Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for November 2007

day 29

as the title says day 29 and me and Lynn are going stronger than ever wee

Four Weeks Today Yipe !

Hi All, Its Four Weeks Today And What A Day. Ive Been Jangling On And Off All Da...


I thought it was too easy. Today and yesterday have been HELL! It's not that I ...
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Day 11 and really struggling ...

I can't believe how up and down I am ... one day I'm almost euphoric to today I'...

Got to day 7

Here I am on day 7 along with linlin,can't tell you how pleased I am. And I am s...

I did a bad thing.

Well last night the shit hit the fan in our house (teenagers, who'd have um) an...

it is really the main reason

How many embarrassing situations have you experienced in your life because of ha...

Hi from Two Newbies!

HI guys, just trawling through the net as an excuse to not think about my mornin...

Quit Smoking Without Gaining Extra Weight

Medical studies assures that about 10% of smokers fear to stop smoking because t...

Another day

Well i've upgraded a notch, this is day 4, if i can remember right. Still got t...

Day 7

Can't understand how I've got this far........ some of the lows have been extrem...

Question about champix

My sister started taking champix 1 week ago prescribed by smoking cessation clin...

day 28

on day 28 so how many days in a month 30 or 31. just thinking how long before i ...

Well well well, that's different!!!

Hi Everyone, Needless to say I have made it to Day 5, and I have taken on some ...

Day 15, need help!

Ok onto day 15 now, but feeling really low. I have had some great days, feeling ...

very tired

i am in day 10 of no smoking now and imy sense of smell is definitely returning....

Hi all!

I've neglected this forum for the last 5 months and I shouldn't have :) Just to...

Day 23

OOOh day 23 for me, and for some reason today i feel a bit weepy! aww! This is m...

Nicotine replacement

Hi everyone, ive been trying to give up smoking for quite some time using willpo...

Day 6

Hi all, well now on day 6 and believe it or not still ok. I still have to get my...

Its always on my mind

Its been 47 days and I know thats not very long when you have been smoking for o...


Hi All, I'm Lynne, I quit at 5pm on Sunday so this is kinda day 3, i'm further ...

102 days!!!

Hi All. My weeks keep flying by now and I have the 4 month mark in sight, so to...

Day 9

Hi guys, how are you all doing? I'm just about hanging on in there - having a...

Calling Barb & Redkelly....

Hi Everyone, I organised a quit attempt between myself, Barb and Redkelly, albe...

Hello from 10 months

How is everyone doing? It has been 10 months for me smoke free! I forget somti...

Hey check me out! Um I mean my progress lol

Hey all, I am now on day 14!! yes me!! cant believe it!:D Last two days I felt...


Hi all. Not really day one YET, but today's the day I go to see the doctor to g...

Thanks to all!

:(Sad to say I will be the forum. Thanks to all that have been so good to me! I ...

For Nosmoke and poskit

CONGRATULATIONS ON 3 MONTHS Your'e an inspiration girls. Poskit are you off the ...

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