Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for December 2009

49 Days

I have just worked out how many days i have been stopped smoking and cant believ...

lost count...

Hello... Well, after my slip up yesterday i have decided that counting the days ...

Weight gain.

115 days since I quit and I am still gaining weight. If there is one thing that ...
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Day one again & again :(

It's been 11 months now , trying to quit smoking ! Each time I quit for a few da...

day 19

hi all cant believe I am still here.. wwoooooo how all doing, margaet, Viv, J...

6 weeks

Quick update from me. On week 6! Stopped the champix a couple of weeks ago, not...

5 Weeks!!

5 weeks and I am still here and going strong! I am actually on my 3rd day of NO ...

I had to give in.....

and go and buy a bigger size pair of jeans this morning :( Only a cheapy pair s...

back to day 3 again

well, i tried to quit about a month ago and made it completely smoke free for 2 ...

3 months and not one puff yeah!!!

:DWell I must say it has been an interesting journey - ups and downs along the w...

Week 3, the scales are lying; But Thank You...

HA! Week 3... GET IN!! :p Still missing it, still wanting it, still getting gru...

36th Day... yay and boo...

Hello there!! Just reporting in on the 36th day!!! Yaayyy!!! Have a small conf...

OK, not going to wreck my nearly a month

Even though have had wine and sailor jerrys rum, and have just finished 8 days w...

Smoky fairy lights!

Earlier today I decided it was time to make it a bit more Christmassy in here, s...

Day three gone... horribly wrong

Reached day 3 today and woke feeling great - no 15 min wake up , jumped out of b...

Welcome Chrsitine, French & Elaine

Open the doors real wide and let the triplets stagger in...:eek: Plenty coffee ...

Hey my fellow octoquitters

Hey folks Wanted to let any of you know who i would have been chatting with on h...


Okay here we go if i have stopped for 1 month and 2 weeks or 46 days i would be ...


Help want a fag now!!

Nicotine gum??

Hi everybody.. i quit around 3 months ago i anyway early on in my quit...

100 days for Bevyorks!!

Well done that yorkshire lass!! 100 days quit.. and a nice smoke free christmas ...

Well hellooooooooooooooo EVERYONE

How are you all, i havnet been on line for a while as i have been very busy how ...

Yipeeeeeeeee day 36... but ohhh what a hangover!

Hey all, Made it through the christmas party ended up out clubbing and not a ci...


Anybody here? Tis a bit early so I'll just have a nosey around. Looks rather pl...

Err, is it ok to come in?

Well, I have reached month 2- accidentally busrt into month 3 room, quickly turn...

Month 5 complete, Hello month 6!

Wow that 5th month really did slip by rather quick.. things have taken rather a ...

Going okay!!

Hi folks, Day 4 for me and doing okay so far. Yesterday was the worst yet in te...

Day 30 for me :)

Hey guys, just thought i would pop in and say Hi :) Day 30 for me today and sti...


Another side effect that isn't much spoken of but happens is feeling emotional, ...

Day 35 in the no smoking house... (say in geordie accent)

Morning folks! Just wanted to say have a fabulous Friday! This is my party Fri...

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