Newbie wants to Quit :-): Hi, I'm new, my... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Newbie wants to Quit :-)

nsd_user663_2062 profile image
23 Replies

Hi, I'm new, my friend joined earlier today and raved about how good you all are, so i'm here for help too!

i gotta stop smoking!!! i wanna see my kids grow up, get married, have kids and who knows, even grandkids of their own, pure and simple :) i mean, the extra money'd be nice, as would not smelling like an ashtray, better skin, looking younger and being healthier in general, but my kids are my driving force... plus the weather's naff and i don't smoke in the house, so i'm sick of getting wet, mid july, going out for a puff!!!

over the last 2 years or so, i've lost just over 7 stone in weight, with the main thought of getting fit so i could chase the kids round... now it's time to knock the smoking on the head, next it'll be stopping bitting my nails lol :D

My dr is lovely, she said she'd help when i was ready to quit (had a lot of stress lately, but that's for another forum!!!), so i went back a few weeks ago and told her i was ready and she suggest Champix... they sound like a wonder drug! when she said they can aid weight loss i was asking where i signed!!!

I'm on day 8 of the champix now and have to admit i'm not totally clean yet, but i've certainly cut down... i was on about 15 a day before, and i've only had 2 today... my best day so far :D :D really struggled with the higher dose, blue, tablets this morning, i thought i was gonna throw up, but at least it stopped me wanting a ciggie for breakfast! only thing is, i've noticed i don't wanna drink coffee now either? that just me, or'd you think it's my link with smoking maybe? not looking forward to taking 2nd tablet tonight, cos don't wanna be sick, but i will do... and i'll remember not to take other medication with it tomorrow just incase! lol tmi, sorry!

So anyway, this is me, i talk too much, i'm trying to be a healthier, happier mummy and i'm sure i'll get there.... ooh, and btw, since i've been on champix (day 8 today), i've lost 7lbs, so maybe it is true?


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nsd_user663_2062 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_2044 profile image

Hi Steph, i too am also on champix - stopped smoking 5 days ago after taking the pills for 2 weeks. Am REALLY pleased with results this time as i have had a few unsuccesful attempts in the past. Dont have hardly any cravings now its just getting over the habit that might take a while. I long for the day when its not constantly on my mind! Sure it will come eventually but for now its just one day at a time. Hope you have as good results as i have up to now :) Mel.

nsd_user663_2061 profile image

Hey Steph !! Welcome.xx:D

nsd_user663_2062 profile image

Hi Mel,

Thanks for the welcome. I had a good start to the day, no intention that this was my stop day, but I didn't have an evil stick til 4pm cos i didn't fancy one til then, so quite pleased with myself really... even more pleased that i hated it!!! I'm another day closer to being a non smoker :cool:

Am hoping to have my official stop day as Tuesday, am seeing dr again on Monday and want to see if she'll give me the CO2 test, so I can get some idea of just what damage I'm doing to myself!

Hope today's been easier for you than it was yesterday?


nsd_user663_2062 profile image

Thanks Elaine & thanks for recommending the site to me, sure it'll be my lifeline once I actually do the deed :)

nsd_user663_2044 profile image

Hi Steph,

yes today does seem to have been easier up to now, but the real test will be tonight. Having a drink with my mates for first time since quit ( smokers will have to go outside cos its my house! haha) :) so we'll see how it goes. Good luck with docs and its a good sign if cigs are tasting yukky now! Mel

nsd_user663_2062 profile image

should be easier having everyone go outside, just stay busy while they're outside and remember, if they're all outside, it's more booze for you :-)

i've had a couple of glasses of wine today and it's hard! i do want a cig and cos i've still got some, i've had them, but they taste AWFUL and i'm not enjoying the taste, just the habit?

one of my best friends just text me and said she's coming round tuesday night, which'll mean lots of girlie chat, wine and her smoking outside... so let me know how you get on!

enjoy your evening :)

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Hello Steph & welcome to the forum!

Well done on deciding to quit smoking!

It can be a rocky road but we are all here to help you if you struggle at all.

Good luck!:)

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Hi Steph,

Welcome! I'm on day 19 with champix and feeel fantastic! You'll know when your ready, smoking seems to have no effect and they taste disgusting.

Keep posting, keeps your fingers busy and you'll get loads of help here. I certainly have (thanks guys!).


nsd_user663_2044 profile image

1st sat night - smokefree!!!

Hi steph!

Thought id report back on the boozy night in situation, glad to say i got through it fine! Only dodgy moment was when i realised i shouldn't have let the smokers sit in the garden room to smoke- they turned it into a smokers den :( - had to more or less drag them back in so they would join us non smokers! Next time they can borrow my brollie and stand outside or else :D

Had to empty dirty ashtray too this morn which wasnt great - my own fault tho for letting them smoke in there, ah well, know better for next time and at least i got through it without being tempted. All in all not bad for first wkend i reckon - champix is great! :)

nsd_user663_2062 profile image

Fantastic Mel, you're doing really well. :) i hope i find it as 'easy' when i get there!

I'm down to my last 4 and don't want to buy any more, so fingers crossed i'll either do them before bed tonight or tomorrow'll be my last day! i'm nervous, scared and excited all in one go!

Might see if i can find a pot and start putting money in it each day?


nsd_user663_2044 profile image

Good idea steph! I should do the same, been thinking about taking driving lessons - think i need to put the money to good use :)

nsd_user663_2062 profile image

Thanks to everyone for the support and the welcome to the group.

I've still got 4 left, so guess i'll have those tomorrow and make tuesday my day 1??? eeek!!!!!

Am seeing my dr tomorrow night for a repeat of the champix... not looking forward to coming off them as i was reading the blurb on them last night, but i'll face that when it happens.

i kinda figure if i can start being a non smoker while the kids are on school hols, i can do it anytime!!! lol

nsd_user663_2062 profile image

Good idea steph! I should do the same, been thinking about taking driving lessons - think i need to put the money to good use :)

Driving lessons sound like a fab idea mel!!!

i've been listing the kids stuff on ebay tonight, so i've kept busy and not had another one, think it's too cold to go out now, so tuesday's gonna be my day :-)


nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Well done Mel for staying strong on Saturday night!:D

nsd_user663_2044 profile image

Thanks Barney, was a toughie but glad i got through it! Must admit though not really looking forward to sat nights as much at moment :( Hopefully its just a withdrawal symptom and i'll start to again soon. Anyone else feel like that at start of quit? Does it change eventually? Hope so, used to love sat nights! :)

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Don't worry Mel, It does get easier!

I was and I wasn't looking forward to going out on Friday.

I was looking forward to seeing how I coped when drinking but was thinking that I would feel empty and not feel like I was having fun. I did have fun! and looking forward to my next night out!

nsd_user663_2044 profile image

Yeah i suppose it is early days yet, sure i'll feel differently soon :)

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Thats the spirit!;)

nsd_user663_2044 profile image

Good luck for tuesday Steph! :D

nsd_user663_2044 profile image

Mine too Boudee! Maybe didnt drink enough of it :D LOL

nsd_user663_2069 profile image

the way i quit was to sit down. work out how much a pack was (approx £6) times it by how much you smoke a day (e.g. 20 a day) so thats 42 a week. Times by 52 weeks in a year (£2184) times by however many years you have been smoking ( in my case 13 years = £28,392) this scared the living pants off of me and i quit that day right there and then.

if i ever had a weak point id try to work out how much of that total figure was being paid in tax, and by the time i sorted it i no longer needed one ant more.

Thanks for your time


nsd_user663_2069 profile image

the way i quit was to sit down. work out how much a pack was (approx £6) times it by how much you smoke a day (e.g. 20 a day) so thats 42 a week. Times by 52 weeks in a year (£2184) times by however many years you have been smoking ( in my case 13 years = £28,392) this scared the living pants off of me and i quit that day right there and then.

if i ever had a weak point id try to work out how much of that total figure was being paid in tax, and by the time i sorted it i no longer needed one any more.

Thanks for your time


nsd_user663_2069 profile image

whoops sorry about the dual post there


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