A little advice please ...: Okay, here's the... - No Smoking Day

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A little advice please ...

nsd_user663_56237 profile image
70 Replies

Okay, here's the situation.

I just asked my boyfriend, as he sparked up, if I could have one of his cigarettes. His first answer was no. He wanted to know why I wanted one and I replied "I don't want to be a non-smoker anymore".

He told me that it was up to me if I wanted to smoke. But I was so ashamed that I'd asked for one, I couldn't bring myself to take one from the packet.

If I smoke and if anyone knows I'm smoking, I'll be pitied for being the person who isn't strong enough to stay stopped.

I've tried books, nicotine patches, gum, e-cigs and willpower. Yet I'm still unhappy. I'd honestly just like one or the other: to be a happy non-smoker or to be a smoker again. But I can't seem to do either.

6 weeks seems an awfully long time to still be "on the edge". I've told myself for the last few days that it's only a matter of time before I give in and it's just about deciding when that time will be. So, when I actually decide I'm going to cave, why can't I just do it instead of getting upset and angry? It doesn't seem fair. If smoking is all I've been able to think of over the last few weeks, why can't I just smoke?

So the advice I need, please, is whether or not my GP might be able to help me? Are you someone or do you know someone who is in a similar position? I don't want to waste the time of my GP, if they're only really there to help people thinking of quitting. If I am already an ex-smoker, can they still help?

I feel like I need someone to remove all thoughts of what I "enjoyed" about being a smoker, but I've never been bothered with the idea of hypnotism and have always thought of it as a waste of money.

I hope you don't think I've posted so that I can gain sympathy or attention. That's really not it. I've spent the last few weeks trying to stay focused and positive by posting on here. I thought that by being positive towards others, it might backfire and have the same effect on me. :o I was just really hoping that someone could tell me if I would be wasting my time by visiting my GP. Or, is there something else you can suggest?

I don't want to continue by thinking that this will get easier with time. I'm miserable and my frame of mind is rubbish. I'm grumpy almost all of the time and my energy is only ever focused on not smoking. Now I can't even ruin my hard work by caving in and smoking one of those stupid sticks. I think I've trapped myself in some kind of limbo. :confused:

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nsd_user663_56237 profile image
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70 Replies
nsd_user663_56712 profile image

BIG virtual hugs coming to you.

Can I ask a question or two? Where you ALWAYS happy as a smoker?

Did that cigarette always make the world a great place with no stress? Did everything always look better through smoke tinted glasses?

Whilst you are pondering these questions, and I am sure you have already asked yourself, please congratulate yourself for not giving in and coming on here for support ( also your boyfriend must be pretty special to have made you think rather than to have just said yes /no)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Oh dear Sarah!

You are in a spot arent you.But it is actually not at all a bad spot to be,though you cannot see it that way.

You have kinda half quit-but you have a massive amount of the right positivity all stacked up.You don't really want to smoke-if you took one now you would suck on it with a mixture of anger and disgust cos you know,smoking is NOT your future.

Your boyfriend is quite a fella-he is helping massively here.He ought to come on here and post.

Your GP yes,why not hun,go and see him/her.It is no good quitting and feeling miserable and tortured,that is not what you should feel and it points to possibly a deeper malaise.There is more in you that you need to talk about and get out.You ought not to be missing smoking this much,you are an intelligent woman and you know smoking will make you stink,eat your cash and try to kill you in agony.This forum is about quitting smoking and it is really not that hard once you get your head right,but Sarah love I think your head is not yet in the right place,you have tried to blast it there by sheer effort but that effort is exhausting you and making you miserable.You need to regather your willpower and make a fresh attack on this.

You need to talk some more stuff out that's what I think,and a visit to the GP would help.;)

Don't despair Sarah cos we are not willing to let you go back to the Devils arms,nothing good there :mad:

I have been telling myself over the last couple of weeks that this is a good thing. "At least, if you want one, you know you won't allow it". But actually getting to that point where you WANT to fail, and not being able to: At the moment it's more confusion than anything else.

I feel like half of my head is in "Allen Carr world" and the other half is stuck behind in "smokersville". And the thing is, I've not even been kidding myself by saying "just one won't hurt". Over the last couple of days I made myself fully aware that if my decision were to be that I would fail, it would be all or nothing. I knew I'd need to accept that I'd be right back where I was 6 weeks ago.

But, like you've said, I would be really disappointed in failing and I think I'd pity myself to be honest. I don't want that. :(

I know that stopping isn't something you can take on lightly, but I didn't realise it would leave me as low as I've been.

What's more annoying is that I can't even do it. I can't bring myself to fail. I've done it before so why can't I do it now? Like, instead of the little devil on one should, I now have him AND an Allen Carr think-alike on the other. :confused:

Thanks Max. I think I'll call my surgery.

I just want to feel like I agree with my decision. Whatever the decision. x

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Also, how is it going to be a waste of your GP's time if he is able to help you stay quit and become happier? I am sure any GP would be more than happy to support you especially as if Max says there is more you need to talk about. xx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

BIG virtual hugs coming to you.

Can I ask a question or two? Where you ALWAYS happy as a smoker?

Did that cigarette always make the world a great place with no stress? Did everything always look better through smoke tinted glasses?

Whilst you are pondering these questions, and I am sure you have already asked yourself, please congratulate yourself for not giving in and coming on here for support ( also your boyfriend must be pretty special to have made you think rather than to have just said yes /no)

Was I always happy as a smoker?

No, because it made me down when I was poorly. I knew that my being a smoker was only having a negative effect. But I was happy to stay that way. I suppose this was because my house didn't smell, my car didn't smell, I wasn't having financial struggles while smoking, I didn't have any serious health problems and I couldn't see what it was doing to me.

And no, the smoking didn't make the world a great place without stress.

The smoke tinted glasses probably lasted up until I was around twenty. After I realised that I wouldn't find it easy to be without, I think I knew it was no good. But I still smoked.

Here is the only place where I know I'll receive constructive comments. Even if I decide not to take the advice, I know it will make me think correctly, rather than having a panic! :o

Yes, my boyfriend does like to do that. :rolleyes: At the time this can be very annoying, but he's only looking out for me :)

Thanks for the cuddles xxx Very much needed.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Also, how is it going to be a waste of your GP's time if he is able to help you stay quit and become happier? I am sure any GP would be more than happy to support you especially as if Max says there is more you need to talk about. xx

Yeah, I suppose one less smoker in the world is only a good thing for the NHS.


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Give it time and trust yourself.

Think about how long did you smoke and how long have you been quit? One was longer than the other and you have to get used to the new way of living.

You are still in the healing phase, it improves but most people have some feelings of loss and unhappiness as they go along. We have basically turned our back on an "old friend" albeit an abusive one.

Quitting isn't a quick fix but if you stick with it you will find the happy you.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Sarah, the other day I was having a real big craving session and I went on to youtube and watched some of the alan carr videos, they were really helpful. There was one about a glass of bleach. would you drink it? why not? would you give it to a friend/your child/parent to drink? why not? because it is poison, it could make you unwell or kill you. but you choose to have a cigarette...that made me think hard. There are loads to look through to give extra encouragement over what you get from this forum.

You can as you say, take the support from this forum and use that as your crutch or choose to smoke. Maybe as the expression goes, sleep on it, decide tomorrow or the next day about smoking again, after you have seen your GP who I am sure will be delighted to support you

Again HUGGSSS to all xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Wise words Trea ;)

Sarah-be careful here you are on a cusp;you are psyching yourself up to smoke again if you are not careful.:confused:

I understand what you mean about being stuck between the 2 stools.I never thought of that before but of course it must have happened to others and its happened to you.

But ask yourself this-if you decide to smoke again-and it may take days of smoking before you are able to inhale without feeling guilty and pitying of yourself-then what does that tell your brain about smoking?

It says that you will go through stress,discomfort and hardship in order TO smoke.Which makes no sense at all,since its the quitting that should prompt those feelings cos we know we will encounter resistance to stopping fags-but to overcome resistance to start again? CRAZY:(

What is it,that you think smoking did for you-does for you? What does it add to you,as a person? Try to answer that.

Also I never miss out on cuddles so cuddles on offer too

Max, this is why I wanted to know about seeing a GP.

I wasn't on a cusp. I was all for it.This decision was made on Friday night. You talked about psyching myself up and I have already done it. Quite happy to accept that it wouldn't be just the one, that I would lose out financially again. I just hadn't decided when I was going to spark up again. I wouldn't have asked my boyfriend for a cigarette if I thought he was going to make me think about it (how mean is that, making me think? lol). So, I thought about it. I was ready to spark up, but even the thought of doing it made me feel ashamed.

Either telling everyone about this was the worst thing or possibly the best thing I ever did. I think my pride is getting in the way :confused:

I'm 100% sure that, if this was just my battle alone and I hadn't told anyone, I'd have gone ahead and lit up.

What did smoking do for me?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

And yet, I envy smokers. I know what they're doing to themselves, I know how much they stink, I know how much money they are wasting on standing outside killing themselves.

But I'm jealous. How can I be jealous for no reason? Lol. xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh Sarah, this is horrible for you to go through.

I've been there too - when I bought the e-cig because it was that or smoking again, and like you i didn't want that.

I think in a way you're being far too hard on yourself. You are doing really well, and the fact you couldn't make yourself take the fag shows deep down you don't want it. After 8 years of smoking you're not suddenly going to feel fab all the time - oh that it was that easy!!

In a way, fab though his books are, I think Allen Carr sort of sets you up to feel like that. His stuff is excellent to make you realise what a load of c**p smoking is, but i do think by going on about how wonderful you'll feel he sets you up to feel like you are now.

Have told you what happened to me - it really does hit you what you've decided to do when you've gone back to having your life run by little white sticks.

Liek Nic says, you're healing and it's a process but it's a good one.

Definitely see your GP, they will be able to help!!

(virtual hugs) xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Sarah, the other day I was having a real big craving session and I went on to youtube and watched some of the alan carr videos, they were really helpful. There was one about a glass of bleach. would you drink it? why not? would you give it to a friend/your child/parent to drink? why not? because it is poison, it could make you unwell or kill you. but you choose to have a cigarette...that made me think hard. There are loads to look through to give extra encouragement over what you get from this forum.

You can as you say, take the support from this forum and use that as your crutch or choose to smoke. Maybe as the expression goes, sleep on it, decide tomorrow or the next day about smoking again, after you have seen your GP who I am sure will be delighted to support you

Again HUGGSSS to all xxx

This is what I was trying to explain in my post.

I could quite happily run around as a salesperson for every product created by Allen Carr. I KNOW that what he says is true. I fully AGREE with everything in his books, every positive post on this forum.

There is no way I am smoking today. That is not my issue. I've already proved that, faced with the option of smoking (I didn't even need to put the effort in by going to the shop), I CAN'T smoke. I had already made my choice to give in (and was trying to gear myself up for when I would have to be brave and tell you all), but something wouldn't allow me to light up.

This sounds great (in theory, it really is) but I don't understand.

Fighting makes me miserable. So I give myself the option of failure (but what I feel is relief) and this makes me miserable. Why can't I settle on one decision?

I always thought that "there's never a right time to stop smoking". In a way this is right, as you will always make excuses. But, instead of setting myself a date or using the Allen Carr method whilst still a smoker, I rushed into it thinking it would be easy, was on and off nicotine constantly and have split my head in two trying to be positive and feeling negative at the same time.

I wish I'd just chosen my way and done this properly. Given myself time to accept my reasons for wanting to stop.


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Give it time and trust yourself.

Think about how long did you smoke and how long have you been quit? One was longer than the other and you have to get used to the new way of living.

You are still in the healing phase, it improves but most people have some feelings of loss and unhappiness as they go along. We have basically turned our back on an "old friend" albeit an abusive one.

Quitting isn't a quick fix but if you stick with it you will find the happy you.

Thanks Nic.

You're right, 6 weeks is a tiny amount of time compared to the 8 years I smoked. I just would really like some help with the feeling positive side. I've tried some methods but always wound up feeling lost again.

I don't necessarily believe I should feel perfect right now. More that I can at least encourage myself a little. Instead the weeks are going by and I've stopped applauding myself and feeling proud. It just feels more like another week of misery is over, lets start the next and hopefully it'll get better.

I really don't want that. And I don't think it should be like that. I should at least have some feeling of pride and happiness at how well I'm doing?

Looking forward to finding the happier me :)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well positivity comes from within and it can be a task to dredge it up but if you look at what you have achieved getting to 6 weeks you really should be feeling very proud of yourself.

The downs are caused partly by a grieving feeling and partly by the fact that nicotine triggered the release of endorphins. That release of endorphins can be replicated by other things though. Exercise, chocolate and bananas amongst other things does the job. I found that a workout cleared away the blues.

It might sound silly but affirmations help too. If you find yourself doubting your decision to quit find a quiet place with a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself that you have achieved a lot and are a winner, or something similar. You might feel like a prize wally but it does work.

Hang in there, it might take a bit of toughing out but once you have moved through this phase you will feel great but if you stumble I can guarantee that you will feel twice as rotten.

All the best


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Which all makes me more sure that you should see your GP cos there is some deep stuff going on there.

Have you ever been told that you 'overthink' things Sarah?

Not being rude just asking.Nor am I pretending to be a head shrink as i am clueless in that field.

Do you have a generally happy and contented life?

Do you ever feel you want to punish yourself?

Some people do overthink things. They analyse everything to the Nth degree.My best man was like that,lovely fella but he analysed almost everything :rolleyes:

Is it possible you are thinking about this,too hard?

I am so glad hun that you never came on here and posted that you had decided to start smoking again,and by your own admission you were winding up to that.You do NOT have to smoke ever again,let's get this sorted out :)

(big virtual hug xx)

"Overthink" is my middle name. A lot of the time thos is a great trait. I think about consequences and very rarely say something unless I'm sure it's what I want to say. But, maybe in this case, it's not such a good thing to possess?

It tends to make me bottle things up, which I guess could be why I've had a mini explosion in my head :o

I lead a happy life, with only those issues that everyone faces (am I happy in my job? Please don't let me get old! Lol etc).

I wouldn't like to say that I punish myself. But I certainly get told to "give myself more credit" at times.

I will book in to see my doctor tomorrow and see what they suggest.

For now, I will busy myself with cooking chilli. Anyone want? :)

lefoy123 profile image

"a little advice"

Good afternoon Sarah Lou 1988 to give you your full title. Sorry to hear your your struggling at the moment. Quitting isn't easy but it does get easier believe me. Hang on in there until the miracle happens and you become a contented ex-smoker.

God loves a trier

Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123 in Glasgow

nsd_user663_56245 profile image

True words.

Well positivity comes from within and it can be a task to dredge it up but if you look at what you have achieved getting to 6 weeks you really should be feeling very proud of yourself.


The downs are caused partly by a grieving feeling and partly by the fact that nicotine triggered the release of endorphins. That release of endorphins can be replicated by other things though. Exercise, chocolate and bananas amongst other things does the job. I found that a workout cleared away the blues.

It might sound silly but affirmations help too. If you find yourself doubting your decision to quit find a quiet place with a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself that you have achieved a lot and are a winner, or something similar. You might feel like a prize wally but it does work.

Hang in there, it might take a bit of toughing out but once you have moved through this phase you will feel great but if you stumble I can guarantee that you will feel twice as rotten.

All the best


I like what Nic as wrote here.

I had a few down days, but I'm not one to take negative emotions to my pillow. I deal with it, brush myself off and move forward.

I walked into town today 1 hour 15mins, done my shopping Came home and relaxed with a big far bar of chocolate.

Swapped my coffee for herbal tea just to unwind myself.

It's normal to get quit smoking depression, but if it continues for days on end then go talk to ur Gp he or she can give u advice.

U r stronger then u believe hun, look were u r now.

All will be blessed u will c.

I give u a example, when I had my son 13 years ago, around a month after I felt myself crying I Knew it was the start of baby blues.

You no wot I dun hun, I spoke in the mirror and repeated a positive sentence a few times in the morning and night for round a week.


Give it a try.

Good luck xoxo

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I may be way out here but you may have hit the problem I've found with the Allen Carr approach and quitting in general. He really does push the whole easy and enjoyable thing but I think most of us have not found that to be entirely accurate

I am of the same opinion. The book and approach are good but for me it was a case of take what I wanted and leave the rest.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I may be way out here but you may have hit the problem I've found with the Allen Carr approach and quitting in general. He really does push the whole easy and enjoyable thing but I think most of us have not found that to be entirely accurate

My thoughts exactly Kat!!

Yes life is much better as a non-smoker, but I think he's wide of the mark by saying it's all fun and giggles when you quit. It isn't. Sometimes it's ****** hard, until your brain gets used to being a non smoker.


Hang in there, smoking is horrible. It stinks, it makes your mouh feel awful, your clothes smell, wrecks your lungs, costs a fortune and being addicted to a plant is ****** sad (says she who is still addicted to nicotine) and being a nonsmoker is infinitely better than a smoker.

You don't want to smoke, I know you don't, so stick with it and it gets way better!!

If i can do it, you can hun xxx

Edit: oh for goodness sake, b l o o d y isn't a rude word :/

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hey sweetie, sorry I haven't caught up with you for a few days, it's difficult while I'm away. Sounds like you've been having a bit of a rough one hon, not fun! I may be way out here but you may have hit the problem I've found with the Allen Carr approach and quitting in general. He really does push the whole easy and enjoyable thing but I think most of us have not found that to be entirely accurate - juju being a notable exception to the rule! Plus after the first six weeks or so we seem to lose that sense of achievement and also the impetus that has kept us going. People stop being encouraging or asking how it's going, the excitement that's carried us so far dissipates and we come up against the reality that this isn't an adventure, this is a lifestyle change and although we've broken the back of it, there's still a lot of work to do and it's all in the re-programming of our poor brainwashed minds. The initial high has gone and we're left with hard work still to do, and it doesn't happen overnight. It's rough going hon but I know it must get better or I'd never have managed that 3 year quit - I wasn't all that bothered about quitting back then so if it hadn't got better I'd never have stuck it out! Big hug sweets, hang tough, you will get to the other side and it'll be soooo worth it! xxx

Hey hun, how are you?

Thanks. Yeah, I suppose I put a little too much faith in those books. I agree with everything he says, but I just couldn't think the way he did in the end. The problem with other theories is that, if you don't feel the way you're told you should, you end up feeling as though there's something wrong! Lol.

I understand that the change won't happen overnight (though, the best friend who stopped just before me seems totally cured), but I didn't expect to be so miserable 6 weeks in. I expected it earlier on and I wouldn't have posted on here last night if I'd thought this was just a craving.

I'm tired of thinking about it, to be honest.

I think the reason I was happy to cave yesterday (although I changed my mind in the end) was because, even though smoking would make me feel disappointed, I would go back to being how I was before. Maybe that wasn't what you'd call happy (I know that smoking creates illusions rather than real feelings), but I certainly felt happier than now.


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

My thoughts exactly Kat!!

Yes life is much better as a non-smoker, but I think he's wide of the mark by saying it's all fun and giggles when you quit. It isn't. Sometimes it's ****** hard, until your brain gets used to being a non smoker.


Hang in there, smoking is horrible. It stinks, it makes your mouh feel awful, your clothes smell, wrecks your lungs, costs a fortune and being addicted to a plant is ****** sad (says she who is still addicted to nicotine) and being a nonsmoker is infinitely better than a smoker.

You don't want to smoke, I know you don't, so stick with it and it gets way better!!

If i can do it, you can hun xxx

Edit: oh for goodness sake, b l o o d y isn't a rude word :/

Ha ha! Apparently it is Gem :)

I'll hang in there. Don't know what doc can do, but maybe there's a group nearby (unless you all fancy coming up north?? lol) where I can speak to people face to face :) xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ha ha! Apparently it is Gem :)

I'll hang in there. Don't know what doc can do, but maybe there's a group nearby (unless you all fancy coming up north?? lol) where I can speak to people face to face :) xxx

Oops lol, I haven't been told off for saying that since I was little!! :p

The doctor will be able to give you advice at the least, or refer you to a stop smoking nurse/group which will definitely help you!!

I know you'll hang in there, you're a very strong woman and you won't be beaten by a plant!!

Ooh, something i've found helpful - you said about feeling jealous of smokers?

Next time you see some, have a look (don't stare obviously, lol) at them. Have found they look (generally) rather unhappy, definitely pale and with poor skin. Definitely not something to be jealous of!!

In fact, *they* are jealous of *you* - even when I "enjoyed" smoking if someone asked me "do you want to quit?" I'd have said yes, and now we have :D xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well said Gemma

As the circle of people I used to smoke with at work diminished,I always felt a pang on envy when one of them said 'Oh I have quit' :rolleyes: It was me and one other bloke who were left,and I thought 'I refuse to be the last one here smoking' so I quit too :D

A smoker-will always want to not smoke,though as a smoker we just close our eyes to the damage and smell and cost,we just kid ourselves,as we suck that blast of poisonous smoke in-tomorrow,next week,I will give up then,we think.Tomorrow is too far away,the time to quit is NOW.;)

Good morning to you too Max :) And thanks.

Maybe that's what's wrong. Maybe, at the moment, my eyes are still "closed". I look forward to opening them! Lol x

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Good morning everyone and well done to Sarah for being so very strong and getting through one more day.

Max I relate to your thoughts about being the last smoker, I was yalking to my daughter this morning (she smokes) about how few people smoke now, the quitters are more in the majority :D:D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Good morning everyone and well done to Sarah for being so very strong and getting through one more day.

Max I relate to your thoughts about being the last smoker, I was yalking to my daughter this morning (she smokes) about how few people smoke now, the quitters are more in the majority :D:D

The quitters definately seem to be taking over now! And there are a lot of "e-smokers" now too. I know it's very similar to smoking, but at least less and less people stink! :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good morning everyone and well done to Sarah for being so very strong and getting through one more day.

Max I relate to your thoughts about being the last smoker, I was yalking to my daughter this morning (she smokes) about how few people smoke now, the quitters are more in the majority :D:D

With my friends, most of us smoked when we were teens/early 20s now most of us don't :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

The quitters definately seem to be taking over now! And there are a lot of "e-smokers" now too. I know it's very similar to smoking, but at least less and less people stink! :)

Really can't believe 1) how strong the smell of smoke is on people - honestly I can smell it from metres away, just on their clothes and 2) how I must have smelled like that without being aware of it :eek:

Could smell smoke on my hands and stuff when I'd just had one but never thought it was so obvious all the time, makes me pretty ashamed actually.

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

it's not just on people. the car, the house etc, I can still smell it a bit in the house (only ever smoked in the conservatory) and that is despite cleaning frenzy. took a jacket out that I hadnt worn for a while-yep that stunk. I have done more washing and cleaning over the last 11 days than probably in all of 2013! I think i may bag a smelly piece of clothing up for when I have a weak day as I am sure that day will come for me too.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

My doctor's surgery is crap and the line is cosntantly engaged, so I've just been onto the Smokefree website and used the live chat to talk to an advisor.

She says it's quite normal to feel a bit low after the one month mark and that I just need to work my way through it by exercising, changing my routine etc.

I asked if my gp would be able to offer anything further to help and she thinks not. If I feel that there could be an underlying cause for feeling the way I have been, I should make an appointment just in case.

So, pretty much the same feedback as on here really.

Not sure whether to keep trying my surgery or just resort to believing that I'll get through! :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Not sure whether to keep trying my surgery or just resort to believing that I'll get through! :rolleyes:

You will get through it!! You saw the threads I was putting up about the same time as you are now and that seems a world away - not bragging just trying to help :)

I do think that what you're experiencing is pretty common, was told that when I complained about the same thing - think of it as Nic having one last go at you. You were happy before you started smoking, and you'll be happy now you don't, it doesn't add anything to your life, rather dulls your emotions instead.

You will get through it, you will feel better, you won't regret quitting!! On the other hand, if you were to cave you will spend years regretting it. Been there, done that.

If you do think there's another cause for feeling rubbish then definitely keep trying the GP, if not then use Smokefree's chat or they have a freephone number you can use and post here 'cos we want you to stay off the death sticks as much as you do!! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Not terribly helpful that was it Sarah :rolleyes:

There comes a time,when it becomes habit not to smoke.I think I am kinda in that phase now.It just doesn't register on my brain,to have a fag. I can do pretty much anything,bored,stressed,excited,and fags no longer figure.

Sarah you will get to such a stage-where you just no longer think about smoking.It may be close it may be some way off,but of all the advice I could offer,the main bit would be-time,let time do its magic-it will you know,if you let it. X

Max is right :)

You get out of the routine of smoking, it doesnt' register on your brain any more - there isn't a flash of light or anything but suddenly you realise you haven't craved or even thought about it for a long time.

Give yourself time (and a break from beating yourself up :)) and you'll be fine hun. xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Not terribly helpful that was it Sarah :rolleyes:

There comes a time,when it becomes habit not to smoke.I think I am kinda in that phase now.It just doesn't register on my brain,to have a fag. I can do pretty much anything,bored,stressed,excited,and fags no longer figure.

Sarah you will get to such a stage-where you just no longer think about smoking.It may be close it may be some way off,but of all the advice I could offer,the main bit would be-time,let time do its magic-it will you know,if you let it. X

Thanks Max. No, not particularly helpful but what else was I to expect? The only person that can make it better is me really.

It's comforting to know that you are now at this stage and I hope to join you at some point :) In the meantime I guess just reading lots of stuff on here and the rest of the world wide web might eventually stick in my brain again.


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

You will get through it!! You saw the threads I was putting up about the same time as you are now and that seems a world away - not bragging just trying to help :)

I do think that what you're experiencing is pretty common, was told that when I complained about the same thing - think of it as Nic having one last go at you. You were happy before you started smoking, and you'll be happy now you don't, it doesn't add anything to your life, rather dulls your emotions instead.

You will get through it, you will feel better, you won't regret quitting!! On the other hand, if you were to cave you will spend years regretting it. Been there, done that.

If you do think there's another cause for feeling rubbish then definitely keep trying the GP, if not then use Smokefree's chat or they have a freephone number you can use and post here 'cos we want you to stay off the death sticks as much as you do!! xxx

Thanks hun :) xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Now that is a quality post Gemma ^^^^ :D:D

Sarah if you keep thinking about restarting smoking,I promise that me,Gemma and Kat are gonna turn up on your doorstep,kidnap you,lock you in a cellar for 6 months until you get it into your head that your smoking of death sticks life is OVER!!!!!!

Haha! Poor Jonathan (OH). Actually, it'd probably be bliss without me stomping around the house with a grump on most of the time! Lol.

Sounds like a deal :rolleyes: xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Now that is a quality post Gemma ^^^^ :D:D

Sarah if you keep thinking about restarting smoking,I promise that me,Gemma and Kat are gonna turn up on your doorstep,kidnap you,lock you in a cellar for 6 months until you get it into your head that your smoking of death sticks life is OVER!!!!!!

Ooh YES I've always wanted to ride in a police car!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Ooh YES I've always wanted to ride in a police car!!

Oooh, didn't think of that. Yay, come and steal me away so I can ride in a police car! :D x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oooh, didn't think of that. Yay, come and steal me away so I can ride in a police car! :D x

Wonder if he'll let us have a go with the siren and stuff? x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Wonder if he'll let us have a go with the siren and stuff? x

He'll have to. I now have a pocket sized frying pan so I take it everywhere with me. Unless he wants a beating, he'll let us do whatever we like! :) x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

He'll have to. I now have a pocket sized frying pan so I take it everywhere with me. Unless he wants a beating, he'll let us do whatever we like! :) x

Ooh excellent, so he comes up to kidnap you, but we end up kidnapping him :D

Am liking this more and more!!

I will resist making the comment that is just begging to be made! You keep hanging in there Sarah, it IS going to get better, promise!

Ooh heck what have i let myself in for now?


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I will resist the comments that I could make too!!

(*stares into space,fantasising*) :D

What are you like? lol

I meant the car not anything else :eek::eek:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

So did I!!!! :D:D

Okay children, if you don't behave I'll knock your heads together.

Filthy behaviour ... ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Okay children, if you don't behave I'll knock your heads together.

Filthy behaviour ... ;)

It wasn't me it was him!!

*Runs and hides*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

get back 'ere!!!!!!!!!!!!!

far too often you run and hide Gemma Lou!!:p

You come along and lob a grenade in then leggit,I know your sort :D

and Sarah your frying pan is weedy now, wouldn't scare a hedgehog that!!!

I still don't know what I did wrong, that's why I'm hiding!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

get back 'ere!!!!!!!!!!!!!

far too often you run and hide Gemma Lou!!:p

You come along and lob a grenade in then leggit,I know your sort :D

and Sarah your frying pan is weedy now, wouldn't scare a hedgehog that!!!

*storms out and slams the door behind her, as she begins her journey to find a bigger weapon!!*

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

OMG don't encourage him :D

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

... she begins her journey to find a bigger weapon!!*

OMG don't encourage him :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Tehehe. I couldn't find bigger. Frying pan will do! :p:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Tehehe. I couldn't find bigger. Frying pan will do! :p:)

I think Egg was thinking of a different kind of "weapon" Sarah ;)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I think Egg was thinking of a different kind of "weapon" Sarah ;)

Ewww, people are rude here. I'm telling the moderators.

*runs out of room and slams door behind her*


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ewww, people are rude here. I'm telling the moderators.

*runs out of room and slams door behind her*


*Does her innocent look*

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

*Does her innocent look*

Pahahahaha! You're not fooling anyone lady :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Pahahahaha! You're not fooling anyone lady :)

Everyone says that!!


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Someone looking for a big weapon?


There he is!! ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

*Bites her tongue*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

**Struts up to Gemma and examines her face carefully**


"what's that between your teeth,that pink thing? Looks like- a WEAPON!!!!":eek:


*thinks* Max has obviously heard me when i go off on one :eek:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

**Gets truncheon out ***

"What's going on ere then!!!!!:mad: I hear Egg was on about someone waving their weapon about!! Indecent exposure will not be tolerated!! Except by me ;)"

You call that a truncheon?!

*Titters to self*

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Check this out then Sarah!!!


Jeeez ... poke my eye out, will you?! :rolleyes:

Okay Max, I get your point :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

If you hadn't come down to that level to have a close look then it would not have nearly poked you in the eye Sarah:D

(senses Mods moving in..)

Wasn't it nice to see some Spring sun,today :cool:


Yes, it has been beautiful :cool: I've actually removed my cardigan and have my window open this afternoon! :) x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

"Giggling at the law!!!! What is this!!!!! ":rolleyes:

"Under the 1998 weapon in a public place (section 2-fleshy protrudances) Act,this tongue is being seized.I understand it has been used to lash many people,causing GBH of the ear'oles. I am sorry Miss,but if you sign an undertaking this weekend to be of good behaviour you might get it back"

**Grabs Gemma's tongue and pulls**:p


nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Yes, it has been beautiful :cool: I've actually removed my cardigan and have my window open this afternoon! :) x

You're lucky, it's cold and wet here!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yes your tongue is cold and wet

Where has it been!!!!! :eek::D

In my mouth, now let go!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ok I will leave it-this time!!!!:rolleyes:

By the way Gem,your tongue is very nice and pink and un-furry and un-smelly,very much a non smokers tongue,am I right or am I right!!!!!:D

Taking Detective exams ,see.:D


It's staying that way too thanks to this place!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good grief, I go away for a weekend, come back and look at the state of you all!!!

Maxwell, keep your weapon to yourself and unhand my fellow Kernow Kwitter's tongue - it is only used as a weapon when the occasion warrants it and when dealing with some of you lot, it warrants it an awful lot!!!

Poor Gemma, ignore the nasty man, Aunty Kat will beat him up if he starts on you again!

Sarah, my angel, your thread was evidently completely hijacked by a lot of suggestive joshing, please accept my apologies on behalf of the Musketeers and I return it to your control, slightly soiled but as cleansed as I can make it :)

Ooh it's shocking isn't it Kat, *looks around disapprovingly*

You're back with your bat now so I feel safe from Max!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Fear not Miss

I protect the innocent and go after the bad guys-remember? And I usually get them,too ;)

Yay. I'm safe then!! :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Kat, thanks very much for saving my thread :)

I, of course, have nothing to do with the rude behaviour going on!

*points to halo on head*

How are you? Xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I, of course, have nothing to do with the rude behaviour going on!

*points to halo on head*

Course not :p

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Wiped hon but survived the weekend in one piece and smoke free so chuffed about that! Glad to see you're still going for it! xxx

Glad to see you are too!! :) Hope you recover from your weekend. We miss you when you're gone!! Xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You lickle Liar!!!!:eek:

On Saturday you said 'Yay Kat is away lets gossip about her and tell stories!' :D

*Is glad she didn't give Max her secrets*

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

You lickle Liar!!!!:eek:

On Saturday you said 'Yay Kat is away lets gossip about her and tell stories!' :D


That's one frying pan to the head you ordered? :eek::D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


That's one frying pan to the head you ordered? :eek::D

Ooh ohh can I have a go please?

Am in the mood!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

C'Mon Gemma have a go :D

My skull is 3" thick,hard to believe with all the brains inside but dont feel a thing :rolleyes:


I don't want to hurt anyone though, but i'd love to smash things!! :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

We've already established that's not where you keep 'em!:rolleyes::D

I saw a brilliant pic about that, but i daren't post it :p

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