DAY 1 - Again!: Hi all Now I've never posted... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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DAY 1 - Again!

nsd_user663_4410 profile image
13 Replies

Hi all

Now I've never posted anything on this forum (or any other come to think of it) But I have come across it when reading up on non smoking and thought that the support the members get from one another is imense. So here goes...

I have quit on numerous occasions, sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks, sometime for months. I have tried everything from NRT, hypnotherapy, CT, prescription drugs and have found my best attempts (not neccessarily longest - but most in control) have been cold turkey attempts.

On a bad day I smoked 30 cigarettes, so I needed to do this for my health, my wealth and the people in my life who only ever saw me with a cigarette in my hand.

Now, I know the score, never take another puff and all that jazz - but I'm still not convinced that it can be that simple. Any tips that I've not heard 1000 times before anyone? And if not can I rely on all you other day ones for some support?

End of day one and feeling fine.

Helen x:)

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nsd_user663_4410 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_4533 profile image

hi helen, take 1 day at a time..knowledge is power and a good site to look on is one i didn't read untill today it has lots of usefull info.

I have tried and failed so many times too, but 1 of those will be your last and final ones.

Good luck.

Nikki xx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Welcome to the forum.

Well not knowing which tips you've heard 1000 times I'll just have to give you my favourite ones :D

Do not look on quitting as depriving yourself of a great pleasure, it is not a sacrifice, in fact you are gaining back control and a healthier life.

Cravings WILL pass without having to smoke, cravings are not life threatening, smoking is. Smoking changes nothing, ever! (except making you feel disappointed with yourself for failing)

Understand your enemy! Read and understand nicotine addiction and what to expect while quitting. Have a look at the links in my sig for further reading.

Quitting smoking is about exercising your choice. You choose not to smoke, today. If you repeat that day after day you will lead a smoke free life.

For the vast majority of us there is no such thing as just one. One leads to more, avoid the temptation. The aim is to become a non smoker not an occasional smoker.

If you feel you are going to give in post here saying so, wait for at least 5 responses and see if you feel the same way then!

At the end of the day just don't ever put another cig in your mouth light it and inhale, simple as that!!



nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Helen :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Good Luck

Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4410 profile image

Thanks guys.

Nic - hopefully it will be as simple as that this time! Thanks for the tips. One of my favourites is Cravings aren't painful!:D

Nikki, that website is a good one. Thanks for the link. How are you getting on this time?

Helen x

nsd_user663_4533 profile image

I'm doing so well this time around,much more positive than i have before. i feel like i wanna shout from the rooftops and i'm so proud of myself.

I see my Nurse tommorow and for the first time i'm going to blow a big fat ZERO into the carbon monoxide reader!!

I can't wait, i think the big grin on my face will give it away!!


nsd_user663_4464 profile image

Hi all

Now I've never posted anything on this forum (or any other come to think of it) But I have come across it when reading up on non smoking and thought that the support the members get from one another is imense. So here goes...

I have quit on numerous occasions, sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks, sometime for months. I have tried everything from NRT, hypnotherapy, CT, prescription drugs and have found my best attempts (not neccessarily longest - but most in control) have been cold turkey attempts.

On a bad day I smoked 30 cigarettes, so I needed to do this for my health, my wealth and the people in my life who only ever saw me with a cigarette in my hand.

Now, I know the score, never take another puff and all that jazz - but I'm still not convinced that it can be that simple. Any tips that I've not heard 1000 times before anyone? And if not can I rely on all you other day ones for some support

End of day one and feeling fine.

Helen x:)

Welcome the the forum or family of people who are all on the same road to quitting and being free of their nicotine addiction,

You say that you've quit many times and in many ways, so that's a good start, you know you can do it.

Come on here and post often, you'll learn something new everyday. There's always someone who can unerstand how your feeling and there's loads of encouragement and advise to be had.

I've learned loads but I think I've still got a bit to go and I'm no stranger to day 1s, so if I can help, I will. If I can't then I can promise you there will be someone who can.

Can we call you one of us then? THE APRIL SHOWER?


nsd_user663_4410 profile image

I'm doing so well this time around,much more positive than i have before. i feel like i wanna shout from the rooftops and i'm so proud of myself.

I see my Nurse tommorow and for the first time i'm going to blow a big fat ZERO into the carbon monoxide reader!!

I can't wait, i think the big grin on my face will give it away!!


Did you get to blow a big fat ZERO?!! I'm doing fine so far!

Helen x

nsd_user663_4410 profile image

Hi Hopeful

Thanks for that.

Yes, I'd love to be part of your gang!



nsd_user663_4062 profile image

hi quit buddy

Hi helen,

I'm at the end of day 1 too, I hope I'll be seeing you in the day 2 section tomorrow ;)

some weird Tips from me:

1/ Bury any paraphernalia you have left, and say a prayer for the departed.

2/ Chew on liquorice, preferably the twigs, not sweets/candy - liquorice is a natural laxative, and combats constipation you may get when quitting.

3/ Drink grapefruit juice in the morning, it's one taste that will seem weird and will help cement a new routine (plus it's very good for you, with vitamin c, which eliminates nicotine from the body)

4/ Take a bath in lavender oil, always works when you're stressed.

5/ Smile more than usual.


Love P. x

PS hey can I be a member of the april shower?

nsd_user663_4437 profile image

ur only option is to stop smoking

hey i hope ur quit's going well-

i know wat u mean about the being aware of all the information-

i dont have anything new-

u must look at urself and ask urself if u'v had enough of smoking- if the answer is yes then u'll have to stop smoking-ur brain is full of nicotine receptors that need their fix to stay alive-if u want to stop u have to stop feeding them-i'm weaning down and am on 7mg of patch and its going great-do u want to be in day one or month 1 or month two etc etc etc-then to get here u have to stick to ur decision to stop smoking-ther will be times that ur addicted brain will cry out for ther hit-the no smoking u has to say no and defeat it every time-it can-look at thesuccessful quitters-the world's full of em-this intensity dont last 4 ever-ther r many different ways to do it-just stop smoking and ur ther-good luck!

nsd_user663_4544 profile image

Hi Helen,

I know what you mean I have tried most things to stop smoking, and Cold Turkey is the one that works best for me. I'm nearly at 10 weeks which is the longest that I have done:) so well pleased with that.

I have never been on a forum before either and like you when I saw the comments & support on here I thought it might help me succeed this time round.

I don't have any tips just take 1 day at a time, I've started doing a lot of walking which seems to be helping and losing some of the weight that I have gained.

Good luck to you


x x x

This-Time profile image

For those really tense moments bite on something (not someone!) - I have a rubber a treat!

nsd_user663_4535 profile image


Thanks guys.

Nic - hopefully it will be as simple as that this time! Thanks for the tips. One of my favourites is Cravings aren't painful!:D

Nikki, that website is a good one. Thanks for the link. How are you getting on this time?

Helen x

Hi Helen,

I hope you are doing well - I failed so many times also on all different methods and I woudl follow the same advice Nikki has given you - dont se eit as depriving yourself and know that you can do it. For me I always got to day 3 or day 5 and then caved in, usually because I was put partying or out on town having drinks, this time I stayed off the alcohol completely and it is amazing the difference it makes. I dont think i will drink again for atleat another few weeks to give myself a proper chance. I quit last Monday 20th April and have not had one since and couldnt be happier. Been getting myslef to go to gym and go running and also went to Smoking Doctor and blew a 1 in to the Carbon Monoxide reader rather than the alarming 10 I was a week previously!

I hope this helps, am here if there is anything I can say/do to help you. The cravings actually do get less and less and the days go on I think it is just habit.


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