Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

5,234 members32,487 posts

All posts for December 2011

92 days quit :)

Hi all, It's been forever since I was here. Actually I last posted on a previo...
msjblonde profile image

Foods Can Help You Quit?

Found this: Thought ...

Goodbye to this room

Well as of tomorrow I will have been a non smoker for 3 months!!! Incredible!!!...
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Why is this getting harder?

Hi Guys,i have now gone 7 weeks without a cigarette,which im very proud of,but i...


Just moved up have been quit for four weeks, the cravings are definitely less, I...

Two days done

I made it through the second day.....YAAAAY :D Am extremely proud of myself *bl...

I hope all ur day 3 n 4s r not like mine!!

Well my day three on the patches was a disaster ... Not that I smoked a single c...

Day 7 of quitting in a city full of smokers

I found this forum like lots of other people in a moment of intense-craving-argh...

day 78

day 78 . doing ok. merry Christmas.

safe from the perils of makeup.....

Since giving up smoking I have realised there are many ways that ones life can b...

day 26.

Awoke in a mood had words with OH about his sleeping habits. Enough said. You kn...

Here we go!

I'm about to finish my last cigarette. I'll post my progress here. Wish me l...

A day to end all days

Last night I met up with an old friend from my childhood, we had a great night a...

Day 5 : Feeling kind of better

So, this is my fifth day of cold turkey quitting. In five days i've eaten like a...

De Novo's from November 2009 Roll Call

I've seen posts from octoquitters from 2009 and some from december 2009. I cant...

Back to Day 6

Well here I am, back on Day 6 ;) and dare I say it not doing too badly. Except ...

day 77

day 77 eleven weeks done. and there was me not going to post today. see you all ...

day 25

still here . Jacqui

Struggling already

Its my first day of quitting and I am already struggling :( I am using Champix ...

Day 99

Not that I'm actually counting the days, or even weeks anymore - had to check on...

Day two done if I can sleep now!!

Right here iam at the end of day two. Didn't get much sleep last night but ended...

day 76

day 76 running out of things to say so going to take a break from the forum. I'l...

Day 69...snigger :p

Suffering a bit of toothache today - must have been grinding in my sleep:eek: or...


Yo guys n gals....we gotta little extra day to get through before we reach the P...

I'm in...

I guess this is my home for the next little while! I know some will join me tod...


Well I am. I just spent about half an hour typing out a long post about how thi...

Jackie - Three Years

Can't let this slip by unnoticed :) Three years is bloomin' marvelous and a mil...

Day 4 : Survival and Endurance

So, today is my day four! I quit smoking monday, at about 4pm. So now, being fri...

Motivation Vs De-motivation

Hi everyone -- I'm a newbie to the forum, having just joined today. I'm 37, and ...

Doing the thing

So now Im trying to do that realignment thing with my brain. I know thats not wh...

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