Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

5,236 members32,488 posts

All posts for July 2007

Just a thank you...!

Hey everyone, I've been lurking on these boards since I gave up (02 July 2007) ...

Made it to week 2

Well I made it to week 2 and I'm feeling great. The first 4 days or so were awfu...

Week 5 - Bring it on...

Hello peeps, Than...
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I survived my smoking sis's visit

:) Oh word i managed my bi g sisters weekend visit, even getting totally tanked ...

Tomorrow I get promotion to new thread

Day 7 folks and still smoke free ( and £70 better off, well, £60 after the dou...

Kitten about to quit

Hi everyone, I have been really encouraged by the messages that I have read an...

100 days clear on Saturday

Strangely I had a craving w/end just gone....hadn't had one for about a month. ...

Methods of Stopping (not to be recommended)

My folks are dead pleased that I have finally stopped and are giving me loads of...

off on hols 2moro

Hi All Off on my holiday 2moro so just a note incase I dont have time later. ...

Day 23, 24, 25

:D Good Morning Everyone Did everyone have a nice weekend and win your battle ...


Well good night all im off to bed, im knackered and im up at 6 for work. Speak s...

out of the blue

Hi there everyone, Just realised ive been posting and havent introduced myself ...

another sat without a cig!!

just browsing the notes and thought id say hi to everyone! last night was my thi...

Wayhey! Week 4!!!

Hello everybody! I've made it to week 4! I would of posted in Week 4, but there...

Hello again

I've been on here a few times in the last couple of months trying to quit. Well ...

OMG its the weekend

Well the first 4 days seemed a breeze but now its the weekend, my first smoke fr...

Day 3! YAY!

Hey all!! Woo hoo, i have made it to day 3!! Feeling really good today, i smell...

I`m A Nan And Finish Week 6 2day.

Hi All Just to let everyone know my daughter had her baby boy at 00.20am on thu...

day 20

feeling good today! hoping to have a better weekend then the last one, well in f...

Newbie wants to Quit :-)

Hi, I'm new, my friend joined earlier today and raved about how good you all are...

Tonight could be the night!!!

Hello all, Tonight will be the first night I've been out since I quit smoking ...

1 month 5 days*

Im so happy im doing alright now, i didnt realize i was until it hit me that ive...

day 21

well its day 21 only diff tomy health seems to be take inhalor less dont seem to...

My many reasons for quitting!!

I have so many reasons for stopping......, My main reason is my health i have a ...

DAy 2!

Hey all ! Im on day 2, using Champix! I really hope i do it this time,tried so...

Day 2, woo hoo!!

Hi all! Well im on day 2 now and its been ok so far! Im using the new tablets C...

Day 4 and on yer bike

Day 4 and £40 saved but £80 spent on a bike. I was offered this brand new all ...

Problems with wind

:o HI I dont think its down to the gum, i on the Champix and i have been terribl...

Long Time Since

I have posted. Hope you are all well and hanging in there. Iam now half way thro...

Day 22

Good Morning Everybody. 22 days week4 hardly seems possible. i didnt have any re...

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