Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for March 2013

A bit frustrated

Don't want to hijack Magicbunny's thread so am going to say this here instead. ...

coming to the end of m3

coming to the end of month 3 but I must admit to having had half a ciggy but as ...

im on day 6-change of meds

I dont understand the point in patches. All my help programs talk about nicotin...
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Man in the Mirror

Hello everyone, thought id pop in to say hello and to let you know that i am now...

And a good morning to day 4

Well i have made it, over half a week. Whoooop my patch is on and im ready. I...

what a bloody weekend!!

Hi everyone, I have had the weekend from Hell! If I was ever going to start smok...

Day 12 almost done

Hi, Today was day 12 for me and I have to say, things are going ok. That`s not t...


Hi. I am putting together a quit smoking website, partly as a means of trying to...

Time to follow Allen's advice ...

"1. Make the decision that you are never going to smoke again." "2. Don't mope a...

Still here

Hello All, day 11 and still fighting the demon.

Hello SamT

Hello Sammy, I would love to introduce Sam my best friend, I am trying to persu...

Week three is coming!

Well got through another weekend and it really is getting easier! Can't believe ...

27 days

Getting excited now the first month is in sight and I know that things can only ...

Day 3 and feeling odd

Well day 3 here, but for some reason I feel down quite a bit today. It's hard to...

Wow ...

... One whole month! :) That's 30 days, 290 cigarettes and around £90.00. Appar...

Is this normal???

Morning. I last had a cig at 8am on thursday morning but im counting my days fr...

Good morning day 3

Whoop day three here i come. Patch on and im ready for you x x :D

What's the ONE best tip you've had?

There's lots of great advice on how to quit smoking all over this board and in v...
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I confess

I have had a BAD day today and I caved. 1st I forgot to take my Anti D's yesterd...

I'm still here!

For those of you who may have been wondering as to my whereabouts, I'm here! Ti...


Ok, so I am celebrating my sons 2nd birthday I have an excuse! ...

Absolute Bliss!

Had a lovely wee day in town and treated myself a bit! Bought my son two new pai...

Still smoke free.

Evening all feeling good... Stay focused x

Day 8

On to my second week. Hope all you lovely people are right and that it will get ...

My driving force = my 5 year old boy

Day 6 & Counting

Day 6 for me today progressing ok utilising patches and gum as required get thro...

Feeling like a non-smoker

This is my first post on here so I think it 's only polite to say hello first. ...

Birthday celebrations over

What a great birthday I had yesterday with my family and friends, got spoilt rot...

First week finished - time for treat!

I made it through the week without a smoke! Yippee! To be honest, the week has d...

Good morning day 2

As the title says. Just starting day 2 of no smoking. I cant believe i havent e...

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