Do you take part in any patient voice/campaigni... - My Ovacome
Do you take part in any patient voice/campaigning activities?
Please select all that apply:
Yes, Other- I blog about awareness share through facebook & twitter. Anytime I can have a one on one with a woman or even a man I educate and encourage to have a baseline ultrasound done so that they have a good starting point if / when things start changing.
I share info with my Dr's to make them aware as well. I actually had one PA say to me- well they removed your ovaries so you don't have ovarian cancer any longer- how uneducated is that?
Cancer research patient participation forum
I am involved in the Ovacome Survivors Teaching Students project and also managed to place symptom leaflets in my GP surgery.
Yes, I take part in Ovacome's Survivors Teaching Students programme.
Ovacome Survivors Teaching Students programme; patient voice in a clinical trials unit; patient voice at a pharmaceutical conference
I've also just been given permission to talk to my school colleagues about oc and the symptoms to watch out for.
Hello Humbug12
Thank you for your reply - I'm sorry for the delay in responding to you, I've been on leave. If you would like any of our BEAT materials to support your talk, please do get in touch with me, either through the forum or email or call 0800 008 7054. I hope your talk goes well - thank you for helping raise awareness of ovarian cancer.
Best wishes
Ovacome Support Service Manager