Yay, I slept.....And had dreams of smoking!!! - No Smoking Day

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Yay, I slept.....And had dreams of smoking!!!

nsd_user663_56749 profile image
16 Replies

Woohoo, I actually managed to sleep..............................and dreamt about smoking and in my dream feeling guilty about it.

I'm now starting day 4 and feel the craving worse than ever. I am sick of the arguments going on in my head.........feel like i'm losing the battle against nic :(

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nsd_user663_56749 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

YAY sleep BOO guilty dreams!!

You're *not* losing the battle Midwifey, not unless you stick a sticky fag in your mouth and light it!!

It's tough, and you're having a rotten time of it but it *will* pass!!

Meantime a few things that helped me... :)

* Drink lots (and i mean lots) of water - don't know how but it helps heaps.

* Distract yourself when the monster nags you

* Ask yourself *why* you want a cigarette - and "because" isn't an answer!!

* Tell yourself you'll have one "later"

* Make a fake cigarette. Can be paper, a straw, lolly stick, anything and pretend to smoke it

* Go for a walk or a run

Most of all, post on here and rant all you want!!

You're not losing anything by freeing yourself from smoking, you're gaining health, money and a non smelly life!!

Ooh, and make sure you tell yourself you're not "giving up" smoking, you're freeing yourself from an addiction that not only will kill you in the end but takes away your self respect, comfidence and needs ever increasing amounts to make you feel normal. Don't let yourself be beaten by a plant!! xx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Did you get through yesterday without a cig? Yes

you can do the same today too (even with shoe shopping thrown in).

Keep strong go hour by hour or minute by minute when the craves hit. I found cleaning my teeth good...might try the ironing a shirt distraction :D there'll be none left to do them!

Have you got a mantra you repeat to yourself?

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Hi Gemma and Trea

I'm not missing the hand to mouth action and at the moment the only mantra going round my head is 'god i want a cig'

I'm sorry. Deep down I know I wont cave in but that is truely the only thing going round my head atm.

Off to walk my dog in a minute then drive my boys to their dads this afternoon so gonna be busy. I suppose I was hoping that this morning the cravings might be easier to deal with................but they're not :(

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Please hang in there Amanda, I promise it will get easier. Get through today and tomorrow will be better.

More hugs coming your way chick

Molly x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma and Trea

I'm not missing the hand to mouth action and at the moment the only mantra going round my head is 'god i want a cig'

Aww, I know the feeling!!

It's tough at first, even caught myself saying that out loud a few times - that's why i said to question the crave and ask why you want one. It did help me :)

I'm sorry.

Don't be!!

You can't help what thoughts pop into your head, and don't make yourself feel bad for it!!

Deep down I know I wont cave in but that is truely the only thing going round my head atm.

Off to walk my dog in a minute then drive my boys to their dads this afternoon so gonna be busy. I suppose I was hoping that this morning the cravings might be easier to deal with................but they're not :(

They will be, and pretty soon too!!

It might help to write a list of reasons you're stopping - there's a section on here if you like or do it on paper if you prefer. It helps to reinforce it in your mind :)

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

i caught myself arguing with myself yesterday. ''I want one. But why? coz Im pi***ed off. then you'll still be pi**ed off, smelly and more pi**ed off coz you've had a cig'' so if you question yourself be prepared for some answers to fly back! Quite funny looking back.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hi Gemma and Trea

I'm not missing the hand to mouth action and at the moment the only mantra going round my head is 'god i want a cig'

I'm sorry. Deep down I know I wont cave in but that is truely the only thing going round my head atm.

Off to walk my dog in a minute then drive my boys to their dads this afternoon so gonna be busy. I suppose I was hoping that this morning the cravings might be easier to deal with................but they're not :(

It really is like a rollercoaster Midwifey.

Please, please don't apologise. First of all, thinking about smoking is NOT failure and NOT something to be sorry for. Think about it as much as you need to, but don't fear or feel guilty about these thoughts.

And secondly, you do not need to apologise to us. This is YOUR quit and all we can do is be there when things get tough and hope that we can give you enough guidance to get through. You are SO strong for making it so far and things DO get easier, but there are still times in the early stages when we think we're going a bit mad.

Remember that these cravings ease and I have been told they become almost laughable later on :)

Keeping busy is great and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Try not to worry, you should be extremely proud! :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

i caught myself arguing with myself yesterday. ''I want one. But why? coz Im pi***ed off. then you'll still be pi**ed off, smelly and more pi**ed off coz you've had a cig'' so if you question yourself be prepared for some answers to fly back! Quite funny looking back.

I like these inner arguments as, so far, the quitter in me ahs won every single time :) There's nothing wrong with a good discussion to yourself now and then!

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

When I have blipped in the past it has almost been like an out-of-body experience. I could see myself stopping the car at a shop and buying the stupid sticks and a lighter. I could also see myself following the routine - then feeling the disgust and feeling of failure. :eek: Pleased this has not taken place over the past 3 months!!!!!!

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Hi Midwifey, perfectly normal. No comfort but normal none the less, and some wise words already offered.

I particularly like dicko's out of body experience bit as that's precisely how i saw myself from around day 3 to roughly day 7 or 8. I was going through the motions of everyday life, all the while mentally and emotionally living in a crave bubble totally detached from everything else. :(

I was knackered, couldn't concentrate on anything at all, and actually what did me good was to look at myself as a third party for a bit. Who I was at that stage was not the real me, just a temporary me having to deal with a short term transition to a new and improved me.

What you have to believe, with 100% certainty and conviction, is that this is temporary and will pass soon. It does. So all you have to do is ride it out, one step, one hour, one day at a time until you are you again, just a much calmer, healthier and elated you instead.

And what's a few days of roughness in the context of the rest of your life? You are doing soooo well, big thumbs up for you! Stay strong and enjoy your weekend! :)


nsd_user663_56749 profile image

Thanks for all your replies

Good to know whats happening to me is normal..............beginning to feel like i'm schizophrenic (?Spelling).

I know I mustn't dwell on the fact I'm going to be with a smoker this weekend but I keep arguing that just 1 wont hurt..............I know it will.

I'm waffling I know..............sorry

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good to know whats happening to me is normal..............beginning to feel like i'm schizophrenic (?Spelling).

It's normal, horrible but normal!!

It does pass fast though, and I'm not that far into my quit compared to a lot of people here, but honestly can't think of the last time I craved.

I know I mustn't dwell on thefact I'm going to be with a smoker this weekend but I keep arguing that just 1 wont hurt..............I know it will.

I'm waffling I know..............sorry

You're not waffling :)

Do watch out for the "just one" trap because it's hard to get out of - and you're doing so well!!

If you feel strong enough, look at some smokers. Do they look like they're enjoying it? (they don't) Do they look pale, drawn and often rather ashamed? (yes!!)

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


I know I mustn't dwell on the fact I'm going to be with a smoker this weekend but I keep arguing that just 1 wont hurt..............I know


One WILL hurt, these blighters don't come in singles, they come in packs !!!!

Please, dismiss any thoughts of having just one puff, you've just completed the first few most difficult days (well done:) so please focus on that.

Each day gets easier Amanda, promise!

Fi x

nsd_user663_56718 profile image

hi midwifey its my 4th day as well and today i have found the hardest up to now.. but i know i have to hang in there because it will be worth it in the end.. its so hard this is my 5th attempt at giving up and i hope my final attempt. Keep at it we are strong and can win this battle. :o

nsd_user663_56772 profile image

my 4th day too :) I am finding it hard more the light headed dizziness than cravings we have done 3 days already am sure we can do this :)

nsd_user663_56749 profile image

We will get there x

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