help I have had fag: Sorry to be a moaner but... - No Smoking Day

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help I have had fag

nsd_user663_1733 profile image
11 Replies

Sorry to be a moaner but been down for a week or two. Partner has not spoke to me for allmost three weeks feel so depressed and the fag thing is doing me in been thinking about it 24/7 again. Today I got 10 fags and had one cant really say I was sorry But been trying to do the garden get my mind off it but just came in because I really want to smoke again I feel like crying I am so mixed up. Sorry every one feel really low at the miniute Linda xxx ps this is nothing new with my partner he offten give me the silent treatment But think I am getting to old to be bothered

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nsd_user663_1733 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Oh Linda, this is a horrible horrible addiction, is sh*tty and cac and i hate what it does to us.

After so long a smoke must've tasted soooo bad.

I remember when i stopped for 5 months, the first cig made me feel sick for about 4 hours after, but i still smoked again.

Its a vicious cycle and will never stop unless u stop it!!

Did the cig actually make you feel better and make your probs go away?

Throw them away and get back on board!!!!

I know you can do it.

Just think if you give up and smoke again, in another few months you'll just want to stop again and have to start all over again.


Sorry to be harsh, hoping a strong talking to is what you need!!!:o :o

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Heya Linda x x x

If he is being arrogant tis his fault :mad:

Don't let him drive you back! does he know you smoked?

I mean is it like 'look what you've driven me too!!'

I only say that because in hindsight I think that is why i blipped.

My partner was driving me to despair, not talking to me.

I think that is why I did it.

Now we are good again I have no desire to smoke!

Spend sometime on your own and write down a list of before and afters smoking wise, if you want to smoke again you should put as much forethought into as you did before you quit!

Don't drive yourself mad over this just be realistic x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Linda

Really sorry to hear how low you are feeling wish I could give you a hug. When you quit you really meant it, and you have meant it since for the last 6 months. When I get stressed the first thing that comes into my head is I need a cig - as I was a stress smoker. And it's remembering that whether you smoke or not the situation you are unhappy about will not alter one jot because of a smoke - the cigerette will not remove the problem or stress and it will still be there when you stubb out your end.

We are all so proud of you and how far you have come - you are an amazing inspiration to all of us. Are there some friends/family you can see for a hug and support?

We are always here for you.

Big Hugs xx


nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Oh Linda,

Blokes can be real arses cant they. In a previous life I started again in the 'look what you have driven me to' way that buffy talked about and then in the ' you might have stopped on zyban but **** you I'm starting again to wind you up' way and was still there about 3 years later until 50 days ago.

You are doing so brilliantly well, please be strong and dont continue to smoke as a result of HIS behaviour. You have stopped destroying your health, your wellbeing and your mind for yourself, not him.

Will having a fag change anything? Or will it miraculously sort out all your problems. OF COURSE IT WONT (sorry to shout).

Keep strong you are a star


nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi Linda,

So sorry to hear about your lapse, I know how hard it is sometimes especially when you have got trouble at home. Bloody men, I think we should have a category on the forum just for us to have a moan about men when they get on our nerves!

Don't worry about your little slip up, just put it down to experience and show him that you are not going to let him make you give in.

Hope things start to look a bit more rosey soon for you honey,

stay strong,

Befly x x:D :D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Thank you all so very much. Have not had anymore and not sure if he knew or not. I am going to try and continue with quitting its been more than 5 months and its not been easy so dont really want to give in now. Its just I been a little depressed for a few weeks and it feels like its getting worse sometimes but you guys really give me strenth so thank you Love Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Good for you Linda.

You're the best!!!

Hugs and Hugs


nsd_user663_1858 profile image

please don't smoke any more Linda,

Letting nicotine in your body will not make things any better.

Just keeps that little demon alive.:mad:

Hope things get better.:D


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Thank you all so very much. Have not had anymore and not sure if he knew or not. I am going to try and continue with quitting its been more than 5 months and its not been easy so dont really want to give in now. Its just I been a little depressed for a few weeks and it feels like its getting worse sometimes but you guys really give me strenth so thank you Love Linda xxxx

I wouldn't make this a quit issue x x

I would visit my GP and explain how I feel.

It is all too easy to take the world on your shoulders,

stop for a moment and see that you don't have to.

There are answers out there that you haven't seen.

Stay strong and open x x ~Bufy x x

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

hey linda, just want to offer you my support and say dont worry about your blip, and im sorry youre feeling so low, like the others have said maybe you would benefit from a visit to your gp to talk things through.

your partner is being very unfair doing what he is doing to you, it obviously puts you under pressure and thats just not fair on you, no matter whats gone on it shouldnt be worth putting you through three weeks of silence, thats just cruel.

hugs to you, Charlene. :o

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

Not talking to you isn't a punishment......

Well done on recoving from your blip Linda. We've all wanted to smoke at some stage - so think of it as a reminder of why you don't want to smoke, ('orrible taste, smelly breath, stinky clothes/hair) rather than an excuse for starting again.

When 'im indoors isn't speaking to you (which is just a bit crazy to me cos me and Mrs Lucious never don't speak to each other) - remind yourself that him not speaking is giving you the chance for some peace and quiet.

I'd quite like Mrs Lucious to not speak to me a bit more often if I'm honest (don't tell her that I said that)........

And if you started smoking again to spite him for not speaking - just how successful was it ?

Anyways, well done on the recovery. Be strong. This is the place to do it !!


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