Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

5,240 members32,489 posts

All posts for August 2007

thanx all

Just like to say thanks to every one on this forum. just getting into my 8th day...

This is why we need to stop

What it does

tender swollen neck glands

:( hi all i made it through my booze up last weekend, not a single pu...
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Nearing 3 months

hi wow just checked my stats, i couldn't believe it haven't looked at them for d...

Week 2 for me

Week 2 all all is well :D Does anyone want to join my stats wall? All in real ...

smokeless in canada

smokeless where are u havent seen any posts from you for a while, i hope u havn...

Day 1

This is my first day, there is a package of cigs sitting in front of me but I am...


Good morning Roxy x x Welcome to your day1 I hope the sun is shining for you, t...

Day 8 and feeling GREAT!!

HI DE HI EVERYONE (HO DE HO) I've made it to the second week on the list - that...


Dear Funkstar I have worked out that you have stopped smoking now for....(wait ...

For Buffy

Dear Buffy Because I think you're WONDERFUL

For Steveh Day 12

DAY 12 Got it right!!!!! Well done Steveh - you're fabtastic!!! Big Hugs ...

3 weeks today

3 weeks today, yippee yay yay yah, wooo hooooo!!!! LOVE IT !!!!!!!! I will cel...


Hello peps. I saw the vet yesterday and he suggested cutting down on the Champix...

Day 5 almost over

Hi everyone, I'm doing kinda good, no headaches, no nausea, no other special sym...

come to a decision (about time!)

ok so as many of you know I failed a couple of months ago.( I almost ended up i...

On my own

Gone all day without Champix and feel much better for it.Did this last time at d...

Where Are You Whiteboy? Dear Whiteboy If you a...

Sweet Tooth ( Again )

Hi each, Can somebody please try and explain why I suddenly have this sweet too...

8 Weeks today

Hello every1 well 8 weeks today, seems to have gone really quick since my first...

Made it to 3 weeks

Well I made it to day 21, At times I thought I would never do it but with your ...

Weird dreams

Morning each, I hope you are all well and enjoying the fresh air!! I had a rea...

20 days

Day 20 for me today, 3 weeks tomorrow, yippeee! Been alot more 'aware' of the q...

Day 7 by moi

Dear mateys Day 7 and I'm in......... Heaven, I'm in Heaven And I haven't had ...

For Steveh

Dear Steveh TEN DAYS TODAY ...

Day 7 and all is better

Well here I am on day 7. My day 6 thread below was taken over by people with swe...

For Whiteboy

Morning Whiteboy Day 8 and doing Greatttt!!

Day 9 Steveh

I feel very angry today! I am miserable!! Steveh was wondering how day 9 was f...

help I have had fag

Sorry to be a moaner but been down for a week or two. Partner has not spoke to m...


I failed. Too depressed, too easy for me to slip into that "i don't give a shit...

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