Before or after Chistmas?: Hi Everyone Well... - No Smoking Day

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Before or after Chistmas?

nsd_user663_5972 profile image
16 Replies

Hi Everyone

Well my story is that I stopped smoking on the 29th October this year but something happened which I found difficult to deal with and stupidly started again on 27th November. I used Champix.

Very stupid of me and I really want to give it another go. Quitting though to me is mentally tiring and I was gaining weight very quickly which I didn't like.

The doctor's won't prescribe me Champix again due to cost - they say they will only allow people to try them once.

Last year, I quit trying to use patches and inhalator and again failed - lasted about 3 weeks.

My local Asda pharmacy offer a smoking cessation service and I don't know whether to try quit through the help of them. Really down to the fact that I didn't find the nurse at the doctor's very helpful or supportive.

I was thinking of trying lozenges and gum - has anyone tried this.

I don't know whether to do it now before Christmas or wait until the New Year. I don't want to be stressie and miserable over Christmas but at the same time I don't want to smoke.

What would you do?

Tinks x

P.S. Thank you to the Octoquits for still letting me in the gang!

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nsd_user663_5972 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Hi Everyone

Well my story is that I stopped smoking on the 29th October this year but something happened which I found difficult to deal with and stupidly started again on 27th November. I used Champix.

Very stupid of me and I really want to give it another go. Quitting though to me is mentally tiring and I was gaining weight very quickly which I didn't like.

The doctor's won't prescribe me Champix again due to cost - they say they will only allow people to try them once.

Last year, I quit trying to use patches and inhalator and again failed - lasted about 3 weeks.

My local Asda pharmacy offer a smoking cessation service and I don't know whether to try quit through the help of them. Really down to the fact that I didn't find the nurse at the doctor's very helpful or supportive.

I was thinking of trying lozenges and gum - has anyone tried this.

I don't know whether to do it now before Christmas or wait until the New Year. I don't want to be stressie and miserable over Christmas but at the same time I don't want to smoke.

What would you do?

Tinks x

P.S. Thank you to the Octoquits for still letting me in the gang!


Be strong, you've had a bad time on champix, don't do it again.

You know you put on weight and this makes you feel bad, so get the cruidite ready. Get ready to exercise.

When the quit is right it falls into place, determination, stamina, the willpower will be there.

Try going cold turkey, after 72 hrs the nicotine has left you system.

Perhaps also try not having a fag just for now and turning the quit on it's head and reminding yourself how fantastic you are to not smoke.

There's never a good time to quit, there's only the time when it's doable, when you want to be an ex smoker more than a smoker.


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Well my story is that I stopped smoking on the 29th October this year but something happened which I found difficult to deal with and stupidly started again on 27th November.

I don't want to be stressie and miserable over Christmas but at the same time I don't want to smoke.

What would you do?

Sorry to hear that you have started smoking again. It happens...not the end of the World. So, time to maybe try another solution. Having previously read Allan Carr's Easyway 3 years ago I know that at the time it really changed my perspective and rather than being all grumpy as in previous attempts I actually was quite cheery, (I didn't succeed althought this wasn't the Easyways fault).

You are right, no-one wishes to be stressy or miserable over Xmas and this maybe the perfect solution for you. His book should be obtainable in most High Street bookshops or through Amazon. Having said that I'm sure there's also one available on-line. Try googling Allan and then seeing what's available on his website. And as far as solutions go...there are a number of members who have attained their 1 year and further as reformed smokers.

Whilst you are keen to not being a smoker you may as well give this a go...nothing to lose really and everything to gain.



nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi Everyone

Well my story is that I stopped smoking on the 29th October this year but something happened which I found difficult to deal with and stupidly started again on 27th November. I used Champix.

Very stupid of me and I really want to give it another go. Quitting though to me is mentally tiring and I was gaining weight very quickly which I didn't like.

The doctor's won't prescribe me Champix again due to cost - they say they will only allow people to try them once.

Last year, I quit trying to use patches and inhalator and again failed - lasted about 3 weeks.

My local Asda pharmacy offer a smoking cessation service and I don't know whether to try quit through the help of them. Really down to the fact that I didn't find the nurse at the doctor's very helpful or supportive.

I was thinking of trying lozenges and gum - has anyone tried this.

I don't know whether to do it now before Christmas or wait until the New Year. I don't want to be stressie and miserable over Christmas but at the same time I don't want to smoke.

What would you do?

Tinks x

P.S. Thank you to the Octoquits for still letting me in the gang!

Hello my lovely, firstly well done you for not just going away. Look this is hard we all know that and every single person on here knows what you are going through.

I personally think you need to set a date and stick to it and frankly I would not do this over Christmas. Set a date for say January 2nd 2010. Get your patches ready, chewing gum, mints (whatever you need). Enjoy your Christmas but tell yourself that is it from your quit date you are never smoking again.

So my love give me your quit day and we will do it together, come on name the day sweetheart??

PS - Join the Asda do-da, you have nothing to lose.

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Thank you for the advice

Christine - your great, straight to the point, I think that's a great quality in a person. You are such a support to the Octos.

Right OK thinking about this, I don't want my first day of the quit to be the same day as my first day back to work. I return to work on the 4th Jan and want to have started my quit by then.

So 2nd Jan 2010 it is then!! That way I can be prepare better mentally and won't be the most evil stress head over Christmas.

2nd Jan it is BUT it is NOT going to be a New Years Resolution as I never stick to them!! I'll look it as a new year so a new Tinks?


Tinks xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Thank you for the advice

Christine - your great, straight to the point, I think that's a great quality in a person. You are such a support to the Octos.

Right OK thinking about this, I don't want my first day of the quit to be the same day as my first day back to work. I return to work on the 4th Jan and want to have started my quit by then.

So 2nd Jan 2010 it is then!! That way I can be prepare better mentally and won't be the most evil stress head over Christmas.

2nd Jan it is BUT it is NOT going to be a New Years Resolution as I never stick to them!! I'll look it as a new year so a new Tinks?


Tinks xx

Well the 2nd is it then and I in return will be your quit buddy! (which is like a stalker!). My only advice is be prepared with quit aids AND mentally and you will be OK. If you need Champix PM me, otherwise you need a plan.

So proud of you, however enjoy Christmas, smoke, eat and drink. Do not beat yourself up over the smoking as you have now made your decision.

xx Christine

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

in return will be your quit buddy! (which is like a stalker!).

Hi Tinks

Your are going to have so many keen interested helpful stalkers ;)

All the best with your plan. Someone somewhere has a link on here to the Allen Carr book. I've come across it but can't think where atm.

Prepare yourself well and stick with your plan.

You have a date. What's the rest of the plan going to be?

All the best with getting our head in the best place to face this/

Pol x

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Allen Carr Illustrated Easy Way for Women to stop smoking :

(was linked in the 'Help to stop' forum some time ago)

Tinks? Good luck.. but stick at it, reward is yours soon enough.

nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Good luck Tinkerbelle

I was in a similar position this time last year. I had failed after 2 months having been to a hypnotist. I wanted to quit again but wasn't sure about quitting before Christmas especially as I had my in-laws coming who are both heavy smokers. (as well as my husband!).

I set my quit date for Jan 4th as that was when I started back to work. Over Christmas I continued to smoke but I really thought about each cigarette as I smoked it and the chemicals and poisons that I was breathing in. I looked at my in laws who were wheezing wrinkled chain smokers and thought there was NO way I wanted to end up like them. Therefore I would have to quit at sometime so when the 4th Jan finally arrived I was really relieved that I could stop smoking at last.

I ended up going cold turkey as I hadn't been able to get to the shops to buy an inhalator - which had been my plan!

I have now been quit for nearly a year - if I can do it - you can! Keep reading all the posts and use this forum!

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

For the record I have an Allen Carr book (if anyone wants it, PM me and I will send it to you), frankly I thought it was a load of rubbish (for me) but it does work for some.

nsd_user663_6570 profile image


each time we stop we learn a lesson.. most people go through he stop process 3 imes before actually sopping for good... try not to think of recent atempts as failing but prep for this stop.. the stop to change ur life.

although I am into my 4th week of stopping using zyban i began rading alan carrs book last week... more for support than the stop factor as I knoww I am a NONSMOKER keep fighting and chose ur day to stop....

there is never a good day to stop, only you can decide.

maybe get allan carrs book its intesco, start reading and stop in new year or when u finish book

snding you positive thoughs

hope to see you on here again

sue x

nsd_user663_2146 profile image

Just keep trying!

Since i stopped, from 2nd Nov (So no expert really) I have come across situations that in the last couple of serious quits I let myself go and take the ciggy.

One thing i have learnt is, there is never a right time, the ciggy never actually helps in the end does it?

I have had some bad times, and have kept on without a smoke. The more bad time you come across the more you will learn and know that a smoke wont help.

nsd_user663_5991 profile image

Hi Tinkerbell

I quit back in October then relaspsed. I began my quit again on the 20th November and to date have been smoke free. I am feeling more positive this time as my hubby also quit so there are no ciggies in the house to tempt me.

Hubby is using patches but this time I have only used lozenges and most days are fine with this. My worst times for cravings are when I am at home [as work days I have never smoked from 8am to 5pm) still addicted to fags though. being on Christmas holidays has been a testing time and Christmas has been hard so haven't had an alcoholic drink. BUT...... it is five weeks now and I am still quit.

Have gained weight but am now going to address this by getting back to exercise in the new year using my summer holiday as an incentive.

Have to say having used patches in the past the lozenges are just as effective for me in fact I prefer them as I get a quick fix from them which calms me down and helps me cope with cravings.[ hubby uses both)

Didi you start the quit before Christmas or have you set a date for the new year. Just take it one day at a time, we can do it:p

nsd_user663_6570 profile image

i am half way through his book. no sure if it is helping but it is definatly keeping me on track. feeling strong into week 5 and have had some bad weeks with my cats if i can stop anyone can x:):):):)

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Tinks

Hope your preparations and plans for the big day tomorrow are going well?

All the best


nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Hey Twiks - very best wishes for tomorrow. I stopped just over 8 weeks ago. I'm getting those moments we're all familiar with, but I'm not smoking. I've smoked at least 20/day for the last 40 years and i tell you, it can be done, you can stop. you know how to - keep loggging in here, understand that you're going to get "those moments" and accept that you'll probably gain weight (I've avoided the scales for the last 2 months, but my belts have shrunk!).

BTW - "those moments" really are just moments..... not saying it gets easierf, but you do learn to recognise that they are temporary.

nsd_user663_6064 profile image

Hi Tinks

I'm so glad you are going to have another go - so good luck for today.

I have put on lots of weight as has Dee but we will be going on a special Dee diet on Monday - perhaps you could join.



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