Happy to see the back of you, Day 40 - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Happy to see the back of you, Day 40

nsd_user663_56237 profile image
9 Replies

When I decided to quit, I imagined that I would either sail through it or be so distraught that I'd cave in.

I was so wrong! The truth is, I'm both. Sailing along, so proud and confident in myself. Then BAM! I feel like it's only a matter of time before I'll be sparking up my next cig.

But, despite the fact that I have cigarettes readily available (other half smokes) and could sneak off at any time and indulge, I have not once been able to bring myself to even pick up the packet. Even at my very worst moments I have known that THIS IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE FOR MYSELF.

Today was another one of those days, happily minding my own business and then hit by this wave of excuses as to why I should just give in.

For ANYONE reading this post please, if you're having a particularly rough patch, tell someone. Anyone. Complain, punch the air (but try to avoid walls, people etc :rolleyes:), shout and scream, cry.

It makes the world of difference. It reminds you of the reasons you are SAVING YOURSELF from the filth you have been poisoning your body with for so long.

And also, sometimes we just need a good kick up the behind from someone who has been through exactly the same :eek:

Thank you, once again, to all of you who constantly offer words of advice and support (and also listen to me blab on!). I wouldn't be a PROUD NON-SMOKER if it weren't for you. :D

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nsd_user663_56237 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_56237 profile image

In the strange world of smoking,quitting and smoking again,exist many truths but they are sometimes overwhelmed by the lies,self deception and smoke and mirrors that make up the con-trick which is smoking.

That line there quoted above Sarah Lou,is the one line you ought to come back to again and again and again cos its so TRUE :D

There are no good things about smoking-there are nothing BUT good things about quitting.

We will not let you fail!!:D x

Another good post well written there, Max :) Will remember to come back to this the next time things are a little hazy! :) x

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Nice post Sarah Lou and nicely depicts the swings and roundabouts. It's easy, and also the hardest thing in the world to achieve. It's easy. It's really not.

Well done, explicitly for having the mental resilience, the emotional control and sheer will to get through the hardest part of the process.

COME ON! Success breeds success, keep it going and stay strong Sarah Lou, you should be proud of what you've done so far and look forward to many spring days of fresh air and the good things in life.

Well done you! :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Nice post Sarah Lou and nicely depicts the swings and roundabouts. It's easy, and also the hardest thing in the world to achieve. It's easy. It's really not.

Well done, explicitly for having the mental resilience, the emotional control and sheer will to get through the hardest part of the process.

COME ON! Success breeds success, keep it going and stay strong Sarah Lou, you should be proud of what you've done so far and look forward to many spring days of fresh air and the good things in life.

Well done you! :)

Thank you so much!

I am proud, and looking forward to tomorrow :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I knew you'd make it hun :)

It's tricky, it takes courage, determination and sometimes shouting and screaming but it is so worth it to get free from smoking.

There is *nothing* good about being a smoker, you lose nothing by quitting, you gain health, money, freedom, no nasty mouth, not smellyness and so much more.

"Smoking only makes things worse"

And the sad thing is that you end up smoking more and more just to feel normal - which is actually scary when you realise it.

But all that aside, you *know* that quitting is the best decision you can make and that is the important thing!!

Tomorrow will be better!! xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

In case you were wondering ...

I knew you'd make it hun

It's tricky, it takes courage, determination and sometimes shouting and screaming but it is so worth it to get free from smoking.

There is *nothing* good about being a smoker, you lose nothing by quitting, you gain health, money, freedom, no nasty mouth, not smellyness and so much more.

"Smoking only makes things worse"

And the sad thing is that you end up smoking more and more just to feel normal - which is actually scary when you realise it.

But all that aside, you *know* that quitting is the best decision you can make and that is the important thing!!

Tomorrow will be better!! xxx

...Today is better :)

As well as suddenly wanting to smoke yesterday and the pit of despair your brain inevitably falls into when you're negative, my boyfriend and I had a minor falling out. The typical "what's wrong?" and my annoying response "nothing". Lol. I hate falling out and I really hate it when I'm the cause :o

I blame this on the fact that I was already feeling rotten, but have made my apologies this morning and now feel much better about it :)

My lesson here is to remember: NOT ALL OF MY PROBLEMS ARE BECAUSE I HAVE QUIT SMOKING. Sometimes we just have a rotten day (which I think was the major cause yesterday). If we can just drag ourselves through that initial muddy patch, it will stop becoming about smoking. And then we can get on with the rest of our day, hopefully without falling out with those who love us :rolleyes:

It's sunny outside and it's almost the weekend. What's there to feel miserable about? *plays a happy tune in head*

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Attagirl! Glad you're feeling better today, these hiccoughs will turn up but you will get through them and hopefully without any major fallings out with your nearest and dearest! You keep on playing that happy tune, you're well on track and doing fantastically well, so be proud of yourself! Any idiot can quit when everything's hunky dory and all's well with the world but it takes some guts and determination to hang on to your quit when life's curve balls come your way so well done!:D

Thanks :)

I'm very lucky to be in a relationship that suffers from only very minor disagreements usually (and a good disagreement is half the fun!), so I think I can be forgiven for my mood swings seeing as I'm trying to better myself!

Also, I cook some great food. Where would he be without me? ;)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

...Today is better : )

As well as suddenly wanting to smoke yesterday and the pit of despair your brain inevitably falls into when you're negative, my boyfriend and I had a minor falling out. The typical "what's wrong?" and my annoying response "nothing". Lol. I hate falling out and I really hate it when I'm the cause :o

I blame this on the fact that I was already feeling rotten, but have made my apologies this morning and now feel much better about it : )

My lesson here is to remember: NOT ALL OF MY PROBLEMS ARE BECAUSE I HAVE QUIT SMOKING. Sometimes we just have a rotten day (which I think was the major cause yesterday). If we can just drag ourselves through that initial muddy patch, it will stop becoming about smoking. And then we can get on with the rest of our day, hopefully without falling out with those who love us :rolleyes:

It's sunny outside and it's almost the weekend. What's there to feel miserable about? *plays a happy tune in head*


Positive Sarah is back!!

Am loving the quote in your signature by the way.

We *do* tend to blame every bad mood, ropey day and so on, on quitting - it isn't. We had c**p days when we smoked, we'll have c**p days now we don't but generally we're a bit calmer than before. :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image


Positive Sarah is back!!

Am loving the quote in your signature by the way.

We *do* tend to blame every bad mood, ropey day and so on, on quitting - it isn't. We had c**p days when we smoked, we'll have c**p days now we don't but generally we're a bit calmer than before.

Thought that one up all by myself :D *pats self on back*

Once the feeling has passed, you look back and wonder "why did I let myself get so worked up about it?". But, at the time, it really feels as if you're fighting a battle that you won't win. :rolleyes:

My hope is that, as we beat each bad feeling to a pulp, they will become fewer and further between. I'm looking forward to the day that my brain stops associating stress with smoking :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thought that one up all by myself :D *pats self on back*

Once the feeling has passed, you look back and wonder "why did I let myself get so worked up about it?". But, at the time, it really feels as if you're fighting a battle that you won't win. :rolleyes:

My hope is that, as we beat each bad feeling to a pulp, they will become fewer and further between. I'm looking forward to the day that my brain stops associating stress with smoking :)


It's a good one!!

I had days when the only option was to say "bugger it" and go to sleep - but not for a long time now!!

You'll get there, just hang on tight untill you do xxx

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