Hi from Two Newbies!: HI guys, just trawling... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hi from Two Newbies!

nsd_user663_2468 profile image
14 Replies

HI guys, just trawling through the net as an excuse to not think about my morning fag! On day 8 of champix just taken the first full strength tablet and typing to take the edge of the nausea.

My partner Ian is on day 11 and is practically dry! Hasnt smoked for 48 hours, seems to be okay. I seem to be struggling, perhaps im more weak willed I dunno!

Ive been smoking since I was 13 am now 34! last couple of years 20-30 a day marlboros. Have cut down during the past 3 days to about 4 or 5 silk cuts , last night felt awful, ratty , mood swings, one point burst into tears in kitchen briefly (looked like a right old queen!!!:o), hoping things will get easier,

907am and no morning fag so far, seeing smoking cessation bods tonight at 5 for some re-assurance. sorry if im waffling this champix is really making me feel woozy..............

anyone else feel completely empty without cigs? like ive just lost an arm or something! lol

Aiming to be completely smoke free by weekend.

Will keep you posted

Not enjoying champix i have to say, the dogs never been for so many walks!

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nsd_user663_2468 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_2136 profile image

first of all... bestsmileys.com/welcome/18.gif to the best place to be if you're quitting!

The emptiness is, I think, something that lots of us have experienced - a sense of loss which can be quite intense. In my case it passed quite quickly and now only occasionally re-appears and then only for a moment or two.

Mood swings too.. yep.. all of that!:D:mad::D:

But.. stick with it, it's worth it. Good luck to both of you!

nsd_user663_1930 profile image


Well done on your no smoking campaigns, I am one of a few people on this forum that don't actually want to give up, but know it's the right thing to do for health reasons... Blah blah blah...

You won't regret it, I gave up for 18 days in June 2007, and started again. It would have been relatively easy to have said no at the time, but none-the-less I didn't, and here I am on Day 5 instead of Month 6...

Even after Day 5, the benefits are so much more, don't feel like crap in the morning, not coughing my guts up over the sink.

So albeit I quite like smoking, I have to admit that I prefer not smoking...

Infact the last 5 days I have actually woken up in a good mood, which is very rare (Ask my wife...) :D

And yes, that empty feeling, something missing in my life, is still hanging around, but its a damn site easier to ignore it now.

nsd_user663_2320 profile image

Hi Chris and Ian, and a HUGE WELCOME.

I'm using Champix, wonderful drug!! I set my quit day for Day 12 to make sure I'd had some of the full dose in my system. Like you I really suffered with the nausea no matter how I took the tab - before food, during food or after - eventually it got so bad that I mentioned it to the nurse who suggested dropping me to the half dose, 0.5mg twice a day instead of the 1.0mg twice a day - and I've been on that dose for the last three weeks, I'm even forgetting to take it at night now, how great is that :p.

And you're not weak, everyone reacts different to these tabs, my brother decided his quit day was day 8 and he really struggled cos he wasn't ready, so I learnt from his mistakes. Don't set your quit day too early in the first fortnight of taking them, let the tabs have chance to work for you. I found that the number of cigs I was smoking gradually reduced and they tasted horrible the day before I quit so that helped, but I smoked right up until the night before!

I also found the Champix support site helpful (automated) - myliferewards.co.uk and of course posting on here and getting much needed support from some really helpful and strong folks who've been through it and won :D.

One thing I will say is you must mention any side effects you're having to your smoking cessation peeps cos they are there to help so don't suffer in silence. But on a positive note I've tried every possible method to quit these last 25 years, I was really addicted to the nic, and I didn't think I would ever succeed and here I am at day 35 :D:D never would have thought it possible, hang in there and stay strong, the side effects don't last forever and a few are worth it for the end result - SMOKEFREE!!!

Carol x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome on board Chris & Ian x x x x x x x

Quitting is different for everyone, try and feel pleased for Ian without the green eyed monster popping up :D hehehe

The secret is to do things like this, posting on the forum can conjurer up some much needed support at anytime and also busy yourself as a distraction.

When a craving hits, move from where you are and do something completely different!! grab your coat and walk or shop, read do a puzzle or shouty sing on the top of your voice :D

Keep yourself busy, keep smiling and be strong x x x x

Cessation is great and you have your first goal, to get there smoke free ;)

~Buffy x x x x

nsd_user663_2452 profile image

I'm a newbie too!

Today is day eight of Champix, first dose of 1mg twice a day. Tomorrow is my planned quit day (hopefully). Must admit not really had any bad side effects accept for disturbed sleep and bad taste in my mouth. Have cut down loads this week already. This forum seems to be really helpful so will let you know how I get on. Been smoking since I was sixteen, now nearly 46 and really want to be a non-smoker. Have tried before on patches, hypno etc but failed (miserably). Getting nervy thinking about life without ciggies

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

How ya doin ?!

Hiya CazBags and Chris and Ian - I can't believe that I've found someone with only 1 post (CazBags) !!

Fantastic that you're so new - and this is definately the place to come for support.

Me and er indoors (Sharkbait) are on month 4 and 5 (I think) now and loving our no-tobacco, super healthy (aside from the other things that we get up to) mega fit (lazyarsed) lifestyle.

Life is sooooooooooooooooooo much better and we love the fact that neither of us smoke !!

Everyone we know is gobsmacked. If we can do it, you can !! It's all about will power (and champix!)

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Hello and Welcome

nsd_user663_2454 profile image

Hello :) I'm a newbie too :o I started on Champix today. Took my first tablet after forcing down a slice of toast (I don't *do* breakfast!) and have felt fine.

I've set my stop date for the 23rd. Looking forward to it right now, but I guess that may change nearer the time!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome on board x x x x

Best of luck with the champix :D

Most smokers don't *do* breakfast hehehe

Keep posting x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2468 profile image


Luckily have taken some time off work, had 4 puffs on half a low fat fag at about 9am, as really thought I couldnt do it, it tasted foul! Rest of the days been pretty bonkers, felt a bit teary earlier, very lethargic........ off to smoking cessation peeps in an hr to check my carbone monoxide!

So far my smoking has looked a bit like this! (sorry of this is dull but im typing through a craving bit!!)

Been smoking since age 13 increased since 2004 to 30-40 a day Marlboro's

Day one on champix - a good 20!

2 - prob 20 again!

3- bout 25 (had some drinks in evening!)

4 - felt a bit ropey all day smoked 12

5 - bout 15 (bought a pack of silk cut ultra low things)

6- smoked 6 (was pushing myself here was getting cravings and ratty as well)

7- smoked about 4 or so (3 in morning half pm)

8 (today) 4 blasts (champix now at full strength) feel weird........

really am so determined to quit this, I work with drug and alchohol detox at work sometimes and never appreciated how strong a craving could be!!! I mean its a cigarette! Suddenly from out of no where just when I was thinking ' dont feel to bad' the fish in the fishtank suddenly look smokeable, someone walks past my house with a fag on the go!..........theres some b----d smoking on tele! GAH! do these people have no sympathy!

My basset hound is pestering me for a walk.......... am used to lighting up whilst waiting for her to sniff that 'oh so important' blade of grass! lol...........

this had better be worth it!!!!!

Sorry for the waffle but I feel a bit better now!

My carbon monoxide reading was 36 last time! ......hopefully today will be better!

nsd_user663_2421 profile image


Ha Ha ! Lol ! Keep Posting You Got Me Laughin Me Socks Off Lol . You Could Write A Artical Prob A Book He He ! Tell Me More Tell Me More. X

nsd_user663_2406 profile image

good luck, do these smoking classes help? Dont think they are available here - along with champix and various other odds and sods!

nsd_user663_2406 profile image

Welcome on board x x x x

Best of luck with the champix :D

Most smokers don't *do* breakfast hehehe

Keep posting x

~Buffy x x

Unless its a bacon butty (runny egg optional) about 10am!!

nsd_user663_2452 profile image

To the newbies

esp Chris and Ian - big pat on the back for you. Keep on going. Tomorrows my quit day. Down to 5 today. Thought I'd try a glass of wine tonight just to see that I haven't lost my knack for drinking and guess what actually enjoying it without a ciggie. Keep it up you newbies, will check in on progress over the weekend. Well done all. :)

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