im on day 6-change of meds: I dont understand... - No Smoking Day

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im on day 6-change of meds

nsd_user663_56287 profile image
16 Replies

I dont understand the point in patches. All my help programs talk about nicotine leaving the body. But infact it hasnt. So Im going cold turkey now!

I did day 3 and day 5 cold turkey. If I struggle, I still have patches that I can use.

My sleeping is still pretty bad, I slept pretty much all day saturday. I was super tired yesterday and I overslept again to get to work. Any advice on keeping awake or sleeping advice please?


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nsd_user663_56287 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Hi Magicbunny,

I too suffered from poor (and lack of) sleep, and tried pretty much everything. Mine lasted for a few weeks, no more than that so from experience it seems temporary.

I drink a fair amount of coffee, if you do too then maybe reducing caffeine intake or going totally decaf may help - did you know that nicotine doubles the rate that the body depletes caffeine? This may not be relevant if you've been using patches, somewhat confusing :confused: but may help anyway...

Good luck CT, I'm with you and sheer human determination is hard to beat - stay strong! :)

nsd_user663_56287 profile image

Thanks peeps. Im not allowed caffine anyway due to my anxiety disorder.

I wish I was allowed caffine though, Ive been tempted to drink some to stay awake. Friday was the worst for me, I was really struggling to keep my eyes open at work. It doesnt help staring at a computer all day.


gobble gobble gobble

nsd_user663_56287 profile image

I'm constantly tired.

glad its not just me :D

nsd_user663_56287 profile image

Thanks Kitty Kat :D

I hope it does get easier *Face-desk* ZzzZZzzZZ

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hey Magicbunny :)

When I think about it, this is what I've put my body through over the last 4 weeks:

Cold Turkey (due to a cold) 6 1/2 days

Nicotine patch (friday night at the pub) 5 hours

Cold Turkey (didn't feel as though I needed a patch) 2 days

Nicotine patch (back to work, thought I might need it) 5 days

Cold Turkey (Saturday and Sunday were no struggle) 2 days

Cold Turkey (wanted a reduced patch, as I had headaches and nausea, but couldn't find any) 5 days

Nictone gum (alternative to the patch, less nicotine) 1 piece on Friday night (I hated it!)

It's no wonder that, by the time I got to Saturday of my third week, I was going absolutely bonkers with anxiety and dark thoughts of smoking.

I can't believe I put my poor body through this!

If you can go cold turkey, definately do it :D

Good luck!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Do think cold turkey is the best way to go *if* you're up to it. On the other hand anything is better than smoking - but Sarah's right, you do drag out the quit when you use NRT.

Have gone from patches and gum, just gum to e-cig and am hoping to get myself off that soon but it annoys me to have only done half a job :mad:

Good luck Magicbunny, am sure you can do it, but do keep something handy in case you feel like you're going to smoke again!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Do think cold turkey is the best way to go *if* you're up to it. On the other hand anything is better than smoking - but Sarah's right, you do drag out the quit when you use NRT.

Have gone from patches and gum, just gum to e-cig and am hoping to get myself off that soon but it annoys me to have only done half a job :mad:

Good luck Magicbunny, am sure you can do it, but do keep something handy in case you feel like you're going to smoke again!!

Gemma, you HAVE NOT done half a job. Please remember that or I will be coming to give you a good slap!

Even whilst I've used patches, gum and the e-cig, I have still reminded myself that I have quit smoking.

YOU ARE A NON-SMOKER. Isn't that fab? :)

The sooner you can come off the NRT, the better. But do not think that you've failed, in any way, sweetie. You're doing great and I wouldn't still be posting on here if it weren't for you! xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Don't make me come over there, Gemma Lou.

I WILL bring my frying pan and Kat to back me up! ;)

Earlier in the week, just before my book arrived, I was still quite low about using aids to help me. I told myself "Just wait until you've read the book. It can't do any harm and may even help".

I've said that to myself each time I've decided to try a new method throughout this quit. It's kept me fighting through and then, by the time I attempt the method, I've already felt better in myself.

Keep smiling :D


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma, you HAVE NOT done half a job. Please remember that or I will be coming to give you a good slap!

Even whilst I've used patches, gum and the e-cig, I have still reminded myself that I have quit smoking.

YOU ARE A NON-SMOKER. Isn't that fab? :)

The sooner you can come off the NRT, the better. But do not think that you've failed, in any way, sweetie. You're doing great and I wouldn't still be posting on here if it weren't for you! xxx

Aww thanks Sarah :)

I am delighted i don't smoke any more - and honestly have no desire to any more apart from the odd pang that I can kick away easily - but still being hooked bugs me :eek:

Am really glad to have helped you, and it's so great to see how you've come on since you joined!! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Don't make me come over there, Gemma Lou.

I WILL bring my frying pan and Kat to back me up! ;)

Earlier in the week, just before my book arrived, I was still quite low about using aids to help me. I told myself "Just wait until you've read the book. It can't do any harm and may even help".

I've said that to myself each time I've decided to try a new method throughout this quit. It's kept me fighting through and then, by the time I attempt the method, I've already felt better in myself.

Keep smiling :D


Lol, so long as you whack Nic not me!! :eek:

It's odd, it's not bothered me much before, but it is getting on my wick that well over 3 months smoke free I'm not nicotine free - but being honest I'm a bit scared!!

Hopefully "the book" will change that! xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Lol. "The book" had better live up to it's expectations then, hadn't it?

The only reason I kept swapping from patches to gum to an e-cig is because I was scared of eliminating the nicotine altogether. But I think I helped to cause my own mood swings etc by going on and off it so much.

One of the women I go to college with had a 30 a day habit and swapped to an e-cig just before christmas (so let's say three months) and she recently swapped to a lower level of nicotine. She's really pleased with herself, as she has not touched a real cig, and she says she's feeling just about ready to reduce the nicotine to it's final stage.

Don't beat yourself up too much, you just need to be strict and deicde when you are going to reduce the strength :)

I'm sure you will get used to it quickly and be glad that yo

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Lol. "The book" had better live up to it's expectations then, hadn't it?

The only reason I kept swapping from patches to gum to an e-cig is because I was scared of eliminating the nicotine altogether. But I think I helped to cause my own mood swings etc by going on and off it so much.

One of the women I go to college with had a 30 a day habit and swapped to an e-cig just before christmas (so let's say three months) and she recently swapped to a lower level of nicotine. She's really pleased with herself, as she has not touched a real cig, and she says she's feeling just about ready to reduce the nicotine to it's final stage.

Don't beat yourself up too much, you just need to be strict and deicde when you are going to reduce the strength :)

I'm sure you will get used to it quickly and be glad that yo

**I'm sure you will get used to it quickly and be glad that you reduced the intake. xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol. "The book" had better live up to it's expectations then, hadn't it?

The only reason I kept swapping from patches to gum to an e-cig is because I was scared of eliminating the nicotine altogether. But I think I helped to cause my own mood swings etc by going on and off it so much.

One of the women I go to college with had a 30 a day habit and swapped to an e-cig just before christmas (so let's say three months) and she recently swapped to a lower level of nicotine. She's really pleased with herself, as she has not touched a real cig, and she says she's feeling just about ready to reduce the nicotine to it's final stage.

Don't beat yourself up too much, you just need to be strict and deicde when you are going to reduce the strength :)

I'm sure you will get used to it quickly and be glad that yo

Lol, well I'm hoping it will!!

Am feeling very much like you were - scared to drop it altogether but I do want to.

If the book doesn't do the trick, I'll keep plodding along with the e-cig and swap down to a lower strength soon anyway - it's helpful to know that other people are using it the same way!!

What are you studying? (if you don't mind me being nosy :p )

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Just to drag us back on topic - FLOPSY GET YOUR HEAD OFF THAT DESK!!!! Honestly hon, you'd have got away with it if you weren't snoring loud enough for me to hear you all the way down here!

Seriously, get in as many zzzzzs as you can, it helps your body adjust if you've clocked out as much as possible, it can then concentrate all its energies on working out what has happened and how to respond to the new environment. So sleep sweet, just not at the office!:p:D

Lol, apologies flopsy. It's amazing how quickly you can suddenly move off topic! :o

nsd_user663_56287 profile image

Hehe its fine, you guys rant away :D

Im too dozey to care ;) Ive just got some of that actimist eye spray stuff for at work. I can see why they call it acti-mist because you miss your eyes everytime you spray it!

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


We're all on this quitting malarkey Rollercoaster, and our emotions and sleep patterns are all over the place. We're all different - I had insomnia the first month of quitting, and when I did sleep I had very real dreams and was very busy, so sleep was kinda disturbed!! It was awful!

So if I had the choice of no sleep, or sleeping all the time, I know which one I'd choose, I'd have been bedded at the drop of a hat, or curled up on the sofa. So just enjoy the rest! (try not to sleep in for work though!)

Fi x

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