Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for July 2007

one awful day followed by one good day

day 15 - what a day. boys got me up at 6.30am, so i started the day out tired. f...

start week 3 cold?

Well starting week 3 without any nico?thought I would be feeling better ? but st...

Another rubbish day....

Bit dissapointed because I didn't expect another very trying day so soon after t...
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waahey no gum!

I was well pleased today as I was on a horrible unit at work which every1 in the...

fed up now

fed up feeling tired alot on day 17 watching every one at work smoke not helping...

Soon To Be Nanny

Morning everyone. Daughter is 38 weeks pregnant and going into hos at 7pm to be...

Wow... only 2.5hrs in... & I'm struggling!!

OMG why is this so hard? I usually smoke up to 20 cigs a day. And because I have...

I want to feel normal again!!!

:mad: Hi all, I'm on day 16 into my 3rd week. So glad that I've quit smoking b...

Day 17 & 18

Good Morning everybody i hope everyone had a nice weekend. Day 17 Sunday Felt g...

how long??

Hi its been 13 days now, nearly 2 weeks. Its not been too bad so far, but saturd...

Cold turkey week 3 running thread

Hey-yahhh boys and girls! Just thought I'd let people know I'm still going good...

Morning all....

Feeling really good this morning. Day 27 and all's well. Only had a couple of ti...

Bad Cravings

Hi Stopped 9 days ago and been doing really well. Cold turkey and it has been ...

having a bad day

hello everyone today has been awful! im on day 14 and up until now i have felt p...

Day 16

Hello everybody Good morning how is everybody doing looking forward to a nice we...

Start Week 6 2morrow.

Morning guys Got up this morning and didnt put patch on untill i had come downs...

wooo hooo week3

well im here at last week three cant say its been easy so far cause it aint firs...

Sneeky Peek....

Hi Guys, Couldn't help noticing that the BB administrator is sleeping on the jo...

Aaarrrhhh Cravings

:eek: Wow, well I thought that my cravings were getting alot easier and I was ha...


All wrigleys extra sugar free gum and the sugar free polos contain the ingredien...

day 12 and 13

past two days have been ok, no problems with the cravings (hopefully not spoken ...

Day 13 for the wife and I

Hi everyone. Getting some inspiration from reading the messages on the site. My...

Made it!

Day 4! It really helped moving up these forums everyday and reading your comment...

Day 3 - fine

Third day without a puff. I seem slightly less anxious than yesterday, the cravi...

Day 34

Morning all Day 3 of 14mg patch. Doing ok.Had a crave yesterday teatime , same ...

day 14

well im on day 14 andmy mouth and throat taste like i have had a soot fall or s...

Day 15

Good morning everyone How is everybody doing still staying strong i have post th...

newbie on champix

hi all im new here my hubby, steve36, recommended this site to me so here i am p...


Good morning everyone How is everybody doing still staying strong WOW day 15 and...

Good bye week 2 and hello week 3

Well I made it to day 15 and I really feel great about it. Everyday it's hard wa...

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