Day 9 Steveh: I feel very angry today! I am... - No Smoking Day

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Day 9 Steveh

nsd_user663_2142 profile image
21 Replies

I feel very angry today! I am miserable!! Steveh was wondering how day 9 was for you!! I need this day snowploughed for me PLEASE!!!!!!! Ugh - I feel so anxious and miserable and mad and irritable! GRRRRR!!! Will it ever end???:mad:

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nsd_user663_2142 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_1858 profile image

first 3 weeks was bad for me.

hang in there, month 2 is better. :D

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

MONTH 2??? OMG! That seems like ages away!

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Steveh I see you have logged out now! Too bad cause I was looking forward to your response!

Shall go curl up in a ball now and cry and have a small tantrum. I am on the edge with my nerves going crazy. ARRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!! What will I do? Crying in front of my step son is just not an option!!! Smoking a cig is not an option either!!!!!!!! Thinking about 2 months down the road makes me more upset cause right now I am feeling that i will never get there. I was in my backyard earlier and my chair (outside set) has a cig burn it in that has just happened and obviously not by me which makes me even more upset!!!

I hate this day! I hate this day! I hate this day! I feel HORRIBLE!!!! Typing in here to distract my cig thoughts is not helping me but I will continue to yammer about nothing to you all. You probably don't care what I have to say cause it's all gibberish crap and I'm sorry! DAMN NICOTINE!!! It's a demon from HELL!!!!! I HATE THIS DAY!!!!!!!!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

it's just around the corner x x

You are having your ups and downs x x

Each down brings twice as many ups x x

the downs get less frequent and the ups become a way of life x x

it's exponential hang tight sleep early and keep busy your doing great x x


nsd_user663_2142 profile image

I am not feeling like I am doing great!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Pick up your purse, NOW!!

go shopping x x x

from a mag to a top piece of clothing anything!!

Get up and change your mind set.

do something different x x

Don't get in a rut x x

If you can't go out go grab a piece of paper.

Write on it or

draw on it or

fold it origami style :)

Click out of this,

your worth it,

x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1966 profile image

Hi Nosmoke. Sounds like you're having a truly bad day. It won't alwsy be this way. Just look at the general tone of the messages on here and know that these days happen but they are not the everyday rule.

Am not sure what time it is there right now but on really bad days I'd go to bed early and just try and sleep it off. If it's just too early for that DO SOMETHING.

It can be anything vigorous and absorbing. Paint your shed, scrub the bath, paint your front door. Doesn't matter what just do something absorbing and the more vigorous it is the better.

Success in quitting smoking is about getting exactly these sort of days and when you wake up the following morning feeling better - it feels great.

By the way - it is absoutely acceptable to get on this BB when you're having a bad day and have a good old rant about it. That IS what it is here for and I've had a real good rant when I've had bad days. I'm on day 64 now and my rants are becoming less frequent all the time.

Good Luck


nsd_user663_2142 profile image

*sigh* I listened to you Buffy! I went out and bought 3 pairs of pants, 2 t-shirts and new nail polish. I bought the manicure set for my fresh clean nails and fingers that are free of smoke. Sucking on a lolli-pop now and feeling still in a sad state, but much better than before! I cried to hubby today two times and he just stood there and rubbed my back until I was finished my crying spurt. He smokes and has never attempted to quit so he can't truly understand what I am feeling. Well it will soon be bedtime for me and tomorrow WILL be better. I didn't crack today and I am VERY proud of myself. Thank you sooooo much guys for getting me through my roughest day yet! I don't think I could have gotten through today smoke free if it weren't for you guys! HUGS!! Thanks again ;)

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Stick with it. I am just 7 days in.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh I am sooooo Pleased for you no smoke x x x x x x

Well done for hanging tight and staying strong x x

Hold your head high and smile x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Good morning NS4M and welcome to Day 10! many apologies for not being there yesterday, it sounds like you had a very tough few hours. It also sounds as if you got through it with a little help from the great people on here and your own guts, will power and a couple of retail-related items!

Day 10 is better than Day 9 and my guess is that Day 11 is going to better than Day 10.. Day 12.. how long shall I go on here, this could be very boring ... :D

I'm ploughing away here NS4M and I know you're coming up behind me pretty fast pushing me along so we're going to do this together, ok?

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

What an inspiration !!

NS4M - what a fantastic inspiration you are !!! I've only just had chance to catch up on some of yesterday's posts (I was on the train either to or from London for a large part of the day) and saw you at your weakest.

And what happened ???

You got through it !!!!

I know you had loads of support (at home as well as on here) and I know you probably spent all of the money that you've saved !! But WHO CARES ABOUT THAT ?!?!?!?! We all care much more about you not smoking than we care about you buying a few "essentials" - and we all care much more ABOUT YOU!!!! Beautiful, non-smelling, non-smoking, healthy lunged YOU !!!!

Well done for not showing any signs of cracking !! Sorry I wasn't about yesterday ! But whenever I play "catch up" I will always be about to support you in any way that I can !

Good luck today - I hope you're feeling much much more like yourself !! :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Aw Max you should of popped by for a tea :D heehehe

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

I'm always either going or coming back !! I spend about 2 or 3 days a week in the big city - so maybe next time I will !! We can sit outside and have a fresh air break together !! (although I'm not sure that there is any "fresh air" left in London !!:p

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

alfresco would be lovely darling, only it keeps p***ing down with rain :p

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Thank you all so much for being here for me! DAY 10!!! WOWWWEEEE!

Steveh, thank you for ploughing through and yes I am right behind you giving you a boot in your behind to keep up the fantasic job :D

Buffy, You are my rock! I don't even know what to say to you!!! You are SUPER and I truly believe I would have failed yesterday without you! Hugs!

Dickyboy, you were so right about sleeping it off! Today seems to be a much better day! Thank you! :D

Westham, Hang in here - Steveh and I are pushing through the tall grass for you and clearing the path! Please don't get distracted from my previous post - it was such a terrible day for me! Great job by the way!

Max, you really were with me at my lowest! :o Thank you for all of your compliments that made me feel so good to read. I am so happy to have you here for me and I will be more than happy to return the favor for you on your rough and terrible days (hope you have none).

You all made a difference for me yesterday and I apologize for the low and awful post! I am very ashamed, but I am so proud that I came to rant here than light a cig.

Thank you all sooooo very much!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:D Oh it's sooooo nice to hear you happy again x x x x x

You are so welcome x x I am so pleased you came through that low x x

Good on you!! Your the star !! ;)

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Brilliant NS4M! I'm really happy you are having a better day today..

I was worried when you didn't appear today but I shouldn't have been should I;) You are going to be fine:D :D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

No smoke soooooooooooo sorry I missed your bad day and so pleased you got passed it you are a true star. Keep up the good work Linda xxxxx

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hi Linda,

It's okay I managed with the help of this forum to get passed that terrible day. I didn't have the best day today in the afternoon, but I am feeling a little better now. I almost slipped - I had hubbys brand new pack in my hand opening it when he grabbed them from my hand and tossed them (the whole brand new pack) into the pool. So I didn't smoke! Was mad at hubby but then i had a bath came downstairs and thanked him. The whole pack was wasted - but they were his and he did it soooo i guess its okay!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Bless him x x x

That was a big thing for him to do!!

He obviously wants you to do this and

believes that you have the strength were he doesn't.

He may find the same strength in the future, you are an inspiration to him,

Bet he is dead proud of you x x

~Buffy x x

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