How old were you when you received your cancer ... - My Ovacome
How old were you when you received your cancer diagnosis?
Please select one:
I'd be interested to know how representative this poll is against National recorded figures - it could just be that the high proportion of younger women reflects access to the internet and attitudes to discussing things more than truely showing the spread across age groups. Any thoughts?

Joelle, you have hit the nail on the head! Its going to be really interesting to see, and we plan on doing a comparison against national norms at the end of the month.
Yes, I agree. I was surprised to see such a high proportion of women in their 30s.
I was diagnosed at the age of 35 (20 years ago) and was told that it ovarian cancer was rare for that age group.
I, now, use computing and the internet more or less every day. It may be that many women of my age do not use a computer on a daily basis.
Well, I am in my 50s and definitely use all the technology available. I also read a lot and discuss things with my networkm of friends..........I don't know what more I could have done prior to diagnosis to keep myself aware of any potential health issues. I suspect that there may be a counter effect that when you are young and in your 20s or below, it never occurs to you that you might get something as scary as cancer and so possibly ignore any possible symptoms.
I ticked 30's but as it was only 3 days after my 30th birthday I perhaps should have put 20's !!!!
Oh well either way I'm there
My experience in a Leeds Teaching hospital was never to meet anyone under 60 in clinic with ovarian cancer ... all the other patients always thought I was the patient's daughter. In a hospice where I also spent some time, I was asked to do the female patients nails by a couple of the older patients. They had no concept that I was also extremely ill. I was 41.
I was 46 and extremely startled to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer, as I'd never heard of it! Well, I have now
As the number of women who have completed the poll has increased the spread is starting to look more like I would have expected. Interesting stuff.
I'm 20, but looks like I have had it since I was 19.. Its rare for my age to be tested. When I was in and out of my doctors complaining about problems I was constantly sent for pregnancy tests as I'm 'of pregnancy age' and was also told it was just a hormonal hiccup. I was told cause I'm under 50 and have a baby then I'm very very unlikely to have it, it wasn't untill they couldn't think of anything else that they tested my blood and my ca125 came back at 197 and they saw a large tumor on my left ovary. I later found out that they had seen this at 2 previous scans I had for 2 miscarriages I had after having my daughter in november 2009 but because my age they passed it off as normal cysts without even testing. Maybe that's why the number are so low, simply because my age group just get passed off as hormone problems.
I have been diagnosed with rare type of ovarian cancer in my 30's in December 2010. By me was suggestion PCOS because i had elevated androgen level but after surgery histopathology results showed a tumour which produced male hormones - Sertoli Leydig tumour. Transvaginal ultrasound scan showed a cyst with 2 chambers of irregulat thick walls. In my case CA-125 marker was in the norm when i have been diagnosed with this type of ovarian cancer.
It seems according to this vote more women in their 30's are being diagnosed than in their 60's and 70's, this makes me wonder why I was overlooked at 5 gp appointments, 3 A&E visits and 2 gynaecologists when I was showing every symptom going because I was too young at the age of 33 to develop oc.
Perhaps some of the lovely people on here are correct about older people not being internet friendly enough to vote on this poll. Either way I was shocked to see the proportion of women in my age bracket that have been diagnosed after my experience.