Time to follow Allen's advice ... - No Smoking Day

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Time to follow Allen's advice ...

nsd_user663_56237 profile image
17 Replies

"1. Make the decision that you are never going to smoke again."

"2. Don't mope about it . Rejoice."

I was so stuck on the idea that I was "giving up", that I have spent much of the last few weeks moping about the (totally untrue) fact that I am punishing myself. So, saving myself from disease is punishment? Freeing myself from what can only be described as slavery is punishment? Ensuring that I live a fuller, more enjoyable life is punishment? I think not!

So I've read the book that has been so highly recommended, and I think it's time to follow some sound advice:


I don't care if it takes 100 books, a good slap every now and then, or just a good old cry when the going gets tough, it's not happening.

2. YIPPEE I'M FREE! Time to stop moping and celebrate, even if it's a bad day. The little devil that is ONLY in my mind will not disappear unless I really believe that I have made a positive difference to my life. An amazing achievement!

Please join me for a pat on the back and a huge "YIPPEE"! After all, we're achieving something that we will feel the benefits of FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES.

Hi, my name is Sarah Lou and I am a proud NON-SMOKER :D

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nsd_user663_56237 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh wow, that's brilliant to hear!!

Think I'm going to have to get that book 'cos it sounds really powerful :cool:

It's really great to see the change in you - massive well done Sarah and keep going!!

My name's Gemma and I'm a very proud non-smoker :D

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

"1. Make the decision that you are never going to smoke again."

"2. Don't mope about it . Rejoice."

I was so stuck on the idea that I was "giving up", that I have spent much of the last few weeks moping about the (totally untrue) fact that I am punishing myself. So, saving myself from disease is punishment? Freeing myself from what can only be described as slavery is punishment? Ensuring that I live a fuller, more enjoyable life is punishment? I think not!

So I've read the book that has been so highly recommended, and I think it's time to follow some sound advice:


I don't care if it takes 100 books, a good slap every now and then, or just a good old cry when the going gets tough, it's not happening.

2. YIPPEE I'M FREE! Time to stop moping and celebrate, even if it's a bad day. The little devil that is ONLY in my mind will not disappear unless I really believe that I have made a positive difference to my life. An amazing achievement!

Please join me for a pat on the back and a huge "YIPPEE"! After all, we're achieving something that we will feel the benefits of FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES.

Hi, my name is Sarah Lou and I am a proud NON-SMOKER :D

Whoo Hoo Saral Lou! I am an Allen Carr fan. I know how much the book helped me. Good for you girl and soooooo true about not depriving yourself. You are setting yourself free. Well done great post!

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Great post Sarah:)

I wish I could be as confident as you

However, despite being quit for over 6 months, And feeling this is 'the one' I have never ever said I'll never have another cig.

Fi x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Great post Sarah:)

I wish I could be as confident as you

However, despite being quit for over 6 months, And feeling this is 'the one' I have never ever said I'll never have another cig.

Fi x

I'm sending ALL my positive vibes your way Fi.

There's still a lot more for me to gain (I will re-read the book I have and probably purchase his other one), but I don't think I really meant it before. Like you, I haven't once said (until today) that I will never smoke again.

I think it's fear. Deep down, I didn't want to promise myself something that I might not be able to stick to.

But, whereas before I was sat in the middle and not fully committing, I feel as though I can throw my full self into this.

Please, if you haven't already, read Allen Carr's book. I'm not saying I've had a revelation as such, but it has made me realise that I kicked the nicotine addiction ages ago and that, by using NRT I'm only making myself suffer by relieving the "pang" every time I use the aid, then having to go through withdrawal again when I stop.

Also, it's only ME that is making me sad and depressed about quitting, because I am torturing myself with thoughts of failure.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Please, if you haven't already, read Allen Carr's book.

Just bought it - I hope it works as well on me as it did on you!! :D x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

I'm sending ALL my positive vibes your way Fi.

There's still a lot more for me to gain (I will re-read the book I have and probably purchase his other one), but I don't think I really meant it before. Like you, I haven't once said (until today) that I will never smoke again.

I think it's fear. Deep down, I didn't want to promise myself something that I might not be able to stick to.

But, whereas before I was sat in the middle and not fully committing, I feel as though I can throw my full self into this.

Please, if you haven't already, read Allen Carr's book. I'm not saying I've had a revelation as such, but it has made me realise that I kicked the nicotine addiction ages ago and that, by using NRT I'm only making myself suffer by relieving the "pang" every time I use the aid, then having to go through withdrawal again when I stop.

Also, it's only ME that is making me sad and depressed about quitting, because I am torturing myself with thoughts of failure.


Thank you Sarah

I do have various quit smoking books including Allen Carr's in my loft from previous attempts!

So, I may download the Allen Carr's one onto my kindle.

Thanks again.

Fi x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Just bought it - I hope it works as well on me as it did on you!! :D x

Me too hun :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Me too hun :)

Thanks :) x

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

Hi guys... Sorry to poke my nose in, I don't get on here very often any more but this thread made for good reading :D ... I've just posted my own thread on here (( some may have read )) .. I've been free 4 years yesterday from the filth... And I have all the thanks in the world to give to Allen Carr's " easy ways " because, as my signature says, it was through this book that I gave up for good after numerous attempts!! .. Probably the book and a pure determination AND also this forum & it's lovely folks that kept me quit in the early days... I really don't know what it was about that book that struck such a strong cord in my head but I'm still a non smoker after 4 years and I very much doubt I will ever smoke again as I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a non smoker!!

Read the book READ READ READ AND READ IT AGAIN until it allllll sinks in... I was lucky, just the once struck my cord... But if it doesn't happen first time for you, try again, what have you got to lose?? Nothing, but EVERYTHING to gain x well done to you all :-) its brill isn't it?? X

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I kicked the nicotine addiction ages ago and that, by using NRT I'm only making myself suffer by relieving the "pang" every time I use the aid, then having to go through withdrawal again when I stop.

This is something I'm very conscious of.

Haven't smoked a cigarette for almost 15 weeks now and I never want to touch another fag as long as I live (am genuinely happy with that) but I *am* still addicted to nicotine, and don't want to be. Don't want the cravings and the nicotine demon playing hell with me.

It stops :cool:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hi guys... Sorry to poke my nose in, I don't get on here very often any more but this thread made for good reading :D ... I've just posted my own thread on here (( some may have read )) .. I've been free 4 years yesterday from the filth... And I have all the thanks in the world to give to Allen Carr's " easy ways " because, as my signature says, it was through this book that I gave up for good after numerous attempts!! .. Probably the book and a pure determination AND also this forum & it's lovely folks that kept me quit in the early days... I really don't know what it was about that book that struck such a strong cord in my head but I'm still a non smoker after 4 years and I very much doubt I will ever smoke again as I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a non smoker!!

Read the book READ READ READ AND READ IT AGAIN until it allllll sinks in... I was lucky, just the once struck my cord... But if it doesn't happen first time for you, try again, what have you got to lose?? Nothing, but EVERYTHING to gain x well done to you all :-) its brill isn't it?? X

It's amazing how positive one read has made me feel :)

I wouldn't say I'm "cured", but it's definately altered my perception. Gettung ready for a second read, as I'm sure it won't hurt to get through it again!

4 year, wow! I can't wait to be where you are! :D x

nsd_user663_44862 profile image

So glad that you're enjoying the book Sarah. Its got to be the ex smokers bible! X

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I had a feeling you'd get on well with Mr Carr Sarah, glad it's impacted you in such a positive way! Keep it to hand, it helps to re-read bits every so often because the brainwashing is so ingrained that it takes a lot to evict it from our minds and properly embed the truth!

You've done so well getting to this point under your own steam and you should be VERY proud of that! Here's hoping that this Damascus moment makes the next stage of your journey easier, you definitely deserve it!:D

Thanks Kat, I will be re-reading in the near future so it can all "sink in". I don't even feel that different to be honest. I just feel happier :) I MUST remember that being a misery guys will only make my "cravings" worse. X

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

This is something I'm very conscious of.

Haven't smoked a cigarette for almost 15 weeks now and I never want to touch another fag as long as I live (am genuinely happy with that) but I *am* still addicted to nicotine, and don't want to be. Don't want the cravings and the nicotine demon playing hell with me.

It stops :cool:

You'll kick the nicotine addiction in no time Gemma, I'm sure of it! It's just a matter of weaning yourself off a step at a time :) Will you moving onto the next step in the near future? Changing the level of nicotine? X

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You'll kick the nicotine addiction in no time Gemma, I'm sure of it! It's just a matter of weaning yourself off a step at a time :) Will you moving onto the next step in the near future? Changing the level of nicotine? X

Thanks Sarah :)

I do hope so - am really pleased to have stopped smoking and I'd rather die than smoke another ciggie ever *but* it annoys me that I've only done half the job so far. I really don't like being addicted (didn't bother me before but now it really does) so hopefully the book will help me deal with that!!

I'm hoping to go down to the medium strength ends for the e-cig soon, and that should help :)

In a way i wish I'd just gone cold turkey, but to be honest I know that wouldn't have worked :eek: x

nsd_user663_19503 profile image

I have it on my kindle and I am so glad I downloaded it. I read it for the first time 4 weeks ago just before I quit and I have read it again since putting out my final cig, it is a great aid it certainly makes you think more positive. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to stop.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I have it on my kindle and I am so glad I downloaded it. I read it for the first time 4 weeks ago just before I quit and I have read it again since putting out my final cig, it is a great aid it certainly makes you think more positive. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to stop.

It's excellent and just goes to show how little control that nasty devil really has. It's all about your mind and way of thinking :)

I moped so much throughout Week 3 & 4 and I feel kind of bad that I allowed it to drag on. It was only ME keeping away the positive thoughts.

Well done on your Month 1 mark! xx

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