Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for April 2013


Really starting to struggle for some reason. Not getting craves as such but just...

Day 2 is lasting forever!

Hi Everyone, I am on day two of not smoking (with patches) and its so much wors...

21 tomorrow! days, that is! I survived my biggest test so far ...

Three whole weeks tomorrow morning, yippee! The 50th party for my OH on Saturday...
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day 2

well i spent day 1 sleeping most of my day 2 begin .really i cant tell ...

Goodbye Week 6 *waves*

Well this last 1-2 weeks has certainly moved quicker than I expected. I'd say th...


Hi Folks, I was born at the end of the long hot summer of '76, and despite wast...

Yay, I slept.....And had dreams of smoking!!!

Woohoo, I actually managed to sleep..............................and dreamt abou...

1 Month completed

Finally 1 month completed without smoking. Celebrating the success. Looking forw...

Wahay day 15 for me.

Well i never thought i would get this far. Im actually in my third week of non...



What I love :-)

Hi all am on week 5 !! Yippee ;-)) what I love about being a non smoker is that ...

day 3

hey day 3 of stopping smoking ad I feel light headed and dizzy hopefully tomoro ...

Day 18

Hey All Days are passing and still stopped, glad to see everybody pulling toget...

Not tired!

Hi Have just had a look through these symptoms threads but cant find one to ans...

Bit of a struggle today

I belong to a ladies club and today we have all been out to lunch. The weather h...

Day 9

Hi all today is day 9 since i quit again. I must admit that i had a couple fail...

Day 88 of my quit..thought I would pop in

Yup day 88, feel great,hope everyone who started there quit in that bleak,dark m...

Day 16

Either everyone is being total a moosehead or Im getting the itchy bitchy from t...

14 days of fresh air today

:) hi all been on champix for 14 days today,but have cut down on dosage to half ...


Tried the e-cig............................almost coughed my lungs up lol

I'll give up next.....

It would always be, after the bank holiday, after the school holidays ( I work i...

Another stupid question, sorry

Sorry but I have got a quick question. I have patches (put it on first thing i...


Why is it that 3......I'm wanting a cig more than I did yesterday?...

2 short video's

keep forgeting i used to smoke

ok i know its over two years now but this year i have really forgot for days eve...

Someone shout at me!

I'm in need of being shouted at, I've just had a big bust up with my girlfriend ...

My reasons to stop.

I'm going to be free again and defeat this drug. I'm currently reading allen car...

Happy to see the back of you, Day 40

When I decided to quit, I imagined that I would either sail through it or be so ...

Good bye day 2

Thank you to everyone that has replied to my previous post and given me confiden...

my reasons

well, simply my reasons 1- i am a diabetic and smoking increase my risk of heart...

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