How many times did you visit your GP before you... - My Ovacome

My Ovacome

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How many times did you visit your GP before you were correctly diagnosed?

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37 Replies
linziepops profile image

I was very lucky that my GP correctly diagnosed an ovarian cyst on my first visit. Within a week this had been confirmed with a scan and at the beginning of the following week I saw the consultant for the first time.

Suzz profile image

I went to the out of hours service when I discovered thatI had a hard lump in my stomach area and he arranged for me to see a consultant within 10 days. Everything moved really quickly and I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and an operation booked within a few weeks.

sherbert1954 profile image

I was diagnosed with a cyst and fibroids 3 years ago and my (lady) doctor wanted me to have a coil. I didn't want to take that route as my sister died from cancer and I was worried about the hormones. She more or less dismissed me.

This February I returned with a huge swollen abdomen and a different (male) doctor sent me for the scan that led to the TAH and chemo. Hopefully, he will have saved my life.

Lindasha profile image

I was very ill and couldn't eat but no one was able to identify what was wrong with me. I had loads of strange symptoms but no one made a connectionwith ovarian cancer. A CA125 test did not even show anything to be wrong. If it had not been for a radiologist with a keen eye spotting something pressing on the drain from my kidney when looking for something else I don't know how long it would have taken to get a diagnosis. My GP was great just not equipped to spot the symptoms.

Thankfully I am now finished chemo and looking for a good outcome.

saraht62 profile image

I went to my GP with all the typical symtoms of Ovarian Cancer and with a history of bilateral breast cancer at an early age and they still didn't click!! I was being tested over and over for a bladder or pelvic infection! Even my private oncologist never thought of doing a CA125 test when I had my 2nd breast cancer to see whether maybe I had it anywhere else.. I startet having symptoms from my Ovarian only 2 months after finishing my breast radiotherapy.

All 3 cancers were primaries.. I now know I have a BRCA1 gene mutation.

Luckily I had googled my symptoms and suspected Ovarian and went back to the GP to advise him what I thought I had. He was very condescending saying 'oh do you dear, and why do you think that!'

I've been on constant treatment since being diagnosed 2 half years ago.. but still determined to stop the blighter. I now have the help of the Royal Marsden Sutton.. fantastic hospital.

Keep smiling and always looking forward.. one day they'll find us a cure :-)

Irene profile image

I started peeing loads and thought I had a bladder problem. Also felt a dragging sensation and discomfort in my abdomen. Went to gp who examined me and said I had some pelvic inflammation. Told to take some pain killers and give it a few weeks to see how it goes. I guess I sort of knew that something wasn't right and whatever was wrong was serious. I took myself on holiday for 2 wks and then marched back to gp to ask for a scan. Saw a locum who examined me and asked me to go straight away to be scanned. Went straight to hospital, they phoned by gp then I was back to hear the results. An appointment was then made for next day at gynae and I was taken in four days later to have a full hysterectomy and my ovaries removed. I'd presented all along with classical ovarian problem symptoms but unfortunately they weren't picked up. I had the CA125 blood test in advance of the op so they knew what they were dealing with. After the op I had 6mths chemo on carboplatin and then a couple of years follow up appts with oncology. Both my daughters are alert to the risks of this cancer and have routine checks with their docs.

Suzy profile image

I saw a series of doctors(GP plus hospital doctors )over a period of 11 months. I was presenting classic,text book symptons but was not diagnosed until stage 4 /advanced was reached. They all decided that it must be a bowel problem , even though I kept telling them that I had no bowel symptons.

<b>Updated on Aug 11 2010 7:45PM:</b> It was not until the results of bowel tests came through .......showing guess what ........ that I had no bowel problems that any of them started to listen to what my symptons actually were.

stingrae profile image

I was totally misdiagnosed by my GP. Eighteen months later after moving to France I was offered a scan on the first day of meeting my new French GP. France saved my life. After a total radical hysterectomy and nine months of chemo I am back in the UK as my family wanted me to come home.

dianesayers profile image

I lost my mother to Ovarian cancer and during that time no-one told me to get checked. I visited my doctor at least two dozen times and was fobbed off mostly with the comment - its your age!!!!!

dianesayers profile image

So a year later I was finally diagnosed after I moved from Essex to Dorset. (I was admitted to hospital with a collapsed lung)! Within three days I was having chemo.

<b>Updated on Aug 11 2010 9:03PM:</b> this has returned this year and am on my third chemo. - treatment - I can only say my present doctor is great and the hospital too.

gill057 profile image

I was treated for IBS for 10 months even though i'd already had ovarian cancer. None of the doctors i saw associated my symptoms with my previous cancer. I eventually asked for a scan and blood tests and this showed that my cancer had returned. I'm now having my 3rd chemo treatment and chemo has kept my condition stable for the last 5 years.

wendydee profile image

I'd had heavy periods, probable endometriosis, pain during ovulation and sometimes during sex for several years and had been to the GP for these and was prescribed tablets for period pains. I then started to feel extremely tired, and was diagnosed with anaemia and given iron tablets. It was put down to my job (I was a head teacher). Then I started getting heavier periods, flooding and every 3 weeks. It was put down to the menopause (I was around 50 at that time). I then started having times when I felt as if I was going to passs out and had to sit down with my head between my knees when out shopping with my friends on several occasions. I was diagnosed with anaemia again and given more iron pills. My migraines increased in intensity, I experienced aura with those for the first time, and my migraine medication was changed. Finally, the summer before I was diagnosed, I experienced feeling full after eating only about half my usual amount, inability to walk up hills without feeling faint and needing to stop and put my head between my legs, and an urgent need to go to the loo immediately after eating, some backache and extreme tiredeness. I went back to the GP again and she said it was probably menopausal but she would send me for a can to see if my fibroids had got worse. That was in the beginning of November and I thank God for the sharp eyes of that radiologist. I had another scan, then an internal scan, then a gynae appointment, all within three weeks. I had my op at the beginning of December, when I was 52, and I had ovarian cancer in both ovaries and the omentum. It hadn't spread though, and I didn't need chemo or radiotherapy. The hospital have been marvellous in following up and I'm still monitored yearly with a CA125. My GP surgery still won't discuss having Ovacome BEAT posters in the waiting room!

vickixx profile image

The first time i visited my Dr he gave me tablets for heart burn but never even examined me. Two weeks later i returned to see a different Dr i told him i was bloated and felt pregnant but knew i was'nt. He examined me then did a water test he called the hospital and had me admitted that was on the friday i had a xray then a ultra sound scan and a ca125 test and then a ct scan i was told on the tuesday that i had a 23cm growth on my right ovary and that they were 90% sure it was cancer i then saw a gynae on the thursday who did a full hysterectomy the following thursday that was 7 weeks ago today i am now at home waitin for a colonoscopy to see if it has spread to my bowel as this is the only other place that has not been tested. the treatment i have received has been fab from start to finish i feel very lucky that it was caught before spreading to other organs and as of yet no chemo has been needed xx GOOD LUCK TO ALL TO CONTINUE TO FIGHT THIS ILLNESS XX STAY STRONG XX I AM A CANCER SURVIVOR XX

lvernam profile image

Hi, I was diagnosed following my routine cervical smear - how lucky was I! My cancer had spread within my pelvis and hence the results on the smear test. Within 14 days I saw the consultant and within 8 weeks had surgery and have now started chemo. My treatment and support has been second to none. Thanks to all at Lincoln County hospital.

lyndhurst profile image

like ivernam I was having a cervical smear when it was found, but thankfully was on 6 monthly smears as had had one abnormal one. everything happened very fast, ultrasound at the time which confirmed a large suspicious ovarian mass,CT scan the next day, consultants clinic a week later and surgery a week after that. had a full pelvic clearance(hysterectomy, ovaries, omentum appendix and lymphnodes) and was found to have very early cancer in 1 ovary. the dr decided to then do a follow up laparoscopy 10 weeks later whihc confirmed all was clear so didnt have chemo, but its still been a long haul to get back to full time work as the first op took 7 hours due to scarring from a previous op for an ovarian cyst. care from Mr Barton and Dr Lofts and team at St Georges Tooting has been fantastic, and Ca 125 down to 7.

Lupatria profile image

I had mid-cycle bleeding on two occasions and after the second time my GP decided to send me to hospital to see if I had another problem. After my initial visit I was booked in for a D&C but they also wanted an ultrasound scan done before.

I was sent home when I turned up for the D&C as they'd found "something on one ovary" and it was about a month later that I went into hospital for an exploratory op. Mr Scott, my gynie, was absolutely fantastic. He found that I had the early stages of a fairly rare form of ovarian cancer and did a total hysterectomy although I had had my "tubes" removed several years before following an ectopic pregnancy and lesions.

Everything was clear and so I was fortunate not to have any other treatment although I had to have a CT scan every year for 10 years [changed to ultra-sound for the last three years]. All scans were clear and I was discharged in 2005 - much to my relief.

The care I received from Mr Scott and Poole Hospital was second to none and I will always be grateful to my GP, Dr Seal, at The Adams Practice in Poole, for diagnosing ovarian cancer at such an early stage.

ce53 profile image

Two years after surgery and radiotherapy for breast cancer i was alerted to a family link for BRCA 1 ( my uncle had been diagnosed by the Royal Marsden). I was found in 2007 to have this genetic fault and was referred to a breast surgeon and a gynaecologist. I chose to have surgery to remove both my breasts and ovaries as my chances of cancer were extremely high. I had a full examination and mammogram (which was showing all clear) prior to having the double mastectomy and reconstruction by a wonderful breast surgeon to whom i am extremely grateful. My appointment with the gynaecologist consisted of a few questions regarding the genetic link and was told to come back after recovering from my breast surgery and i would be booked for removal of the ovaries, probably by keyhole surgery. I had no examination, scan or blood test at any time from this initial appointment in 2007 until my next appointment at the beginning of 2009. I had my breast surgery in the summer of 2008. In Dec 2008 i had my final oncology check for the initial breast cancer and was discharged as clear from cancer. I was asked about my breast surgery and my forthcoming removal of ovaries but again no examination, scan or blood tests. Over the Christmas time i was feeling slighty bloated and not eating too well but this was common with side-effects of constipation from medication i was taking. At the beginning of 2009 i made an appointment to see my gynaecologist to arrange for removal of my ovaries. By the time i got to see him i had some discomfort in my lower left pelvic region and mentioned this to him. I was examined and he felt a mass and immediately followed this up with a CA125 blood test and scans. The sad story is i was then diagnosed with stage 3, grade 3 ovarian cancer. I had immediate surgery for a full hysterectomy but also removal of tumour attached to the bowel and removal of the omentum. I had tumours in both ovaries and one fallopian tube. This was then followed up with chemotherapy from which i had a very difficult time. This has devastated my life and the lives of my family...knowing i had this genetic fault why was i not given even a simple blood test to check for any signs of cancer. If this had been diagnosed earlier my chances of survival could have been greatly increased. My cancer has now returned and i am just starting a new course of chemo. My biggest fear now is for my beautiful girls, two of whom have been diagnosed already with the BRCA1 gene. I want to know what screening will be done for them but as far as the ovarian cancer is concerned apparently there is no screening planned.

Meryl profile image

I went to my doctor with back pain and generally feeling unwell. He examined me, sent me for a scan. One week later recalled to doctor with diagnosis. Saw specialist two weeks later and after various scans, tests, 4 days in hospital to drail the fluid, 4 days in hospital to have a laparoscopy and referral to consultant oncologist he confirmed Stage 4 and I started chemo 8 weeks after my first GP visit. It really couldn't have been quicker, more efficient. I continue to receive excellent treatment and care from all the professionals and only wish it was as good for everybody.

suse profile image

I went to doctors because i was very bloated,had heartburn and poor appetite,he sent me straight into hospital.Had a ct scan next day and 2 days later was diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 1c. Had fluid drained off ,then 2 months later had hysterectomy and omentectomy,6 weeks later started 6 cycles of chemo.Just finished treatment and there is no trace of the cancer .Now on 3 monthly check ups. I had excellent care and i am so glad the gp acted quickly.

Beekeen profile image

I was 28 weeks pregnant when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The tumour was 4.4lbs when they removed it and they managed to keep my daughter in me during the operation ect which was amazing. I spent the rest of the pregnancy in hosptial and was induced at about 38 weeks. The tumour had already burst insdie me which has already left some very rare tumour cells spreading and attaching themselves to all my vital organs. There is nothing they can do but they do not seem to be causing to much of a problem apart form pain. My daughter is happy and healthy and I am grateful everyday for having her. I did have a full hysterectomy and I am on HRT which is fine and working, I get migranes and joint pain but thats it. I was 24 when I was diagnosed in 1999 and have had many operations and other problems linked to the cancer and I also have a blood disorder too. I new nothing of ovarian cancer before I was diagnosed and wish that I had been more aware, I was told that falling pregnant problerbly saved my life . I did not know about this site and I think its great and must be such a help to so many people, this is the 1st time I have found people to talk too and who really understand. Thankyou

jill profile image

Looked eight months pregnant and felt very ill, but kept being told it was ibs or a bowel problem. Only when scan revealed tumours did I see some action!

jape profile image

I was treated for bowel problems after I got huge & bloated in just a week. At the weekend I was in so much pain so I went to the local hospital and was told by the doc on duty that I should go home, drink plenty of milk and have some antacids, which he prescribed, and I would be OK in a few days . . . if only that could have been true !

The next day I saw a different doc at the hospital who could see something was very wrong and the next day I was admitted to a larger hospital, still thinking that it was just an easily treatable bowel condition. . what a shock to be told that I had ovc. All I could think about was that ovc is called the 'silent killer' I am still here, over 5 years later, although the cancer has just reared its ugly head for the 4th time. I was OK for 2 years after my op/chemo and devastated to be told that it had come back yet again when I went for my check up.

michelle2 profile image


My cancer was found by pure chance. I had always wanted children, but unfortunately I didn't meet the right man till later in life, I am 47. I was considering having a child and went along to the gyni to discuss, and mentioned that I had a heavy period. I was given a ultrasound a year ago and nothing showed, except for a fibroid and was given the advice that I probably wouldn't be having a child. I went away but was conscious of my fibroid. Although my periods were fine until some 10 months later, when I again had another heavy period. I went back to the gyni, seeing if I could have a coil and mentioned that I had had a slight pain on my right side, I had another scan immediately and it was found I had ovarian cysts along with the fibroid. I had a fully hysterectomy two days later. It was then found I had grade 1 in both ovaries and womb. Shocked! I have now had 5 sessions of chemo and last one to go. It has all been a whirlwind and I cannot believe the low awareness to this disease compared to the awareness of breast cancer. I'm suffering with chemo brain and can't remember a thing, which is frustrating and a bit low. Its good to see so much advice on here. It helps. I am just getting nervous coming to the end of the chemo and looking to the future.

janbeegee profile image

Ultrasound in March showed 'clear' but my CT scan 6 months later showed 14cm mass spread to uterus. My GP surprised at the difference

chipsgraham profile image

I went to the doc hoping i wasn't wasting his time with heart burn and feeling fat. I was really lucky. My doc said you are eating the wrong foods, you drink to much. Ok, get on the bed He said. He felt my tummy and he and I knew straight away something was wrong. Thank god HE took the time!!!

Hales profile image

kept on treating me for IBS!!!

I went to my GP because I was spotting blood and was post menopausal. She fast tracked me for an ultrasound and cystoscopy, but thought it was probably kidney stones. Saw the Urologist in October 2009 and the cystoscopy was clear, however he arranged for me to have a scan and I was to be sent a follow up appointment. I hadn't had an appointment sent by December although I had phoned twice to ask if it was usual to wait so long. I guessed that everything was clear on the scan. Went back to my GP in January 2010 and explained that I hadn't been contacted and when she investigated she found that the scan had shown something on my ovary but it hadn't been followed up. She was furious and got in touch with the Gynecologist who arranged to see me within the week. More scans and blood tests and a laparoscopy and I was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovca. Spread to my bowel, liver and diaphragm. Had extensive surgery in April this year and have just finished 6 lots of chemo. I received excellent care from the hospital it was just a shame it wasn't followed up back in October 2009 although I don't think it would have made much difference as the cancer had spread so far. Had my scan 4 weeks ago and it was clear and my CA125 reading was 8. Life has changed for me now and I know if it comes back I will fight it again, but secretly I am so scared. Just waiting for my 3 month check and scan in January 2011. Will I spend the rest of my life feeling scared?

ihearthomos profile image

I had a 25cm ovarian "cyst". After it was removed in September it was sent to be looked at (standard procedure) during this ovarian cancer cells were found. It took the hospital 7 months to actually remove the cyst - when first discovered it was only 10cm, I was told it would probably go away on it's own. It's been almost a month and a half since I was diagnosed - I am due to have my right ovary removed soon with the possibility of a full hysterectomy. Doctors think the cancer could have spread, I will be having a CT scan next week to check.

I am 20.

ElizabethJane46 profile image

I visited my GP initially on two occasions with breathing difficulties & lethargy (due to my unknown 14cm tumour) to be told I was overweight and anxious.

I saw a locum GP for the same symptoms, constipation and abdominal pain. I had relief when I ate processed food like burgers so was advised to eat more burgers and come back if the pain continued.

I return to my GP with all the above symptoms. My GP diagnosed me as depressed and offered me anti-depressants as there was nothing more he could medically do for me. He never once examined me.

I was so anxious after this experience as I knew there was something wrong with me.

3 months later, I was in so much pain that my sister (a nurse) examined my abdomen and said I was pregnant as she could feel a mass.

It was only then that I saw another trainee GP who had been working on a gyne ward who examined me and fast tracked me.

pixie profile image

It's shockingly awful that so many women wait so long before being diagnosed! I was lucky (!) as I was diagnosed very early after an emergency op to remove a twisted fallopian tube.

anni profile image

I thut am the only person left dissapointed by my G.P.

Am 27 years old married with no kids,i went to see my G.P in 2008 to spik to her if she can look more into why i was finding it difficult to get pregnant.she carried out several blood test which showed everything was alright with me and so as a result,she asked me to have a transvaginal scan to check if all was ok inside me.the scan came back and as suggested to me by my G.P,i had a 3.1cm which she claimed was endometriosis. she told me it's nothing to be afraid of since every woman has it as long as they ovulate. I was then told by this G.P whom i did trust soooooo much to leave it for some few months and see if it will go away. 3months after that,i visited her again and had another scan which came back with 3cm,meaning the endometriosis had reduced by G.P again assurred me its good news and that the fact that its reduced means its endometriosis(which i stupidily believed).the strange thing about all this was i wasn't having any endometriosis symptoms at all and so it was a bit baffling to me.(i thut i was just a lucky endo the last scan ,every attention was directed to why i wasnt getting pregnant so my G.P advised my hubby and i to go and give it a try and till we recieve an appointment to the fertility clinic. This took between a 2oo9 to 2010 may.sadly for us we had decided to move to oxford and so we couldn't attend the appointment with waited for so long since it coincided with our moving date. I registered with a new G.P as soon as we got to oxford and luckily for us she did not delay but referred us to the oxford fertility clinic (5months which is early compared to my old G.P) since i was so desperate for a baby so much that she just couldn't handle my preasure.i had a consultation at the gynea clinic to have a laproscopy ,hesteroscopy dye and then remove the 'supposed' endometriosis so that i can go ahead with IVF.the date for the sugery was in 4-6months from october 2010 but luckily for me i was called in 2weeks after my appointment to come in for my surgery.(reason being,surgeons were clearing a backlogg be4 2011 since there were too many people on the waiting list).i had the sugery done on the 7th/11/2010, had a call for 2 appointment two weeks after my sugery, 1, with fertility unit and on 26th, 2,with gynea-oncology on soon as the lady said gynea-oncology,i knew something was verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry wrong.i went to the fertility appointment and the specialist said 'have you heard from any body after you surgery? i answered no,but i've been told to attend a gynea-oncology appointment on monday. she said,'well its not in my position to tell you but the report i have here says what the surgeon took out wasn't endometriosis but its cancer,from my report i understant u will have another surgery but i dnt know if u can still go ahead with the fertility treatment since the will have to take one ovary she was talking i streched my neck and saw ''stage 1A (dats all i can remember).she continued,the report shows it's good it was found cus it's at it early stage and so you need to go to the gynea-oncology clinic since the will be able to explain it to you more in details.the long and short of this story is that my G.P miss diagnosed me and i had no symtoms at all.At the moment ,am waiting for my appointment on monday and all am hoping for is the don't waste time and just start treatment.I can't really seem to place my finger on how am feeling since am still waiting for my monday interview but am quite positive its a stage in my life i need to go through just to make me a better person and talk to other women about my experience since i have never c0me in contact with anybody with cancer glad i have found a place where i can just come and pour my heart out.xxxxxxxx

MargaretJ profile image

The trouble is neither of us had realised that the bloating and farting were not a symptom of advancing years. It took inability to eat at all that did it. After all my dad experienced both the former 2 symptoms so it was hardly indicative of ovarian cancer!

Maz13 profile image

GP kept telling me I had IBS. Eventually diagnosed because I went for a gastric band operation in a private clinic.

Pinzerino profile image

'I promise it's not cancer, you're too young'

Elizabeth profile image

One appt with my GP after asking the right questions and examinating me a urgent ultersound referral was send the process was very quick.

lady doc did ca125 straight away.... hospital took longer to sort out!

Presented to my GP with swollen abdomen and change of bowel habits (I thought I had an ovarian cyst) my GP asked 'could it be gas'. After telling him in no uncertain terms it wasn't gas he gave me peppermint tablets and said if it wasnt any better next week he would refer me. I insisted he referred me that day, I would go private. My daughter was getting married in 10 weeks and the outfit I had bought didn't fit even having lost two and a half stone. I looked like I was about to give birth (I had 13 ltrs of fluid draine a few weeks later). I'd told him all this, he referred me to gastric but I couldn't get an appointment for 5 wks. He sent me to hospital as an emergency the next week. Seen by a general surgeon who ruled out gastric or bowels and sent me home telling me he had reffered me for an emergency CT scan which took place a week later. The wheels in the NHS grinds very slowly sometimes and not the most patient person it seemed to be very slow indeed. Once treatment started things did move more quickly. Have had 4 cycles of chemo with 2 to go and had TAH 5 weeks ago. Can't believe how little I knew about ovarian cancer.

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