Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for October 2012

5 wks today

5 Weeks and still going strong,still get the odd blip when I even think I might ...

7up for me today.

That's not the drink by the way.:) I've completed 7 FULL months without a singl...

Smokers Flu

Hi I gave up around 19 days ago and have had symptoms such as phlegm which has c...
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A day 5 treat!

Hi all I hope you are all well? :) Struggled after tea tonight, ....... curry.....

Think possitive we wernt born with a cig in our mouths.

Day two smoke free champix have really kicked in now and there doing the trick.T...

Pain in jaw just below ear

I'm used to being a pain in the neck :) But this is just something else. On a...
Lulu_65 profile image
2 Years Smoke Free

hello to day 4

Morning All I hope you are all doing well and staying strong. is the weekend ...

did we ever really need it..

As I come to the end of my week 3 I've been thinking about why I even smoked and...

wow, feel worse for stopping

Hi all and congratulations to all that has managed to give up, I have given up a...

Weekend Test!

Hi All, So impressed to see you are all doing so well :) I'm checking in for a f...

Stoptober failure - trying again

I stopped smoking on 1st October - but ony lasted until day 9. I thought I was p...

Back to Day 1

Hey guys, Just putting it out there. After a bad stumble :( I have gone back t...

So far so good!!!

Hi all I only just found this site and going into day 3 it couldn't have been be...

Quite a shock tonight!

:( I started my 3rd day at 1PM today and must admit I have been feeling really...

A Quarter Mile

By this point in my quit, the cigarettes that I have NOT smoked would, if I had ...

Sunday is the big day!

Hi everyone - this is my first time on this forum. I have smoked for 23 years a...

day 2 almost over

day 1 done! nearly there with day 2 major mile stone drove for 6 hours no smoki...

Day One on Champix

Hello! I'm back again! Well, the e-cigs didn't work. At least, they did for 6 m...

So pleased to be here

Hi everyone...just signing in to the 4-7 team....never thought I would get here....

day 4 not nice

I have had about 10 hours sleep in these 4 days since I have quit. I have felt n...

How do I support my wife to stop smoking?

Hi, my wife has stopped smoking for almost two weeks now. To say she's been irri...

Interesting research from Article in NYTimes.

And the findings were sobering: Every single hour of television watched after th...


Just looking back to my early quit days (a full 17 day ago) - what happened to w...

Don't quit the way I did

I smoked for almost 40 years and stopped in February 2006 when I had my first he...

Day 1 - Erm.....By Mistake!

Hello all, Thank you for allowing me to join in with what looks like a very frie...

Why I am quitting!

So I recently decided I was going to try and stop smoking. I have always said I...

day 3

Well still feel sick but its bearable. No fags for 50 odd hours now and its gett...

Day 3 my first real target

Yesterday was pretty bad for me....but got through...thanks for all the encourag...


Hey everyone, This is my first post. Day 1, glad I found this forum. What a ...

Not so easy on day 2

Struggling a little today...but got here....attended a close friend's funeral......

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