I'll give up next.....: It would always be... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I'll give up next.....

nsd_user663_56712 profile image
11 Replies

It would always be, after the bank holiday, after the school holidays ( I work in a school), after my summer holiday.....you know the story, we've all made the excuses.

Anyway, a friend of mine gave me just 4 patches a month or so ago. They sat in my handbag.

I have an operation coming up next Tuesday which involves 'bone cutting stuff' on my shoulder.Been advised for ages to give up as it would help the healing of the bones. Maybe next week...I'll just finish the duty frees...

Suddenly last Thursday night I thought 'Why am I smoking?' :confused:I was out down the local pub, listening to a band, having a drink, not been out for just over an hour for a ciggie when someone walked in having had one-God knows what brand she was smoking it STUNK! and that was me a smoker. I went home with 3 Cigs in my packet, chain smoked them ( that made me gag).

Friday came and patches :) Today is my 7th day. It hasn't been easy, I have deliberately not changed my habits or my group of friends. I survived the bank holiday, I survived the pre-operation assessment. Tomorrow will be a test, out for dinner with smokers. I will not give in, I will not have a smoke ( I keep telling myself that so I will believe it).

I spotted this forum on Forum a couple of days ago, the posts and jokes have inspired me to keep being strong. Thank you all.

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nsd_user663_56712 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Hi Trea

Well done on day 7

My motivation to quit (ok, i'm only on day 3) is because i am due to have a minor op and the thought of going under general anaesthetic as a smoker scared the bjeezus out of me.

Again well done and keep at it xx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

hi Midwifey, I found day 3 hard too (Easter Sunday and i was out!!) Day 4, my sense of smell really started to come back, good and bad! Clean washing :) walking past someone's house where they must have been cooking chips:(.

I was scared they would refuse to do the operation as my chest was weasy, I sounded like a husty old man etc, in just one week that has started to clear. That is what I am focussing on- my health and not smelling like the ashtray! Amazing how you notice your hair can still smell of shampoo and not feel dirty after two days!

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

I have no sense of smell at the moment.................apart from when my dog decides to lay in stinky water on our walks lol

Kind of looking forward to that coming back. Also my ex not moaning that my boys hair smells of cigs when he has them. I didnt smoke indoors but it still travels.

My youngest son (11) has said if i dont smoke for a month he will give me £10 and my eldest has promised £50 if i dont smoke for a year lol

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

The sense of smell, when it returns, is a wonderful thing :)

It's amazing what you missed as a smoker.

The sense of taste is a bit iffy, as I found that I used to use too much salt etc in my cooking and some things started tasting a bit odd (certain types of dairy mainly). But a couple of little changes made and everything has much more depth of flavour now!

Well done guys, you're doing great :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Was one of the "I'll give up next New Year/Birthday/when I'm 30/blah blah" smokers too.

Just thought one day it would happen all by itself. :eek:

Even this time, I'd got fed up with smoking - in the space of half an hour or so, am impulsive - and thought I'd stop in the New Year, or possibly No-Smoking Day. But I didn't so it's fine :)

It's wonderful when you can smell and taste things properly, happens pretty quickly too which is great, and it reminds you exactly what you've been missing out on by smoking for so long. If you'd asked me back then, I'd have said my sense of smell was fab and that I didn't smell of fags, both of which were wrong sadly.

Ooh and Midwifey, how lovely your kids are supporting you so much, that's so sweet!!

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hi guys, thanks for the support!

been using my non smoking productively and have cleared out my book collection and found Alan Carr ( hidden at the back of a cupboard for how long-who knows) so I shall read that. Maybe this time I'll read it properly instead of pretending to and then saying what a load of tosh, that was no help at all!!

Sense of taste! Arghhhh my beloved coffee tastes grim today :eek:

Sense of smell- could probably smell the snowflakes that keep falling-pesky stuff!

Have a great day everyone :)

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


A warm welcome to the Forum my love.

7 days in, well done, IMO the first few days/week are by far the worst, so you're over that hurdle. Way to go:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Realted to the "I'll stop next...." Have read the first page or so of Allen Carr's longer book and it's scary sad stuff.

He's giving himself nosebleeds by smoking but far too addicted to do anything (or so he thought) about it. The thought of someone covered in blood, justifying it because he had another 7 pints or so left, and lighting up is sad.

Now I always said I'd stop when I noticed bad stuff happening - really meant it too - but it has hit me recently that bad stuff *was* happening. Had a nagging cough off and on for months, and smoking too much made my leg ache badly and not once did it occur to me to stop so we were in the same boat, just a question of degree really :(

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

I think when you are smoking you don't realise how much the sticks are poisoning your body. Because you are addicted you push the symptoms and general malaise into the back-ground. I should have stopped years ago - but the benefit of hindsight is a wonderful thing. :D Still, this new journey we are on is a happy one.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

I think a big help is having the encouragement on here.

And that is not 'just saying that' Are our encouraging friends around at silly o'clock when we really want a ciggie? this forum is though even if noone is online, there is always a post to read or answer. The problems and stresses will still be there if I cave in but will be there with a smelly me and a sense of failure too.

it is day 8 for me and the changes in taste, smell, coughing, breathing, even my voice already WOW is all I can say. Ok maybe I should have given up earlier but hey at least I've done it now and I plan for it to stay that way!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I think when you are smoking you don't realise how much the sticks are poisoning your body. Because you are addicted you push the symptoms and general malaise into the back-ground. I should have stopped years ago - but the benefit of hindsight is a wonderful thing. :D Still, this new journey we are on is a happy one.

That's true, but you've stopped now so that's all that matters :)

I think a big help is having the encouragement on here.

And that is not 'just saying that' Are our encouraging friends around at silly o'clock when we really want a ciggie? this forum is though even if noone is online, there is always a post to read or answer. The problems and stresses will still be there if I cave in but will be there with a smelly me and a sense of failure too.

it is day 8 for me and the changes in taste, smell, coughing, breathing, even my voice already WOW is all I can say. Ok maybe I should have given up earlier but hey at least I've done it now and I plan for it to stay that way!

Ooh yes, this place is brilliant Trea!!

Apart from anything else, you don't feel like you can go on to your friends too much about it, but on here there's always someone to help you out or give you a hand up!!

And how great is it that you're getting the benefits of stopping?

That's a huge inspiration to carry on 'cos you know what smoking took away from you!!

It is free to us but remember that it is run and paid for by the charity the British Heart Foundation and I'm sure that they could always use extra donations if anyone feels like doing so,to express our gratitude.:)

And that's where some of my fag money is headed, Max :)

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