Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for April 2013

Finally stopped on day 1

I put out my last cigarette just before 12 oclock. I was thinking of putting it ...

The smokers Vow

The Smoker’s Vow -------------------------------------------------------------...

Just Joined First Post 11 months

Hi everyone. Just joined today. Fantastic website for support in staying stopped...
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Six months yesterday and i almost forgot

cant believe iv have not smoked in 6 months! I almost forgot i was a smoker at o...


Hi Just joined, been floating around in here for a while now and picked up some...

Had such a relaxed day after a down few days!

Had such a relaxed day today. I cannot believe I ever started smoking! All the s...

50 shades of grey

Just bought 50 SHEDS of grey anybody read it LOL :eek:

A little advice please ...

Okay, here's the situation. I just asked my boyfriend, as he sparked up, if I c...

41 days and all is well

Had a great night out last night at a dinner dance with my friends, meal was sup...

6 months today

Celebrated my 49th birthday yesterday and 6 months smoke free today! My next ch...

day 4 on Champix

am now on day 4 felt sick every day almost like morning sickness its good though...

Double Figures!!

:D:D I never thought I could do it! Day 10 bring it on- I embrace you. So much ...

A Year * Woo-hoo * Made it to the Penthouse

Well, officially at 9pm tonight ... Looking forward to joining the party ... I...

welcome day 4

just feel dizzy ,some blurring of vision and feel my head weight a ton but ok th...

Day 28 :)

Good morning Day 28! I've reached the final step on my quit chart :D

Hello Day Three

Well it is officially the start of my third day without smoking, and I feel like...

leaving 2 months

24 hours and im into the 3 month room hehehe, its been a lot easyer than i thoug...

I feel very grumpy...

Past few days been tough. Because of Ppl selfish ways, the stress of it started ...


I recently bought a sky cig starter pack and the battery needed recharging. I ha...

Dry mouth

Hi on day 40 and am experiencing an extremely dry mouth, especially in the night...

Day 22

Well, that's 3 weeks done with patches. They are too painful and itchy and my sk...

Started my joy and pain (2 weeks) "My Quit Diary"

Hi my name is Mark im 20 years old. Im new on this forum. I was smoking for 4 ye...


strange feeling i feel that someone squeeze my head.guys when these badfeeling w...

Day 90 - Realising how smoking rules your life

Hi all, just wanted to check in and say hello. I've been coming on here less and...

End of Day 26 go me :)

Hey everyone, hope your all well! All's good here, enjoying a nice week off wor...

2 years 3 months 5 days and Grieving

As the title says just had to have my 12 year old boxer doggy put to sleep after...

Room for a small one?

Woop!! That's about it really, woop hello month four! Tried quitting maybe thi...

I had one of THOSE dreams last night!

I'm fairly sure everyone will have experienced similar, those smoking dreams whi...

Hell yeah, 9 days baby :)

Hey ex smokers! So i am amazed and i never thought i would be here. I have trie...

E Cigs

I have seen these E Cigs-and tried a puff a while ago when a friend was quitting...

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