For Nosmoke and poskit: CONGRATULATIONS ON... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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For Nosmoke and poskit

nsd_user663_1744 profile image
10 Replies

CONGRATULATIONS ON 3 MONTHS Your'e an inspiration girls. Poskit are you off the champi yet - if so is it ok? Well done to both of you. I hoe to be there come xmas. it's been 6 wks so far and not so much as a puff!)

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nsd_user663_1744 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_2119 profile image

CONGRATULATIONS ON 3 MONTHS Your'e an inspiration girls. Poskit are you off the champi yet - if so is it ok? Well done to both of you. I hoe to be there come xmas. it's been 6 wks so far and not so much as a puff!)


i've got 6 weeks supply of champix left:eek: not felt the need to take them. just as if i've never smoked at all now, i've just got to make my last appointment with the nurse at my GP's surgery, to basically tell her that i'm now "cured!!!" and i'm not a nicotine addict anymore.

are you still taking them? how are you finding it? easy i hope!! as i did. i would recommend the champix to anyone, who needs the help.

I bumped into one of my friends' at the weekend ( i had told her about them before, about 6 weeks ago) and she was saying that she'd got some from her gp and she was also now smoke free and had been for 3 weeks!

stick with it kazza you're doin just brill.:)

love poskit.x

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Poskit I had missed your third monthiversary, you amazing star look where you are now! CONGRATS!!!!!

*throws confetti* :)

Edited to congrat NS4M as well heehee!!!!!!! I thought I already did that in another thread but I'm not so sure anymore if it was for your 3 months :rolleyes: Boy, I'm getting old :D

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Thank you Kazza!!! I was away for three days and just got home. Thank you so much and I will see you on your 3 months! :D

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

Poskit I had missed your third monthiversary, you amazing star look where you are now! CONGRATS!!!!!

*throws confetti*

Edited to congrat NS4M as well heehee!!!!!!! I thought I already did that in another thread but I'm not so sure anymore if it was for your 3 months : Boy, I'm getting old


it's your third monthiversary on the 19th:D so really your not that far behind us:D

are you finding it easy now? i am:D especially now the weather's turned colder n i see alll those poor people standing in the cold to get their nicotine fix!!!

nooooooooooo i'm NEVER GOING BACK THERE!!!

best wishes for sunday! (just incase i don't get round to comin on the pc over the weekend!) got a couple of parties to go to.

bye for now.poskit.x

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Ohh thank you hunny! :D

I had a rough go of it while I was away in New York for a few days shopping because they smoke in the casinos, restaurants, everywhere except the malls. EVERYONE smokes there ~ where I live the smokers are in the minority, but there - the non-smokers don't exist. I managed to NOT smoke :D I am soooo very proud of myself. I was lost about 16 times and I was very stressed but here I stand still a non-smoker...and I am soooo pleased!!! I was so excited when I went into the casino and saw this lil' weeeee area for non-smokers and I went in there with my head held high and knew the people I was sitting beside didn't smell ciggie smoke on me and they never knew I use to be a smoker. What a wonderful feeling.

3 Months is a great feeling ~ keep up the good work all!

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

woweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you two

you are both really steaming ahead now and we are all so proud of you both both:D

thanx Bou! it's nice to have all this support;) and it is apprieciated! went to the doctors yesterday, and thats it now, i am officially a non-smoker:cool: the nurse put it into the computer, i had to go see my doctor then, and she was very pleased & congratulated me!!. i then had to be weighed!!! ...........................BIG MISTAKE:( !!! but................*sigh*....i've conquered the dieting before, so now i just have to do my damdest to do it!! i told her if i put my mind into it i can lose a stone for crimbo!!(sorry! ment to say christmas!) anyway i asked her for the xenical tablets (for weightloss!) had them before and they did help, plus i went to weight watchers. although i'm stuffed cos of the problems with my back and joints at the moment (thats why i've been up all night tonight) so i'm not very active, and we live right on the edge of the pennines and its all steep and loads of hills, not good for walking for the likes of me. anyway will try n get my act together n lose some weight.

right.... i'm gonna go to bed now n see if i can get some sleep.

byeeee for now.poskit.x

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Wowers Poskit!! A great does that sound?!! Good job!

Better to be over weight than to be a smoker. We can lose the weight (oneday, maybe, hopefully.... :confused: anyway) better to be a non-smoker and eat a bit extra :rolleyes:

I hope you can get some sleep soon - being awake all night is the worst. It is 12:46am here now so I am going to hit the sack shortly. Nighty night sleep tight! ;)

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Ohhh sorry Bou! :( I am here nowwwwwwww!! :D Catch ya later!

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

I thought I told you to put your glasses on Bou...I am standing right beside you.


My poor ears are killing me from all that yelling :p

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Finally you see me! :p

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