Quite a shock tonight!: :( I started my 3rd... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Quite a shock tonight!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image
15 Replies


I started my 3rd day at 1PM today and must admit I have been feeling really positive all day to be honest. The odd moment but nothing too scary.

I got home from work and was discussing with my wife what today's Nicorette ActiveStop challenge was. I had to think of and write post-it notes with self encouragement and reminders on them, then post them round the house.

While I was reading them out to her ........ and I don't mind admitting this to complete strangers :) I burst in to tears!! :confused:

I cannot tell you where they came from and I haven't cried since losing my father 8 years ago to Cancer ... even then it was nothing like this!

I'm a grown man with a responsible job and I'm sobbing like a baby!


Afterwards, to be honest, we were laughing and cuddling but my word it was a shock!

I thought I would post this in case it helped anyone else that gets "caught from out of the blue!"

Right ......... onwards and upwards! :)

Take care peeps


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nsd_user663_52845 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_53095 profile image

Good on you Greg, massive congrats at 3 days. Loving the surprise tears! I'd happily have a few tears every day for a year if it keeps me off the tw*t sticks. Have a good day 4 :)

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Hi greg, good on ya fella. Loved reading that. They were probably tears of joy that you are freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Nice one mate.

With you all the way

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Nifty I found in the early days I was on an emotional rollercoaster,crying at the drop of a hat:confused:.things are better now:) good luck and well done

nsd_user663_53087 profile image

Hi Nifty

You've done a life-changing thing -you have your freedom, respect and health back - like winning the lottery - it's definitely worth a few tears. Nothing is greater than what you've gained ;).

Well done!


nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Thank you all so much folks

It feels so good to speak out and be listened to.

I'm also finding it therapeutic to try and help other people, even though I have only been free for 3 and a bit days!

Is it pathetic to count the "bit" days? hehehe!

Thank you all again



Dippy_Egg profile image

Hang in there Nifty. You're doing great. Dont worry about the tears. You'll be laughing all the way up Botch before you know it. :)

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Hehe thanks Dippy Egg (great name by the way)

Think I'm a bit old to go down botch these days! :)

I did a couple of years ago with works do, walked in to Walkabout and think I stayed for about 5 mins .......... felt sooooo old! :D

Cheers mate


nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Niffty. It is a big deal quitting smoking no wonder you are emotional I felt like I was going through a bereavment! Be proud of what you are trying to achieve and pat your self on the back because one thing is for sure Niffty.. you wont regret your decision to quit:)

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Hehe thanks Dippy Egg (great name by the way)

Think I'm a bit old to go down botch these days! :)

I did a couple of years ago with works do, walked in to Walkabout and think I stayed for about 5 mins .......... felt sooooo old! :D

Cheers mate



Well done in your decision to stop smoking. It can be an emotional roller coaster this quitting malarkey. I had day last week in which I felt low and lost, and I quite sorry for myself, strange feelings!

Can I please ask what going down botch means!! (Is it something to do with cycling as I know Dippy loves her beautiful bike?).

Fi x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Can I please ask what going down botch means!! (Is it something to do with cycling as I know Dippy loves her beautiful bike?).

I wanted to ask that?

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Oh Haze

We,re Dumb and Dumber!!

Fi x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Oh Haze

We,re Dumb and Dumber!!

Fi x

Is it a club?

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Hi Fi,

Hehe, sorry, botch stands for Botchergate.

It's the main street in Carlisle where most of the clubs and food spots are.

Full of kids getting boozy and floozy!

Nothing wrong with that at their age :)

Dippy_Egg profile image

Oi Nifty!

What a beautiful day to live in Carlisle :)

I'm a south of the river girl, but took my bike down into Rickerby, over the spenny, out to Linstock, back again, up to the bridges and in to Bitts. Just lovely. Then into town. Needed to visit the Alternative christmas shop which is open again (I dont suppose you will care too much about that but I bet your wife will ) :) Then home via botch. Heh heh. Obviously the last stage of my journey would only be attempted in daylight hours.....coz Haze and Nutmeg.....I have to tell you botch of a night time is bit like a cross between Blackpool prom and beirut.

Anyway.....all in all....what a bloody beautiful day to be a non-smoker. Hope all still goes well Nifty (ps. thats a great name too)

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

LOL Dippy

I just spat beer "all spot ower" reading your Blackpool and Beirut comment.

So funny because it's So true!! :)

I went for a ride too today, and I must say it was probably the most enjoyable bike ride I have EVER had :) :)

Now, reading your sig. I really need to know what your bike is? :)

Not what you're looking for?