Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for October 2012

into the 6 month i go

5 months completed last Saturday on the 20th for me! Not a single drag since my ...

Day 23 stress at work...feeling tempted

Hello, After 32 years as a 15 - 20 a day puffer I'm on Stoptober, have been smo...

Diary of an ex smoker

This really helped me in the first week or so to understand how i was feeling an...
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First post

Hi everyone. This is day 4 for me. I've been looking at the site over the last ...

Day 7 you beauty!!!!

I have to say a big thank you to every one who has posted. The positivity and s...

This is to easy this time day 5

So far i have found quitting a little to easy as i have tries so many times befo...


Feeling a bit empty today, like somethings missing.... a bit lonely, wondering i...

Week 4

Well this is weird, never though I'd get to here!!!! Looking back I'm not actua...

Day 2... again

Well guys I got through day 1 with no problems at all. I thought about smoking ...

nearly 11 weeks

Hi all Well it's nearly 11 weeks since I quit, and it's 4 days since I stopped ...
Lulu_65 profile image
2 Years Smoke Free


:( I nearly caved this afternoon. I just wanted to get out of work, get away f...

why do i still feel crap?

I gave up 6 months ago, and supposedly so did my husband. We gave up for financ...

Stumbled into week 2

Sunday...was last day of week 1..and was my hardest day yet...even told my partn...

The start

Of my 6 months quit today.. Still Carnt belive I'm not smoking. Hardly crave a...

The Highs ..... and Lows!

Afternoon all Well I had a brilliant weekend and a fantastic morning this morni...

Day on week 4..yay

Hi there all I have been a smoker since I was 16, now 39. I have been wanting ...

Day 7 ahoy

Hi guys, So been lurking on the forum for week and finally posted for the first ...

successful weekend

Well into day four now i am so chuffed with myself as i have gone all weekend wi...

on to week three

And on to week three. Had a tough weekend stopped the champix last week due to...

Got past week 3!!!

Apparently week 3 is a physiological tripping point for many quitter’s. I feel ...

Monday Morning High

Good Morning All Its Monday morning and I feel good, start of day6 checked my ...

7 & a half weeks. Question.

Hi everyone! Pleased to check in at 7.5 weeks and all is going very well. Yaaaa...

Why have I succeeded so far?

I'm doing good having quit cold turkey back in March. Tonight I've been wonderin...
Hidden profile image

Day 21-whats happened to my skin..

...I'm loving it...My skin has totally changed and taut , my hands don't even lo...

Week 8 and odd behaviour

Hello people, not posted for a while and wanted to check in :). It's the start...

Got smashed and stayed off em!!!

I've passed the 'out for drinks in a different town' test. Went out to the theat...

6 weeks today

Hey 6 weeks today:) 1 stone heavier:( Fi x


I've made it :) Can't say it's been easy, but definitely got better as time wen...

DAY 3 cmon people lets do show everyone we did it

Ok so its day three and its going to be a great day,sunshine ahoy,get mi coat,ge...

6 (and a half) months

Hi All Gosh, I haven't been on for a while. Life, mainly work, has been mental...

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