine addiction i 'v had to sort-i smoked the non nicotine stuff and its cr'ap-why dont i smoke it now if i want to smoke?cause i dont want to smoke-i havent wanted to smoke for about 5 years and it has taken to now to finally end my nicotine input-and it aint over yet-the withdrawel periods next-good enough-

one puff and im back wer i started-if i let my addicted brain take the helm then i'll smoke about 3 puffs-wonder why i was so stupid and go back to tryen to stop smokin again-that would b pretty stupid of me-if i want to remain as i am then the trick is to never take another puff-and its as simple as that-i wasnt a happy smoker-i was an even unhappier tryin to stop and couldnt smoker for ages-that just aint worth it-that stress and life is bad for my health-mental and physical-

ur brain will try to trick u in2 smokin-dont give in and win-someone said wat can people say to help them stop smokin-its this-right now my brain wants nicotine-if i give it some it will want more-if u do wat i'm doing, that is dont feed ur brain nicotine then u 2 have stopped smokin-short term inconvenience for long term gain-always remeber how much i hated smokin-always remember how much i hated stoppin smokin-i hated stoppin smokin and failing far far more than i hated smoking-no more nicotine and thats that-

withdrawel-do ur worst dude:p

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

why was stopping so easy this time?

this is a question i have been thinking about for the last 3 days-it sorta only occurred to me today that i should make a note of it-this is for my benefit-if any one else gets anything from it thats good too-

i'm an exsmoker a month on monday 11th may-i'm 3 days with no nicotine as of today at 6pm-so according to the experts i'm now officially nicotin free-how do i feel about that?right now i have a crave which i'd rate at about 4 out of ten-thats not much-but its the first crave i'v got since stoppin nicotine-and overall its been about 5 or 6 or 7 days since i'd a notion for a cigarette-basically ther have been very few craves this time-so wat has changed? i still dont know-but i do-nothing has changed physically-but mentally ther is a change -finding out how the brain is manipulated by nicotine is the thing that works for me-without knowing that i would be thinking that this crave will go on for ever-it wont-its my addicted brain on its way out-but.......i read a thing on whyquit that got on my nerves-and because i got stressed i'v learned that the nicotine thing depletes faster and my brain wants its fix-

and i know it aint getin it-and i know that i'm sticken 2 fingers at whyquit cause i dont need to be off nicotine for a few years to be equal to the haloed cold turkey quitters who despise every other method of stopping but their own-that annoys me but not enough to smoke-my quit's as valid as any quit-because i'v quit-i'v read the literature-i'v understood the concept of addiction-i accept wat this addiction is-and i'm an exsmoker who's always gona be addicted to nicotine-

so here's a note me-

i'm john-i'm a nicotine addict-there are 3 things to stoppin for good-deciden to stop-getting off nicotine-stayin stopped for life-craves do ur worst cause ur not gettin me-i'v won-and i did it weaning down on le patches:p

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