How did you hear about Ovacome (this forum)? - My Ovacome
How did you hear about Ovacome (this forum)?
Please select all that apply:
It was at the yearly BRCA meeting
Searching for support groups on diagnosis.
Searching for info on PPC
From Malecare Cancer Support
Just a chance mention as I went out of the door
Finding this site has been a great source of encouragement and advice from some lovely ladies around the world..Thank you Lorraine
When it first started, from a friend on the mac site
From Macmillan nurse at first consultaion with surgeon
Found when searching for support groups. Also saw an information board when I attended my first chemo.
I found it from being on the Macmillan forum
A leaflet was given to me at my first appointment with a chemo nurse along with some Macmillan booklets. It took me a while to cotton onto the website though, my oncologist didn't know about it. It has been a huge help.
Saw a London Marathon runner in an Ovacome T-shirt in 2014 whilst watching my son-in-law run it.
looking for support group on line, thank you google!
Searching on Google for answers.