Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for December 2009

Surprisingly satisfying

I met up for the annual festive lunch today with some of my female relatives. Si...


just found 16 in a bag.....someone tell me that I really really don't want to......

It just bites you on the bottom!!

Hello my lovelies My cravings have become less and less so when I suddenly do g...
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Before or after Chistmas?

Hi Everyone Well my story is that I stopped smoking on the 29th October this ye...

I Had a Dream.... I'm not turning into Martin Luther King...but I had the most realistic dre...
Atomicguy profile image

Another plus!!!

Well here on the sunny south coast we've had about 6 inches of snow :D Now, in ...

The minx returns.....

Well having fallen spectacularly from grace on my first attempt (breaking down o...

Forgot to put my patch on today...

Good afternoon all, I am chomping at the bit to get out of work today, it's bee...

Nearly 7 weeks!!

Can't believe it! Had awful cravings yesterday though for the 1st time in ages, ...

Back again.

Hi Everyone. Well im back. I quit smoking in May, for just under 3 months. I us...

Boredom and Anticipation

As a stream of consciousness type thing, just thought (waiting for a christmas g...

7 Months for Chrissie V

Good on you Chrissie, how fantastic are you - thought you might like a decent re...

Woo wooo 200 days

Hello All Two hundred days, I'll just say that again, 200 days since I last smo...


morning all just joined yuo today plan to be here a while keep up the good...

Some very strong urges today

Hi all! Well I have been doing very well on this quit. I am 5 weeks and some odd...

1st time here

Hiya guys this is my 1st post on here i quit nearly 80 days ago and have been st...

Hi everyone! I am quitting

Have not set the date, was planning the 30th Dec. But I really feel so strong ...

last day

hi all and bye I move into month 1 tomorra, some Iwill b joining some leaveing ...

Day 40... I think... counts...........yes day 40!

Hey all, Well done everyone you are a constant source of inspiration to me! It...

Hi all, day 29

Good morning all. I'm feeling very pleased with myself for making it this far. ...

Carbon Monoxide Count

I had my carbon monoxide test redone as its 6 months since my last puff down t...

Good quit smoking poem...

I won't copy and paste anyones good work so will link to it instead, but this is...

Where did the lardarse group go?

Was it removed? :confused:


Is anyone else *erm*:confused: suffering from this rather *ahem* embarrassing si...

Shocked at the price!!!

This may seem odd. But I was at a newsagent today buying gum and was totally sh...
Atomicguy profile image

Day 29

And I went out to the pub last night with a friend that smokes, and I got the od...

New Year Celebration

If i was to light up a cigar to celebrate the new year do you think that that wo...

Christmas Holidays

I've now found the Christmas spirit (it was hiding with my sense of humour in my...

Well done pol

Welcome to month 3 Pol. Its fun here if a little anarchic. Ive tried to keep eve...

Hello anybody there?

This room holds 6 - 11 months, where is everybody. M

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