Day 7 by moi: Dear mateys Day 7 and I'm in... - No Smoking Day

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Day 7 by moi

nsd_user663_2133 profile image
30 Replies

Dear mateys

Day 7 and I'm in.........

Heaven, I'm in Heaven

And I haven't had a cig for a week (though twice a couple of puffs)

My clothes and hair don't seem to reek

And the futures looking rosy and not so bleak!!

Ha Ha

My hub has just popped home on the way to work and handed me a french stick.

'Don't say I don't give you anything'. he mumbled and zoomed off in the car. Now what was all that about??? He doesn't remember about the no smoking thing and to be honest he's paying little attention unless I get the mad desperate ciggy look. Anyway yummy french stick for lunch - fine by me.

Have a smashing day all.

Matthew's got his first session with councellor today so hope it goes well.


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nsd_user663_2133 profile image
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30 Replies
nsd_user663_2156 profile image

Hi PoppyFairy,

Sounds as though you are a happy non-smoker!!

I am on day 4 at moment and feel absolutely fantastic. A couple of my work colleagues have just been outside for a smoke and all I can think is poor souls, still having to poison their bodies. And they stink!! Just makes me even more determined to never smoke again.

Have a great day and stay strong

Mark x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Congratulations Poppy! your a Star x x

Whats your 1 week treat poppy??

Good luck with Matthew x x

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Well done Poppyfairy.

We have to go to the big "Week 2" playground tomorrow.

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

Well done !!

Well done Poppyfairy and WHF !! Fantastic achievement to get to day 7 !!!!

I'm actually starting to enjoy it when I smell people walking past me at work who STINK of cigs - or when someone is talking to me and they are quite close by. Their breath SMELLS !! It's perversely quite satisfying to know that they stink (and they know they do but they find some rubbish way to excuse it to themselves) and that my breath is as fresh as the last (new) liquid filled opal fruit (sorry that should be starburst) that I just ate.

Smokers. They make me SICK !! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!! Dontchya just hate em ?!?!?!:mad:

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Errr. Max. Me also. I just thought I was being self righteous, and maybe I am but it makes me smile.

Why did I waste a fiver a day on cough sticks when I feel great now (well most of the time).

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Thanks everyone that's so nice of you - I'm crying at the mo. Just took Matthew to to dentists and he went crackers. The dentist kept us waiting so long and they know Matthew and Jessi cannot cope with waiting. By the time we got into the room Matthew was on the rampage - trying to overturn equipment etc. I was on my own with them - first time I risked taking them alone and NEVER again. I'm not sure if he busted the Dentist chair - didn't hang about to find out. But whilst we were in there he pulled so much of my hair out, and I have 3 five inch scratches that are bleeding on my arm, and bruises on my legs again, and he broke my spare glasses so I've got no specs at all now. And the dentist and his nurse looked at me like a mixture of pity and get the hell out now. I was so upset I thought I was going to cry in there, but held it together, though i couldn't talk to the Dentist much in case it came out as a sob.

When we got out I checked the appointment time in my diary - and I had got it wrong it said 10.50 - but the nurse had rung yesterday giving me 10.20am which is what we went for. So if I've guffed up I'm sorry but someone could have said 'Oh you're a bit early Mrs Lockwood' but no-one did.

Hey ho role on 2pm when the councellor arrives. I've got her riot gear ready - just in case!!!

Hope you're all doing well.


nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Well done Poppyfairy!!!!:D :D

Maximus, you are soooo right.

I find myself walking down the street or at work thinking...

"Ha ha you stink" or "Ha ha you look really stupid with that white stick hanging out of your mouth" or "Your hooked and i'm not na na ne nah nah :p :p "

I'm going to have to be carefull not to actually say it to anyone and get a punch for my comments.

Hardest will be my sister, i haven't seen her in the 3 weeks since i've given up. I was going to go around to her house last night (but change of plans) and i was dreading being around a smoker and coming home stinking of cigs

uuuurrrrggghgghh !!!!!

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Thanks everyone that's so nice of you - I'm crying at the mo. Just took Matthew to to dentists and he went crackers. The dentist kept us waiting so long and they know Matthew and Jessi cannot cope with waiting. By the time we got into the room Matthew was on the rampage - trying to overturn equipment etc. I was on my own with them - first time I risked taking them alone and NEVER again. I'm not sure if he busted the Dentist chair - didn't hang about to find out. But whilst we were in there he pulled so much of my hair out, and I have 3 five inch scratches that are bleeding on my arm, and bruises on my legs again, and he broke my spare glasses so I've got no specs at all now. And the dentist and his nurse looked at me like a mixture of pity and get the hell out now. I was so upset I thought I was going to cry in there, but held it together, though i couldn't talk to the Dentist much in case it came out as a sob.

When we got out I checked the appointment time in my diary - and I had got it wrong it said 10.50 - but the nurse had rung yesterday giving me 10.20am which is what we went for. So if I've guffed up I'm sorry but someone could have said 'Oh you're a bit early Mrs Lockwood' but no-one did.

Hey ho role on 2pm when the councellor arrives. I've got her riot gear ready - just in case!!!

Hope you're all doing well.


Stay strong Poppyfairy

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Oh poppy, please don't cry, you will start me off!

You cope so well, I feel very ashamed of myself when I read what you have to deal with. Please don't let it get you down though I know it must be so very hard. Maybe things will get a bit better when Matthews counsellor has been!

Good luck this afternoon honey,

find some really yummy filling for your french stick babe!:D

Befly x x

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Oh thanks Befly

You've made me feel better. I've just spoken to Matthew's solicitor and she's taking charge of the all nonsense (with his education and LEA) now she's back in the office - so that is a relief as she's so brilliantly amazing and stands for no nonsense from anyone. I did feel like chucking the whole High Court case in but after 15 months of fighting I can't do that to my boy - I have to see it through to the very end and whatever will be will be.

I've just got to email some stuff to the solicitor then I shall have a cheese and pickle bit of french stick and then a mad tidy up before the counsellor arrives.

Thanks Befly - loves you to bits.


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

My wife is a teacher in a school that includes everyone. They have a sensory room with lights and soothing music and soft mats. It is very theraputic. The school believes in including everyone in mainstream education.

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

poppy, your strength leaves me speechless... literally...

so there.

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

poppy, your strength leaves me speechless... literally...


Hear hear Steve. I can't add to that without getting soppy and start talking about things i don't understand, but Poppyfairy you MUST be a very very strong and very patient person!!!;)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Poppy

So very sorry about all your stress you make me want to shake myself

Hope all gose well this afternoon and very well done on your first smoke free week Love Linda xxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

My wife is a teacher in a school that includes everyone. They have a sensory room with lights and soothing music and soft mats. It is very theraputic. The school believes in including everyone in mainstream education.

Our Surestart centre has a sensory room, man they are so lovely!!

I like the colour changing bubbles tubes and the fibre optic lights!

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Our Surestart centre has a sensory room, man they are so lovely!!

I like the colour changing bubbles tubes and the fibre optic lights!

The school one cost tens of thousands. As you say, bubble tubes, soft pulse and chasing lights, spinning disks that change colour, fibre optic err things.

soft music and furniture.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

The school one cost tens of thousands. As you say, bubble tubes, soft pulse and chasing lights, spinning disks that change colour, fibre optic err things.

soft music and furniture.

Great chill out rooms :D albeit very expensive ones >_<

If you get like loads of compo Poppy, you could build one at home :eek: how cool is that?!

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear All

Thank you so much for your words of support - so much needed just like a big plaster and a cuddle.

When we go to the High Court it is not to get compensation - the money we have spent to try and get Matthew the education he needs we will never see again. Though our LEA admit they have no school for him they are refusing to fund him to go to a school in the neigbouring county which spe******es in children like Matthew and it's only £8000 a year more than a normal LEA special school - which does not cater for children like Matthew. We are just trying to get our son an education that's all.

Regarding the sensory room - well I have the Occupational Therapist coming from Social Services next week (having waited a year for her) to assess Matthew's needs and one of them is to apply for a government grant to have a sensory room built for him. We have tried putting sensory areas into our home for Matthew but it doesn't work as his autism wont allow it. In his mind the rooms are already designated ie a sitting room is to sit in, not to go in the corner and throw cushions or listen to soft music when angry. he needs a total space with a door he can bang shut and throw stuff about without hurting anyone, nice soft lights as he loves those and lots of classical music mixed in with elvis (and Mika). So fingers crossed, we have to ask for it - they may well say no but we wont know unless we ask.

The counsellor has just left. It was not so good. It's really obvious he needs someone who really understands his disabilities and sadly she did not. Lovely lady but just no understanding so questions she asked him and stuff did not help him. He went bonkers at one point which scared her. So whether we continue or not I'm thinking about but I think it's a no. There is just no one I can find with the right experience - but I'll keep hunting. The good thing was she asked him about Marcus (daddy) and Matthew said some wonderful things which he is unable to manage normally - just would never occur to him to say such things - more like I want to pull your head off and fry it in the oven.

Anyways all is relatively peaceful at the moment in the fairy household so I'll sit here for a little while and catch up with you guys.

Loves yOu all


nsd_user663_2115 profile image

To think that I've been complaining...........

Just a quick note and a big ehug Poppyfairy. I've had some difficult days - especially lately - but you may rest assured that your strength during this difficult time for you and your family, puts my own "complaints" in context.

Be strong for Matthew and for your family. We'll be strong for you.

Big hug



nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Maxiumus I think you're name is just so excellent. If I ever had another baby (which I'm not going to) I think I would have to choose Maximus Luscious - just brilliant - makes me smile every time I see it.

Thanks lovely - feeling sooooooooooooooooooooo much better now. Sorry to go on and moan, I don't mean to.

How has your day been there. Any work getting done - well yes cos you're working on us!! Ha Ha


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I was aware of the courts for education not compo was just being dreamy :D

But you may actually get some help to get a sensory room :eek: how cool is that?!

I hope it comes together x x

Sorry about the councilor lady. Hopefully someone else may be refered as I am sure there are a great deal of people that have experience in Matthews needs.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Thanks Buffy. But believe it or not there are hardly any people who have the experience to deal with children like Matthew - he has 6 disabilities - and the complexity alters how he is managed. We have to go to Canterbury in January to see a Psychiatrist as he is the only one who has the right experience and knowledge to see Matthew in the whole country (other than 2 others who are professors and don't see kids so much anymore).

How are you Buffy my lovely anyway? I hope you are really well. How's the weather now - have you still got the heating on? It's lovely here today and I just pulled all my winter jumpers out!!!!


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Yes I am good tody the heatings on and the rain has petered down my windows all day not bad for NOVEMBER!! :mad:

Poor Boudee she must be up to her neck in it :D

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Ooooo I know. We were just looking at going to the beach on Monday/Tuesday staying in a Travel lodge but are now reconsidering as according to the weather it's looking like it can't make it's mind up - ie the weather man doesn't know either so he says it's both to get away with it.!!

I was wondering about somewhere like Coventry or Sheffield or somewhere. The beach would be nice but only if the weather is ok. I don't expect it to be St Tropez or whereever in France but dry would be good - it would be very good.

Just eaten 2 massive chunks of chocolate (belgium) which has gone straight on my legs coz I can feel it - wobbly wobbly.

I fancy doing something quite mad but I don't know what.

Is it the Nottinghill Carnival this weekend by any chance??? Where abouts it London do you live. I lived in London for 22 years - in Finchley Central, Edmonton, Enfield, Tooting Broadway and Balham. But had mates all over.


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

indeed I am going to Carnival Sunday :D yay

I'm st johns wood just by primrose hill so not too far from notting hill

And hampstead fair on monday weather permitting :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

I had some friends in Primrose Hill and in Hampstead. I loved Hampstead. I have been to St Johns Wood several times before - had a friend Maureen who lived there for a bit.

I never managed to get to Nottinghill Carnival as I was the manager for Knickerbox at Marble Arch for several years, and also Laura Ashley on Regent Street, so was always working over every bank holiday and weekend as it was the busiest times. I always felt I missed out. However I managed to get to Trafalgar Square for 4 new years celebrations travelling home by the dreaded night bus, once an hour jobby. That was fun!!


nsd_user663_2092 profile image

Hi Poppy ,

Jut been reading the threads and Im sending you loads o hugs, dont worry, tommorw's tommorw. Diffiuclut times are like thunderstorms, they come and go. sometimes they leave and all is well but sometimes they go and times seem harder but in the end, all is ok, it always is.


nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Ahhhhhhhh it's so good to hear from you Mr Funkmunkstar.

How are you now you're at home from the USA? Hope you have had a good first days holiday with the family. I bet it's good to be home. Thank you so much for all of your support and sorry to bore you with my stress, but thanks so for caring as it makes all the difference in the world.

It's bedtime for the kiddies now - which is actually always a good time as the routine is so strict so they feel safe. Loads of stories and snuggles.

loads of hugs


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I had some friends in Primrose Hill and in Hampstead. I loved Hampstead. I have been to St Johns Wood several times before - had a friend Maureen who lived there for a bit.

I never managed to get to Nottinghill Carnival as I was the manager for Knickerbox at Marble Arch for several years, and also Laura Ashley on Regent Street, so was always working over every bank holiday and weekend as it was the busiest times. I always felt I missed out. However I managed to get to Trafalgar Square for 4 new years celebrations travelling home by the dreaded night bus, once an hour jobby. That was fun!!


:D cool!! it's a small world! I love that laura Ashley building x x

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

I had the great priviledge of working for Laura Ashley for, in total, 7 years and loved every moment. Back when I was 17 the skirts were all gypsy and floral etc. and wearing Laura was the best thing ever especially as we got free uniform allowance and I would have never been able to afford a Laura dress on my wages. But | started working for LA just before Laura dies and then Bernard (her hubby) took over for a few years and then it sold out. Once they sold the company it all changed and they tried to become like Next etc and it just hasn't worked and now their identity has gone. The florals are not there anymore, not the country loving ones just bold and brash. And when Laura and Bernard ran the company everything was made in Wales, absolutely everything, and now it is made in Hong Kong and many far east countries. Carno, in Wales, was Laura Ashley world so when the factories closed down it shattered the community. Laura and Bernard also looked after all the staff really well, it was like a family feeling - we had great incentives - if we sold a ballgown, shoes, bag, and jacket we got a free ball gown too!! (not that I had anywhere to go to wear such a beautiful item). I still have quite a bit of Laura in the house and I still look for the old stuff on ebay.

Oh those were the days!!


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